Title FTB BEYOND Waiting for server...
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack version 1.11.0
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/55ff3b21
Details of the issue Have you made any changes to the pack? (If yes please list the changes): Yes, just Lucky Block mod
Issue Details:
I play FTB BEYOND with my little brother, and since last night we have a problem, (I just specify that we play locally). As soon as it connects to the world as a single player, a red message appears (waiting for the server …). And the whole thing is blocking, it can move, but if it breaks a block it does not fall, the same for the G.U.I (chests, machines …) sometimes my freeze game but do not crash. If someone can help me! (Sorry for my English, I’m French and it’s quite complicated)
And i’m blocked in the nether :cry:
Other details:
We used simple blocks
ENDER IO machines, Thermal expension
Lucky Blocks, Bibliocraft, tinker construct
and potatoes ^ _ ^
10 Go RAM allocated to Minecraft
Processor used by 30%
Thanks ! :slight_smile:
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack version 1.11.0
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/55ff3b21
Details of the issue Have you made any changes to the pack? (If yes please list the changes): Yes, just Lucky Block mod
Issue Details:
I play FTB BEYOND with my little brother, and since last night we have a problem, (I just specify that we play locally). As soon as it connects to the world as a single player, a red message appears (waiting for the server …). And the whole thing is blocking, it can move, but if it breaks a block it does not fall, the same for the G.U.I (chests, machines …) sometimes my freeze game but do not crash. If someone can help me! (Sorry for my English, I’m French and it’s quite complicated)
And i’m blocked in the nether :cry:
Other details:
We used simple blocks
ENDER IO machines, Thermal expension
Lucky Blocks, Bibliocraft, tinker construct
and potatoes ^ _ ^
10 Go RAM allocated to Minecraft
Processor used by 30%
Thanks ! :slight_smile:
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