FTB 1.5.2 Beta config backwards compatible config for 1.4.7 worlds.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not one for restarting my world. I have taken some time to get some configs working that are backwards compatible for the 1.5.2 version from the 1.4.7 version. If somebody else has done this already or the FTB team has given a reason why this should not be done, my google foo failed me (or their keyword foo was weak).
If you are trying out the 0.8 Beta of FTB and want to try it with your old world mostly intact, the files you need are in http://www.imarvintpa.com/ftb/config.152.backwards.for.147.7z

You will need to get ExtraBiomesXL, ExtraBees (maybe enable the ones that comes with it.). Advanced Machines caused serious lag for me when I added it.
All of your Redpower and Xycraft things will be gone. I highly recommend a wand of equal trade for switching blocks out and transfer your liquids to iron tanks.
Your terrain will become similar to swiss cheese as the ores turn into air.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Beta packs were meant for testing, not playing. They purposely changed the Item IDs to prevent people from using their old worlds and allow testing data to be accumulated. But you're free to do whatever you want. Though it seems you'd have been better off cobbling together a MultiMC instance and importing your old world via that method.

I googled FTB Beta 1.5. I got this link as the top result


this is a direct quote from that link

This pack is not backwards or forwards compatible, it uses a different set of ID maps from all of our previous packs and within the next few weeks we expect that you will need to regen your worlds, within the next few weeks we hope to update the pack adding or possibly removing mods with world gen changes meaning current worlds will be of no use. Once again I want to stress that you should not play this pack with the view of being a player, if you want to use it you should consider yourself a tester so we can get a feel for what the community thinks and get bug reports.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Beta packs were meant for testing, not playing. They purposely changed the Item IDs to prevent people from using their old worlds and allow testing data to be accumulated. But you're free to do whatever you want. Though it seems you'd have been better off cobbling together a MultiMC instance and importing your old world via that method.

I googled FTB Beta 1.5. I got this link as the top result


That's where you get the code for the beta. They aren't giving any indication that a future pack will resume being backwards compatible and I refuse to start anew. This is my contribution to those who wish to continue with the old. I just wish I had the time to finish my placeholder mod for RP2 block ids and items. When you remove a world-gen mod, it leaves holes. Adding world gen mods requires you to find new places to get those things. I can cope with these things using Mystcraft.
