Title FTB Beyond Crashing on Startup
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack FTB Beyond
Modpack version 1.10.0
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/4130af01
Details of the issue I launched the pack, and all went smoothly until it began Pre-Initialization. It got to Immersive Engineering and crashed. I'm not entirely sure what happened.
The only custom modifications to the pack were updating all mods to the latest version (including forge modloader)
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack FTB Beyond
Modpack version 1.10.0
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/4130af01
Details of the issue I launched the pack, and all went smoothly until it began Pre-Initialization. It got to Immersive Engineering and crashed. I'm not entirely sure what happened.
The only custom modifications to the pack were updating all mods to the latest version (including forge modloader)
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