FTB Building Community

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, and welcome to a little thread I made for people to share building ideas, theme, color schemes, and anything else they can think of to help the community grow and learn! please leave anything you would like to see in the OP(original post, or the post you are reading right now) in the thread and i will see what i can do.
share what information you have to give
suggest improvements in a polite manner
ask questions on how to go about building the structures you desire

pester people to build X for you or to ask them to make a tutorial on Y for you constantly
Insult people on their work
advertise map building teams(there is an entire thread for that made by @goreae)

Hope You Enjoy!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So well I will share a bit of info :p Most of them are wellknown but I am sure it will end up helping out
Corners don't look too good on many build. Try to replace them with fences or sideway stairs (I know carpenter's block can make those)
Chisel makes cobble look fairly good for a beginner base
Roof made out of stairs give a good older style look to builds
checker makes a better floor than (or then cant remember) plain
Avoid cuboid house. a 9x9 can have all its wall split in "3 out 3 in 3 out" (---___---) making it a nicer shape (but you loose 12 blocks of liveable space...)
Windows, with trapdoor on the outside. So easy but so much nicer...
Avoid plain basement walls. Add a column in those corner piece or a horizontal strip all around
Torch don't always look so good. Simple alternative are lamp from railcraft which are just awesome
Upside down stairs looks good around ceilings

I love the look of origin grass for a front door garden

A tip to learn how to build nicely: Watch some vanilla video of great builders. This will help you a lot. (got on my mind right now: Keralis, Jeracraft and Madness64)
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Jul 29, 2019
I personally think most building is all to do with layering. Microblocks makes this incredibly easy, indents and bevelling is what you need to do to get rid of horrible blocky structures ;). In vanilla this is done already with building tricks usually revolving around stairs and slabs.

Here is an example of somewhere I have done this. You can see how I try to bevel pretty much everything to give a panelled effect :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd suggest making a bunch of walls in creative mod each column having its own building materiel so when you are ready to start you can easly make a color scheme


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As mentioned above layers are a brilliant way to make a building look impressive. For those who dislike microblocks (or like me, find them to become laggy once used too often) look to vanilla items for usage. Stairs upside down make a good edge to a roof, fences can be used as thin wooden pillars, or as a wooden trellace up a building.

If you have a large building of one colour which looks a little imposing try adding leaf blocks running up "hidden" logs, one log can have leaf blocks coming off it for a good amount of blocks and is easy to hide either under the leaves themselves or within the wall. Make the leaves multi-layered to give a bit of depth and have them crawl up the side of the building. Cut out holes for windows within them and it will give both your windows a feature and make the house look alot more detailed with very little work.

Just because we have chisel, do not forget decorative blocks included in many of the mods, MFR black brick varients are too often ignored and even on default their texture is quite nice, even when used in large amounts. Another example of this would be maricultures limestone bricks, both the large and smaller versions have very clean and detailed textures that look good even on default, it makes a brilliant alternative to marble when making Georgian/Victorian style buildings.

Thaumcraft candles look amazing placed on tables around a fantasy styled house.

If using default texture pack, avoid large use of minecraft "brick" blocks, when used too much they will confuse your eyes causing the building to be almost painful to look at. Break this up with the leaf method above and some wood and the building will retain its steampunk/industrial theme without looking too "busy" to the eye.

Railcraft smokers are woefully under used. Use them more!

When designing an interior do not miss out on various features even if they serve no purpose, fireplaces, bathrooms, carpets ect all add to the "wow" factor of a building and quite often can be made into functional things through creative use of mods. Fireplace concealing Smelters can serve as a place for cooking your foods!

Pillers can be inside too. Break up your walls with supportive pillars. Same applies to roof spaces, use beams of logs going in a criss cross pattern across the top of your walls then build the roof ontop of them, leave the gaps inbetween empty and youl have an impressive roofspace.

Chisel those bookcases! All "chisel" bookcase styles have a connected textures, allowing you to mix and match them to create some pretty impressive librarys.

Design your buildings with a 2 block high "space" between floors. This allows you to run pipes and wires out of sight, and keep your areas uncluttered with messy conduits.

