Hello there! Feed The Need is a small server with a private FTB modpack. Install it just like any other FTB modpack, no need to add additional mods.
The Server
- 4 GB Ram
- SSD Storage
- Hosted by ServerCrafters
- Fresh Map (few days old)
"Bad" news first:
- No Redpower and no IC2! (That includes all addons)
- No Xycraft because Soaryn currently does not give permission.
- Mystcraft is there but heavily restricted. All you get to see from it is what I hand out
- Biomes o Plenty worldgen!
- Tinker's Construct, Ars Magica, Nether Stuffs, Better Storage, Lots of Food, Chisel and many more!
- Immibis' mods and iChun's toys
The Rules
- Sharing the pack code is punishable by death.
- No automated mining outside the mining age.
- Only default size quarries.
- Try to keep lag down to a minimum.
- Do not automate your Ars Magica Nexus.
- Do not use special mobs in MFR spawners.
- Please stay within -3000 to 3000 (both x and z)
- Be over 18
- Don't be a dick
- Use reddit, we have an own subreddit. Not checking that regularly will mean you will miss out. I will barely use this forum.