Feed The Beast [FTB Beta Pack A][1.4.2][Recorded][White-listed]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Your "expert in this area" which is where you would build (if you build with us): I'd have to say my expert area is working with mechanic pieces of the modpack. For example, I can easily make mobile frame machines, gates, bridges, easy block swappers, disappearing bridges, automatic tree farms (no Forestry :eek:). Basically, my "signature" mod has to be Redpower 2. I am also decent at coding LUA for Computercraft and turtles - I can easily rig up buildings to be controled by a single terminal. For example, type in "lights off", and all lights turn off, or "electronic kill-field on" and... the operator turns into a pile of charred flesh :O. If I were to be whitelisted on this server, I would work on computerizing spawn as much as possible, making it a "city of the future". When Redpower 2 is finally added into Feed the Beast, I will do things like make portcullises and gates.

-Why you would like to join: I would like to join because I like two things - modded Minecraft, and community servers. I love the concept of bringing the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft even farther by introducing third party modifications to the game. It makes it literally endless. Feed the Beast is a collection of, in my opinion, some of the best mods created in the history of Minecraft. I learned long ago, however, that multiplayer Minecraft will always by more fun than singleplayer, simply due to the fact that there are more people to hang out with, explore with and build with. This server is a wonderful combination - mods, and small, closeknit communities.

I think you should accept me to your server because I feel like I could be a positive player to help lighten up the atmosphere. I never rage, use racial slurs or yell obscenities, and I always keep an even calm externally, even though I may be steaming on the inside. I do know a lot about the mods, I used to (don't kill me please) play Tekkit before Feed the Beast was released. I can provide help and tips with nearly every mod within the modpack. I am still relatively unsure of all of the features in Gregtech and Forestry, and Redpower 2 FORTH programming boggles my mind, but everything else I can do relatively easily.

I do, ahem, consider myself a true computer nerd, so I will be on often. I am sixteen years old and have six hours of school a day, so I'll be able to play maybe four or five hours every day, even longer on weekends. Sometimes I won't be on that often as Minecraft isn't all I do, but for the most part, I will be a static member of your community.

Lastly, I'd like to join because of the fact that this is a YouTuber server. It just seems cool knowing that whatever happens on the server, whatever I do, or anyone else does, will be recorded and put on YouTube. It seems shallow, like I'm trying to be popular, but I really don't care about that, it's just a cool feeling when you see yourself on YouTube :p.

-Your IGN: Xarove. It's not the best name, but I am a fan of fantasy and it just had a fantasy tone to it, in my opinion.

Thanks for considering my application - hope to see you soon!

(Also, I would really appreciate it if you let my friends Seb and xxdarkness2xx on too. Mainly Seb though :3)

The Wabbit

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your "expert in this area" which is where you would build (if you build with us): when i can get going without getting reset all the time i can. i'm no expert in any of the mods i have used IC2 most but i would say i have don't better in CC even though i only just started learning it i got some ideas of things i could do with CC that would be pretty cool.

Why you would like to join: if its a good community that i know won't tear up stuff i could get lost in it and end up making some pretty cool things. i want one of those good communitys so i can at some point impress people with what i do.

Your IGN: Gracopicotrain


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello. I am Kots. I gope to join your friendly server. i am 23 years old and pro in IC3. i would like to join your community and help other person who needs' help, thnks and hope see you on the server:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Your "expert in this area" which is where you would build (if you build with us): I'd have to say my expert area is working with mechanic pieces of the modpack. For example, I can easily make mobile frame machines, gates, bridges, easy block swappers, disappearing bridges, automatic tree farms (no Forestry :eek:). Basically, my "signature" mod has to be Redpower 2. I am also decent at coding LUA for Computercraft and turtles - I can easily rig up buildings to be controled by a single terminal. For example, type in "lights off", and all lights turn off, or "electronic kill-field on" and... the operator turns into a pile of charred flesh :O. If I were to be whitelisted on this server, I would work on computerizing spawn as much as possible, making it a "city of the future". When Redpower 2 is finally added into Feed the Beast, I will do things like make portcullises and gates.

-Why you would like to join: I would like to join because I like two things - modded Minecraft, and community servers. I love the concept of bringing the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft even farther by introducing third party modifications to the game. It makes it literally endless. Feed the Beast is a collection of, in my opinion, some of the best mods created in the history of Minecraft. I learned long ago, however, that multiplayer Minecraft will always by more fun than singleplayer, simply due to the fact that there are more people to hang out with, explore with and build with. This server is a wonderful combination - mods, and small, closeknit communities.

