Feed the Beast | Private Server | Information

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
In Game Name: DucksGoQwack

Something about myself?: I really enjoyed playing vanilla minecraft, but it got to the point, where it wasnt enough, so i started playing FTB, i would get to a decent point on a server, where i would then get greifed by someone and lose it all, and im just looking for a good, well looked after server where i will not get greifed because i want to learn more about FTB, especially with the new update once you have updated the server

Experiences with FTB: I have been playing it for about a month but every time i get to a decent point i get greifed by someone

Why do i want to join: I want to join the server, because i am sick of getting greifed in public servers, and i really want to actually get somewhere, i also like that you also started with "My Name Is Jordan" and your actually bringing it to a personal level, not like some servers how all they do is get their admins to do everything and then just ask for donations for special treatment

I really hope i can join your server and have some really good times with you and others on the server, Thankyou for your time

~ James/Ducks
IGN: iBCreature
Something about yourself? I have been playing minecraft since its beggining.
Experiences with the modpack? I have an advanced understanding of most of the mods
Why do you want to join the server? I would like to experience FTB multiplayer.

Something about yourself?
I'm a student (animation in engineering) practically it's 3d modeling, OpenGL programming, 3d Animation. I love playing games, drawing , designing stuff and building in Minecraft :p
A bit rusty with English I am, because there is no one that speaks English around me. hopefully TeamSpeak and Friendly game play can fix that :D

Experiences with the modpack?
I have played Tekkit for a long time, but i dislike the idea, that they didn't had permission to make that mod-pack, I found out about FTB, played the single player insane map, learned a lot in the process
only mod that i have no knowledge about is Thaumcraft, everything else i have at least some knowledge about :)

Why do you want to join the server?
I hate griefers, and rude people! They are despicable. Just want to enjoy the game and play it with a small group of people(that i can get to know well !!), that get along and help each other, teach each other new stuff and have fun!
Would love to play on the server that has no banned items, and no huge lag, no chat spams... just enjoyable friendly game :)
Also this is a first private closed server, that i ever applied for, hope I don't disappoint you in any way possible
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Reactions: Biophysical
Closed for now, due to full whitelist
Hope you increase the max players, soon. Until then I'll just write an application because why not :)

Something about yourself?I'm 15 years old and I play minecraft for quite a long time (about 4-5) years (I forget alot) and my english isnt the best because i screw up alot when writting fast

Experiences with the modpack?Well i was playing tekkit at first but when i saw Direwolf20's channel i realized the modpack isnt supported by the mod makers and i started playing the ftb normal map then started playing survival with mods(not from a mod pack) and i play ftb pretty much since they released the launcher. I know almost all of the mods with the exception of the higher tier gregtech machines and steves carts(got too complex for my mind) My favourite mods are: Industrial Craft 2 Buildcraft Mystcraft and Soulshards (mystcraft plus soulshards = ultimate trolling)

Why do you want to join the server?Well i wanted to play on a good FTB server without griefers and a friend told me about this but i guess i was a little late...
IGN: tiger2074
something about myself: I am 13 turning 14 soon, I started playing Minecraft about 3 years ago, damn already, I started playing the technic pack and then tekkit when I saw the Yogscast vids, I have a lot of knowledge about all the mods this pack has, and finally I go to a public school in San Francisco, CA called Galileo Academy of Science and Technology.
Why do I want to join?: I hate all those big servers full of griefers and trollers, I prefer small scale servers with not many people, I want to make friends that have the same interests as me, even if we are in different age groups.
IGN: Alex_123
Something about yourself: i am a student in the US, I've been playing these mods before they were even in a pack, and i'm nice and i will help people if they ask
Experiences with the modpack?: A good amount been us the pack scene it came out
Why do you want to join the server?: iv never played FTB with other people and i would like to how it all works and what the point of making cool thing if im the only one that us it.
IGN: JonnaLima
Something about yourself? 15 years old currently, Plays football regularly.
Experiences with the modpack? Nope, just started using it, but i would like to do like a let's play without any viewers to learn myself the modpack. that is why i am looking for a private server so people dont drop by so often as the do in public servers.
Why do you want to join the server? Because its easier to learn a mod pack here, then in a public server. That is why i am looking for a private server so people dont drop by so often as the do in public servers.
I just wanted to ask if you were still accepting applications for the server. If i don't receive a response, i will just assume that you are not.
I Have Played With This Modpack Since It Was an Open Beta. I Have experience with all mods and can create some myself. I would like to join the server not because to be on it its to bond with the community. Meet to friends and have a good time doing it. My IGN is Jollygood156. I know you already picked people but can you add one more person?