Buildcraft Floodgates will pump more than just water...Any liquid in the ore dictionary is possible. Lava lakes, glowstone lakes, rivers of AM2 Liquid essence...you name it.

If you have the statue mod, glowstone retains its light level even when made into a statue.

thats all off the top of my head, once my servers back up i might come back with some pics and tips :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Clever use of microblocks can help hide unavoidable holes in the wall. I had issues with the vacuum hoppers from my sifting area. I only had a 1 block thick area to work with to place the hallway where I wanted. To fix that, I created "modern art" to hang on the wall and disguise the unsightly holes I would have otherwise.

2014-07-12_04.49.02.png 2014-07-12_04.48.29.png

You can use microblocks and patterns to greatly improve the aesthetics of a build. The first is a plain old entrance way into my seared stone castle, with pavers for the floor. In the second, I've dressed up a similar entrance through the use of microblocks and some plants along with using complementary color to offset the monotone look. Much improved, I think.

2014-07-12_04.53.37.png 2014-07-12_04.53.58.png


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seems more than half the FTB community doesnt even bother trying to make their builds look decent, they just claim a lack of creativity and proceed to build a big square room and tinker around with pipes and wires all day. They dont even try. I do not see the point of playing this game unless building is the number 1 priority. Not to say I dont enjoy futzing about with machines.

Anyway what I am trying to say is theres no set rules, all you have to do is try. The most frustrating moments Ive had in minecraft was when I keep trying and failing to make a build look perfect, placing and breaking blocks again and again. The most fun Ive had is when I just build randomly, visualize an idea for a moment then start building. if it doesnt turn out perfectly, so what? Just keep going.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
What I really don't understand about people's creativity. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've never understood the belief that creativity is finite. As if it's a limited resource which must be recharged by rest or such, like hunger or energy.
How is it like that? Is it not just thinking in a certain way? Is thought also a finite resource? Not last time I checked...
Granted, there is of course burnout, where you've played the game too much, and just don't feel like playing. That's different. It's not an exhaustion of your "playability" resource, simply you don't feel like playing THAT game any more.
People always say "Oh, I wrote a story today, so I don't really have enough creativity to make anything in minecraft!"
Jul 29, 2019
What I really don't understand about people's creativity. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've never understood the belief that creativity is finite. As if it's a limited resource which must be recharged by rest or such, like hunger or energy.
How is it like that? Is it not just thinking in a certain way? Is thought also a finite resource? Not last time I checked...
Granted, there is of course burnout, where you've played the game too much, and just don't feel like playing. That's different. It's not an exhaustion of your "playability" resource, simply you don't feel like playing THAT game any more.
People always say "Oh, I wrote a story today, so I don't really have enough creativity to make anything in minecraft!"
I think the main reason for that argument is at it's simplest level there is no point of building anything in minecraft in most cases. This is why to be truly "inspired"to build you have to make yourself believe what you are building is awesome enough to continue doing it. If people find it hard to sustain their creativity in building in my opinion to best way is to build in bulk. I do not think one can sustain inspiration in a project if they only spend say 1 hour every once in a while. Do the hard grind for a while and take a big break :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Occasionally, I will watch some of those beautiful time lapse videos where people build huge detailed structures and cities around a theme using creative mode. I will never be one of those people. My brain doesn't quite work that way. I do however pick up a few pointers on how things go together well and incorporate that into my builds.

I myself am a spatial reasoner. I can see in my head how things fit together and what needs to go where in order to fit things in a specific space. I also don't always get things placed well the first time through. Sometimes I tear the building back down, or leave it semi functional for a while, then rebuild it layer when I feel I have time to futz with it or it finally annoys me enough that I have to do something.

