Whitelist Server FireCraft | FTB Unleashed (v1.1.4) | Whitelisted | No Greifing | Survival | PVP

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IGN: Timcakes
Age: 14
FTB Experience: Was on the stream the first day FTB came out when the Minecraft login servers were down and nobody could play FTB.
Activity Level: Everyday,
Timezone / Country: GMT, Uk
IGN: Fr0stee_
Age: 16
FTB Experience: Decent amount
Activity Level: Relatively active
Timezone / Country: USA, EST
FTB Experience:i have played since the feed the beast beta.
Activity Level: im in summer right now so i have a lot of free time but at least 3hrs
Timezone / Country: est,us
IGN: rploeger
Age: 17*
FTB Experience: I've played FTB for a fairly long time, I think I started playing shortly after the packs were released.
Activity Level: Can't really say, I have work and such but i'm fairly sure I'd be online almost daily.
Timezone / Country: GMT+2, The Netherlands.
IGN: worldtothends
Age: 22
FTB Experience: I think I have been playing ever since i started to play minecraft, which would be about 2 years
Activity Level: I can try to get on everyday unless I work or family gets in the way. :)
Timezone / Country: Us Eastern - Forgot What Were The Exact Letters and Numbers :p
FTB Experience:I've been playing FTB since it first came out mostly with the mindcrack and ultimate pack but a bit with the direwolf20 pack
Activity Level:I try to play at least an hour a day but much more at the moment since its the holidays ( 5+hours a day)
Timezone / Country:UK
IGN: flamingshirt
Age: 17
FTB Experience: i've been playing FTB with my buddy Rploeger. he's been teaching me mostly, though i think i know a fair amount about all the mods.
Activity Level: it really depends. this week for example i have work every day, but i think that will be just this week. so i think at least 4 days a week. a few hours at a time?
Timezone / Country: GMT+2, The Netherlands.
FTB Experience: Massive, been playing since it started, along with extensive Technic experience.
Activity Level: High, depending on the challenge level.
Timezone / Country: PST, USA
Age:31 *
FTB Experience: Know some of the mods, but want to learn about many of the others.
Activity Level: Mostly everyday but depends on projects
Timezone / Country: Central Time, USA
Hey guys,

We upgraded the server to the "FTB Unleashed" pack you can get it from here. We are not running any of the disabled mods. We do have the same world for the players who have played up to this point we have not deleted anything or lost any of your data.[DOUBLEPOST=1374965134][/DOUBLEPOST]Whitelisted: bluephilosopher, lord_pall, flamingshirt
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Reactions: BitNinja
FTB Experience: I Have Been Playing since 1.4 But I Have Been Playing tekkit since MC 1.2 and they share alot of the same mods.
Activity Level: 3-7 Hours
Timezone/Country Eastern, USA
Don't know how I missed this thread, but here goes.

IGN: Ninjazombie
Age: 23*
FTB Experience: Been playing since betapackA Pretty experienced.
Activity Level: Random but anywhere from 5-15 hours
Timezone / Country: USA, Central
IGN: glaivekill
Age: 24*
FTB Experience: 3 servers now. Pretty much move as my friends do (one of which should also be applying.) Have experience with most mods with the exception of the newer ones as I haven't had a ton of time to play lately.
Activity Level: Heavy on the weekends, at night during the weekdays.
Timezone / Country: Central / USA
FTB Experience:I've been playing the FTB packs since their 1.4.2 beta pack came out.
Activity Level: Very active for right now I'll be less active once school starts again.
Timezone / Country:MDT/US