Forge and MCPC+

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, i would like to think I am a very experience server owner, as I have owned various hosted servers over the past 2-3 years. However I am very new to modded servers. I have a 4GB Ram server hosted with minerack, which is ok, but i have seemed to lose the forge commands since i added mcpc+, particularly /forge tps It says I do not have permissions even tho I am op on the server. My permissionsEX plugin has me in admin with all the permissions. but im not sure how that works with forge.

Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure why it does that, but I do know that COFH has a tps command, done with /cofh tps. If you have Thermal Expansion, you have COFH. :)
awesome. thanks. I have a few plugins currently that allow me to check ram and essentials allows me to check ram and tps, but I always like to make sure all are aligned incase one is out of whack. This will help me greatly, thank you .
another issue with this. Thermal Expansion doesnt allow my players to use the friends list command for security machines. both /cofh friends add <name> and /cofh friends gui both do not work
another issue with this. Thermal Expansion doesnt allow my players to use the friends list command for security machines. both /cofh friends add <name> and /cofh friends gui both do not work
Have they set their machines to restricted?
yes they have done there nessesary requirements to allow people to use it, just cannot add people to it due to the command not being able to be used. They get the following error;
"I'm sorry you do not have permissions to perform this command. Please contact the server admin if you think this is an error"
I think you will have to manually search down the permissions for Thermal Expansion and add them to permissionsex.
OK, seems that most mods are having the same issues, is there a place where i can find these permissions?
Your best bet is to turn on debug (/pex toggle debug for everyone, or /pex user username toggle debug for just a specific person) and capture the permission node from the console.

Much faster than posting here, and a reusable solution.

Be prepared for a deluge of information but with a little practice you should get the hang of it. I only turn on debug for a single user at a time, get them to run the command, Then turn it off super fast to minimise the useless console spam.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Your best bet is to turn on debug (/pex toggle debug for everyone, or /pex user username toggle debug for just a specific person) and capture the permission node from the console.

Much faster than posting here, and a reusable solution.

Be prepared for a deluge of information but with a little practice you should get the hang of it. I only turn on debug for a single user at a time, get them to run the command, Then turn it off super fast to minimise the useless console spam.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I agree that this is going to be the best way to do it. Sadly, as you get into modded minecraft, you will find that the vast majority of mods do not list their permissions nodes in the manually hunting them down is the most reliable way to do it.
for your forge tps issue, I know you're op, but have you given yourself the - '*' permission node? There are several perms with forge that aren't enabled for ops by default and rely on the permision node. As for the cofh commands, Im fairly sure all of them come under one permission node, which is annoying as several of them can be used maliciously against servers
The easiest way is to boot your server up and look at the server.log file once it's done booting. ALL the forge based permission nodes appear in the server.log file towards the end of the bootup process. Be careful with the COFH node though, since there is only one permission node it will give your players access to ALL the COFH commands. So unless you want your players able to check the tps and do other admin only things, you might want to tell them sorry on the friend thing.

Or you could give them the permission node and use World Guard to deny those commands you don't want them using in the global region.

Good luck!
Do you have Essentials plugin installed? That gives you /gc, which displays a bunch of stats like chunks loaded, entities, and tps.