In my AgS world, I have all this built out and well planned design going on, then in one section, I just have a royal mess of ME cable and pipes and machines, where I have just needed something and plopped it down where there was space. I will eventually build a section out and move the machines there, but it sometimes takes a while.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I think the main reason for that argument is at it's simplest level there is no point of building anything in minecraft in most cases. This is why to be truly "inspired"to build you have to make yourself believe what you are building is awesome enough to continue doing it. If people find it hard to sustain their creativity in building in my opinion to best way is to build in bulk. I do not think one can sustain inspiration in a project if they only spend say 1 hour every once in a while. Do the hard grind for a while and take a big break :p
Aye, I agree with you, mostly, but that's a different matter. Inspiration levels are different to people just flat out saying "nope. can't create. Done that today already."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Creativity as you explained it in your post j485 , and only as you explained it, can be seen as finite with inspiration being the fuel. People who spend their day needing to be creative (i myself, working as a concept artist are by profession forced to be creative day in day out) will sometimes feel a burn out following a big outburst of creativity. I tend to get all my good ideas on paper early in the day and spend the rest torturing myself to get just one more good thing out before the end of the day. I know that if i didnt design my minecraft stuff on paper first, so i had that idea already placed as a real tangible thing that i can reference and come back to then id never get anything built as i would get half way through and lose the energy to continue.

Alot of people get intimidated by it, there are quite a few people who cant grasp the idea of what something will look like "when its done", instead they see it as it is now and until thats changed thats how it will always look.
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Well, as a concept artist, I suppose you're the most qualified, as such, to talk about creativity :D

But I've found that just continually thinking about something always yields results. be that a quick image search to see how others have done it - this is different to my normal inspiration, as I already know what I want to do, I just need to know how.
I think that's just it. The how and the what. the what is the inspiration, and that's something big and often vague, then the how is testing, research, and spontaneity.


Forum Addict
Jan 6, 2013
Seems more than half the FTB community doesnt even bother trying to make their builds look decent, they just claim a lack of creativity and proceed to build a big square room and tinker around with pipes and wires all day. They dont even try. I do not see the point of playing this game unless building is the number 1 priority. Not to say I dont enjoy futzing about with machines.

Anyway what I am trying to say is theres no set rules, all you have to do is try. The most frustrating moments Ive had in minecraft was when I keep trying and failing to make a build look perfect, placing and breaking blocks again and again. The most fun Ive had is when I just build randomly, visualize an idea for a moment then start building. if it doesnt turn out perfectly, so what? Just keep going.
Very well sad. I totally agree.

If i am allowed to put in my five cents (of nonsense) i would say this:
Sure we can share some tricks but there is no shortcut or lets say "things to learn" to create nice builds. You can improve but you cant suddenly obtain free creativity cells in your brain. Different build techniques will not affect how you think. With build-tricks you will only mask your weakness and core of your (unhappy) build will stay the same. The only thing i can suggest (apart from brain transplantation) is to explore what you can do. Try to break your limits with randomness and you may (or may not) find something you like. Provide yourself with varied number of mods, get yourself goal and fight your creativity right there. Break boring shapes, materials, colors and experiment. If you get out of ideas, fire up google/images and write your problem there. Even single word will get you thousand of images to inspire you. Explore mods and use what you learned on your builds.

Bit offtopic: There are 5 levels of builders:
  1. Mindblowing designer, mod master and planner - Is able to split his attention equally between functionality and aesthetics while keeping everything organized always having big picture of things to be built and already done in front of him. He can create new content fast and focus on important parts all the time adapting scale and "coherence" of built spontaneously.
  2. Medium talented in both - Results do vary time to time and rebuilding is quit common. However he is aware of his build qualities and can evaluate his creations. Biggest help is inspiration thats all he need.
  3. Just good designer or just good with mods - He cant do both. Lazy to learn about mods or not "creative enough". He will probably scream whenever he see something better or get chance to criticize some1 else in his "precedence".
  4. *random common FTB/tekkit player* - There is at least small piece of modskills or creativity.
  5. Person unaware of his horrifying or not existing style, building in holes or 9x9 glory-cubes spreading all his awesome not working mod-mess-inventions in 1 room. Go back to vanilla! Or at least dont post your s**t.
The thing is no matter which group you are, you can collaborate with others and get desired results done. (Sadly not every1 is able to coop like that. The hardest thing for me is to find specific help. There is no "free builders HUB" ) I am willing to share some of my tricks or get some build tutorials up however not until i finish my project.(which i am once again building alone, VIVA my creativity!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Very well sad. I totally agree.

