I'm not quite sure what to search, where to go, or who to turn to, so I'll post here.
Recently, as in I-don't-actually-know-when, also known as the past two days, my Feed the Beast client has been producing a weird visual error. While looking around, manipulating objects, or really doing anything halfway important, the world around me de-renders. most placed blocks disappear (Walls, buildcraft pipes, doors, all of that nonsense). It's completely random in nature, both in cause and resolution. I have one image, and have no other way to describe my issue.
I'm running the Direwolf 20 pack, latest patch, on a server. Nobody else is experiencing this issue.
Recently, as in I-don't-actually-know-when, also known as the past two days, my Feed the Beast client has been producing a weird visual error. While looking around, manipulating objects, or really doing anything halfway important, the world around me de-renders. most placed blocks disappear (Walls, buildcraft pipes, doors, all of that nonsense). It's completely random in nature, both in cause and resolution. I have one image, and have no other way to describe my issue.
I'm running the Direwolf 20 pack, latest patch, on a server. Nobody else is experiencing this issue.