ExP with Mods
layed tekkit for about 6 months i know ic2 inside out , Know a little about foresty and Bc
Able to join skype/mumble calls: Yes i have a high quality mic aswell
Time you will be playing each day:At least 2-3 hours and longe on weekends.GMT(+0)
With how many people will you play:I will help as many people as i can and will try and form alliances with others
Your Ingame Company Name: Starco
ExP with Mods

Able to join skype/mumble calls: Yes i have a high quality mic aswell

Time you will be playing each day:At least 2-3 hours and longe on weekends.GMT(+0)
With how many people will you play:I will help as many people as i can and will try and form alliances with others
Your Ingame Company Name: Starco