If i am allowed to put in my five cents (of nonsense) i would say this:
Sure we can share some tricks but there is no shortcut or lets say "things to learn" to create nice builds. You can improve but you cant suddenly obtain free creativity cells in your brain. Different build techniques will not affect how you think. With build-tricks you will only mask your weakness and core of your (unhappy) build will stay the same. The only thing i can suggest (apart from brain transplantation) is to explore what you can do. Try to break your limits with randomness and you may (or may not) find something you like. Provide yourself with varied number of mods, get yourself goal and fight your creativity right there. Break boring shapes, materials, colors and experiment. If you get out of ideas, fire up google/images and write your problem there. Even single word will get you thousand of images to inspire you. Explore mods and use what you learned on your builds.

Bit offtopic: There are 5 levels of builders:
  1. Mindblowing designer, mod master and planner - Is able to split his attention equally between functionality and aesthetics while keeping everything organized always having big picture of things to be built and already done in front of him. He can create new content fast and focus on important parts all the time adapting scale and "coherence" of built spontaneously.
  2. Medium talented in both - Results do vary time to time and rebuilding is quit common. However he is aware of his build qualities and can evaluate his creations. Biggest help is inspiration thats all he need.
  3. Just good designer or just good with mods - He cant do both. Lazy to learn about mods or not "creative enough". He will probably scream whenever he see something better or get chance to criticize some1 else in his "precedence".
  4. *random common FTB/tekkit player* - There is at least small piece of modskills or creativity.
  5. Person unaware of his horrifying or not existing style, building in holes or 9x9 glory-cubes spreading all his awesome not working mod-mess-inventions in 1 room. Go back to vanilla! Or at least dont post your s**t.
The thing is no matter which group you are, you can collaborate with others and get desired results done. (Sadly not every1 is able to coop like that. The hardest thing for me is to find specific help. There is no "free builders HUB" ) I am willing to share some of my tricks or get some build tutorials up however not until i finish my project.(which i am once again building alone, VIVA my creativity!)
I'm more of a 2, and a lot of people are. also this is not just so there is no confusion this is not a giant learn how to build thread, its just a thread were people can share creations and ask for help for specific things if they are having trouble with it for some reason. This thread will not at any point teach you how to build, just different ways people do it so that you can learn see it and maybe even improve your own builds in some way.
Hello, and welcome to a little thread I made for people to share building ideas, theme, color schemes, and anything else they can think of to help the community grow and learn! please leave anything you would like to see in the OP(original post, or the post you are reading right now) in the thread and i will see what i can do.
share what information you have to give
suggest improvements in a polite manner
ask questions on how to go about building the structures you desire

pester people to build X for you or to ask them to make a tutorial on Y for you constantly
Insult people on their work
advertise map building teams(there is an entire thread for that made by @goreae)

Hope You Enjoy!

Thats what I kinda meant with the following underlined things. If you see something someone is doing and think if you told them X it would look better, do so but don't be a jerk about it

Having Trouble with this one part but have no idea what to do? Ask, other people can be helpful at times.

Don't just ask how to build, that's just kinda lazy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im my last couple of worlds, Ive attempted town-like designs for my base. Not just one big building but several spread out in a large area. The one thing I struggle with the most is having my builds flow with the terrain instead of flattening everything out. So I use google to look at what other people have done. Heres a few that really highlight what Im talking about.

Seems a retaining wall sort of thing to sharpen the edges of hills is a really good way to go. Also check out how they built the dock onto the water. Ive seen this in a lot of builds, situating a town next to a large body of water is a no brainer imo. Those buildings arent even all that complicated. I could do this.

Heres one I like because it shows the plan of the city before the buildings are added:

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im my last couple of worlds, Ive attempted town-like designs for my base. Not just one big building but several spread out in a large area. The one thing I struggle with the most is having my builds flow with the terrain instead of flattening everything out. So I use google to look at what other people have done. Heres a few that really highlight what Im talking about.

Seems a retaining wall sort of thing to sharpen the edges of hills is a really good way to go. Also check out how they built the dock onto the water. Ive seen this in a lot of builds, situating a town next to a large body of water is a no brainer imo. Those buildings arent even all that complicated. I could do this.
I usually build my own terrain, since IMO minecraft terrain looks unnatural.
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