As the thread title says, when I middle-clicked on some batteries I'd stuck in my crafting bench for making Batboxes my game froze up.
Pastebin :
It looks like it got trapped in a loop and never caught up. Maybe something to do with the weird stacking batteries have.
While the world itself seems to be intact, it looks like some of the resources I was trying to craft with are gone, but not others. I still have my planks, but not the copper wire or tin. I would have expected time to be lost, but my tin reserves are down a ton so I'm pretty certain that all the material I dumped into the batteries are gone.
Pastebin :
It looks like it got trapped in a loop and never caught up. Maybe something to do with the weird stacking batteries have.
While the world itself seems to be intact, it looks like some of the resources I was trying to craft with are gone, but not others. I still have my planks, but not the copper wire or tin. I would have expected time to be lost, but my tin reserves are down a ton so I'm pretty certain that all the material I dumped into the batteries are gone.