Title Feed The Beast. Huge internet delay/lag
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack nfinty evolved and beyond
Modpack version 1.7.10
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue For the past year I've popped on the Feed The Beast mod packs. Every time I play, after a while I get loads of delay in the server until it becomes unplayable. Sometimes it fixes itself but I don't know what does it. As far as I know vanilla works. My firewall is disabled and so is my antivirus. I have the latest java. Since it started happening I've changed my isp and router.
Edit: I did /ping and have a 442ms whereas I get 20 on anything else.
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack nfinty evolved and beyond
Modpack version 1.7.10
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue For the past year I've popped on the Feed The Beast mod packs. Every time I play, after a while I get loads of delay in the server until it becomes unplayable. Sometimes it fixes itself but I don't know what does it. As far as I know vanilla works. My firewall is disabled and so is my antivirus. I have the latest java. Since it started happening I've changed my isp and router.
Edit: I did /ping and have a 442ms whereas I get 20 on anything else.
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