Forum Moderator Applications

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Username of Self: goreae
Recommendation 1: @Padfoote Here
Recommendation 2: @VapourDrive Here
Recommendation 3: @trajing Here

I have been in the forums for a decent amount of time, for at least a year. Almost definitely longer. Yep. From the forums, I joined the no topic thread and I discovered mattabase. I joined the NTT's forums when they started and became a moderator after a particular bout of drama. Mattabase had made a forum because he was working on a pyramid map remake and wanted to have a place for people to talk about it. I quickly because the most prominent member on those forums and because a moderator there. I learned to use the software. A while later, I joined the phoenix team because for one thing another NTTer was in there, mister the_j, and I had some wonderful ideas with minetweaker. We've had a lot of bumps in the road. From minor arguments to a literal life and death situation. I've learned to be diplomatic, because the phoenix team is a place that I can be myself without fear of anything. I have feed the beast to thank for that. So much has gone good for me in the phoenix team. I joined the FTB team when we merged, I made 20 amazing friends who I love to death, and I even fell in love. I want to be a moderator to help out where I can. I have lots of free time and want to use that to help feed the beast be a safe environment for users to just be themselves without fear of judgement or ridicule.

I also know how to use excel and access, and have a decent understanding of programming languages. Mainly lua, C++ and java. I am a really fast learner when it comes to computer-related stuff. I even taught myself visual basic.

Oh, and I also have the entire thrid party section followed, and try to keep an eye on it, reporting when necessary.
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Reactions: goreae and Padfoote
  • Username of Self: DZCreeper
  • Recommendation 1: Not Yet Nominated
  • Recommendation 2: Not Yet Nominated
  • Additional Information:
Constantly accessing and checking FTB forums anyway, mostly lurking unless I am summoned.
Excellent at research, particularly for technical details.
Currently in charge of F32Organization which updates Faithful 32 Modded Edition texture pack. Apparently this makes me popular, still not sure how that happened.

Edit: Trimmed down application to bare minimum relevant information.
  • Any additional information you want to add:
Well, I'm sure you already know me, as I work for you. I've been on the FTB forums since 2012, although most of it (until summer of last year) was just lurking. However, since then I've accrued the most likes and trophy points out of everyone on the forums, and made over 3,000 posts. I've done moderation on these forums for the Phoenix Team, and I was one of the first three people to get the Spam Cleaner button. I know that I've already got a lot on my plate from developing modpacks for you and the Phoenix Team, but you have to keep in mind - I spend a good portion of my day unable to access any computer capable of running Minecraft. As such, I am limited to just browsing the forums for hours on end. If you take away my "FTB Modpack Developer" tag, the default is "Never Leaves," which I find to be a very accurate tag.
I reccomend both @DZCreeper and @Gideonseymour
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Reactions: DZCreeper
I don't think we need any more x-ths on already established candidates do we?
  • I am not well liked, I don't want to be. I have a long temper but a short tolerance for nonsense. I am not part of the Phoenix Team. I am active during odd hours(for most of you) when the spam gets out of control. I don't want recognition or applause, I want to help. I am the rank outsider and will show no favours to anyone. I have excellent communication skills and have the patience of a saint.
EDIT: Oh yes and once I have been assigned a task I will do it to the best of my ability at all times and will behave with the utmost professionalism
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  • I am not well liked, I don't want to be. I have a long temper but a short tolerance for nonsense. I am not part of the Phoenix Team. I am active during odd hours(for most of you) when the spam gets out of control. I don't want recognition or applause, I want to help. I am the rank outsider and will show no favours to anyone. I have excellent communication skills and have the patience of a saint.
EDIT: Oh yes and once I have been assigned a task I will do it to the best of my ability at all times and will behave with the utmost professionalism
...Is this serious? You kinda NEED two references... why bother stating bad things?
I'm going to nominate @Wagon153, they help out a lot with users that are having issues and deal with it maturely.
Ehh, screw it. I accept the nomination. Anyone care to give me a third?


Username: Wagon153
Seconder: @HeilMewTwo
Thirder: @jordsta95
Fourther: @Padfoote
Fifther: @ljfa

Experience: Been around /r/feedthebeast and the FTB forums for a while. Played many packs and mods from 1.2.5-1.7.10. Versed in the arts of Arch Linux, computer hardware, servers, and troubleshooting. Am a spam cleaner. Currently admin a private FTB infinity server, and have been a tester of the Carts and Rails, TPPI2, and Blackout modpacks. I have no life, so am available at most times of day(US Eastern Seaboard). Also, apparently the FTB community likes me, but I have no idea why. :p
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I am not part of the Phoenix Team.
Have you got something against the Phoenix Team?

Also, with your track record with flame baiting on the forums, I don't think you will
A) Get recommendations as a good moderator choice
B) Get accepted

I always say if you want to do something, do whatever you can to do it. But with a history that doesn't aid you, but hinders you, there's usually no point in trying.
Hence why I haven't bothered. I think I'd be perfect for this, but other than my lack of time, I know I will not be setting the image FTB wants forums mods to be showing.
...Is this serious? You kinda NEED two references... why bother stating bad things?

Is called throwing your hat in the ring, personally I think a moderator should be an outsider. No loyalties.

His original post called the most active parts of the community a Phoenix Team circle jerk... Is he trying to avoid getting any references?

Only edited for decency, my opinion remains the same.

*Cough* Most discussions he participates in *cough*

I've had one discusiion with you, in the Mod Update checker thread... Which just because I violently disagree with you forms this opinion of me. Maybe check my post history before generalizing?

Now what stops him from trying to apply nonetheless?

Absolutely nothing

Have you got something against the Phoenix Team?

I have made it abundantly clear that I have, some of you have turned several threads into your own personal fiefdom and engage in active witchhunts against anyone who disagrees with you. Having a PT moderator as well will be a bad bad plan.

EDIT: ok witchunt is a poor choice of terms, gang up is more appropriate.
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I have made it abundantly clear that I have, some of you have turned several threads into your own personal fiefdom and engage in active witchhunts against anyone who disagrees with you. Having a PT moderator as well will be a bad bad plan.

EDIT: ok witchunt is a poor choice of terms, gang up is more appropriate.
Witch hunts? I understand exactly what you mean by that, but I don't think I have ever seen a Phoenix Team member do such things
I get it. There are quite a few of us PT members which can be a very good thing and at times a bad thing. I've definitely seen threads get lots of traffic from phoenix team people because we care about the community and we are passionate about what happens in FTB. As far as loyalty is concerned we are first and for most loyal to the phoenix team itself, but being partnered with Feed The Beast we are all loyal to it as well. A lot of the communication that happens between us PT members happens behind the scenes but that doesn't mean that we all don't get our share of "wrist slaps".
Done of us were suggested as PT members for being biggots, none of us were suggested for being disrespectful and none of us were suggested for being inactive in the community. We definitely don't all share the same opinions on everything but that doesn't keep us from functioning well as a team.
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