I think you should accept me to your server because I feel like I could be a positive player to help lighten up the atmosphere. I never rage, use racial slurs or yell obscenities, and I always keep an even calm externally, even though I may be steaming on the inside. I do know a lot about the mods, I used to (don't kill me please) play Tekkit before Feed the Beast was released. I can provide help and tips with nearly every mod within the modpack. I am still relatively unsure of all of the features in Gregtech and Forestry, and Redpower 2 FORTH programming boggles my mind, but everything else I can do relatively easily.

I do, ahem, consider myself a true computer nerd, so I will be on often. I am sixteen years old and have six hours of school a day, so I'll be able to play maybe four or five hours every day, even longer on weekends. Sometimes I won't be on that often as Minecraft isn't all I do, but for the most part, I will be a static member of your community.

Lastly, I'd like to join because of the fact that this is a YouTuber server. It just seems cool knowing that whatever happens on the server, whatever I do, or anyone else does, will be recorded and put on YouTube. It seems shallow, like I'm trying to be popular, but I really don't care about that, it's just a cool feeling when you see yourself on YouTube :p.

-Your IGN: Xarove. It's not the best name, but I am a fan of fantasy and it just had a fantasy tone to it, in my opinion.

Thanks for considering my application - hope to see you soon!

I think your application just beat pretty much everyone else's o_o lol, you'll definitely get on the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Fellow Feed The Beast Players!

I'm very excited to announce that upon hitting 500 subs, my private server (hosted by a friend of mine) will be open to applications!

Video Applications and Written Applications will both be accepted BUT video applications will have a better chance of getting picked!

Server Details:
-Currently only IRL friends, but that will change ;)
-Server Owned By a friend IRL and is hosted alone on a PC specifically built to host it
-I (Drragehard on youtube) record the server and you are allowed to too!
-We do use skype so if you do like to talk then feel free ( we can use mumble or TS if preferred )
-We love having fun and playing together!

Building Details:
-You can choose to build with us / without us
-If you pick to build with us you must submit the "expert in this area" part of the applications
-No greifing ( we do have rollback / can see if things are greifed / who does it )

Video Application (embed them in the comments) :
-Can be about anything
-Talk about why you want to join
-Your IGN
-Good Quality!

Written Application:
-Your "expert in this area" which is where you would build (if you build with us)
-Why you would like to join
-Your IGN

Note: Video Applications will be easier to get on the server with

I hope you send in applications and hope we can get a fun FTB and Youtube community together!

Hey my ign is Shadeslayer532 I have been playing minecraft for awhile and came along to tekkit and played that for some time now. I heard about FTB from Mincrafted on youtube and have now been playing that. I have played Tekkit Technic Hack/Mine Yogbox and am currently playing FTB like I said, I know a lot of things from tekkit and hot to learn more on your server, and hope to have some fun XD. Also a couple of my friends are already on the server, one of them is Notyepenyar.[DOUBLEPOST=1354469299][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey my ign is Shadeslayer532 I have been playing minecraft for awhile and came along to tekkit and played that for some time now. I heard about FTB from Mincrafted on youtube and have now been playing that. I have played Tekkit Technic Hack/Mine Yogbox and am currently playing FTB like I said, I know a lot of things from tekkit and hot to learn more on your server, and hope to have some fun XD. Also a couple of my friends are already on the server, one of them is Notyepenyar.
hoppe* not hot lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my ingame name is lazythirdeye
i do have youtube channel but i do vlog im slowly more in doing let's plays.
what i have do build if i build with you a big farm with all the forestry.
why i want to join is becuse i like play with other people on server and make new friends.
im sorry this so short not sure what to put.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Jason365 and xXNimXx (possibly)

Hey, some of the guys at CannedPiggyGames (https://www.youtube.com/user/cannedpiggygames) would love to join. I myself am experienced in all of the mods (redpower and thaumcraft included once they're released) that come with the feed the beast pack. I also have ran a server for my group so I understand any problems that may occur. I'd love to collab with you and have some fun playing on a server.

Contact info:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/cannedpiggygames
Skype: Jason365563
Email (Psh who uses email anymore): [email protected]

Thanks for your consideration :D
P.S. If needed I can make a demonstration video :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey love all the mods and really want to join im 18, and looking for a good server to call home, ive played tekkit and technic for a long time and played FTB since launch. really like the mod pack and really would love to get on. Also, im English so im sure you'l love to get some British Accents in your videos.

-Your "expert in this area" which is where you would build (if you build with us) good at making things look nice and designing things and making things overcomplicated, best with Industrial Craft and Red power (for when it gets added) really I like the think im experienced but know I still have a lot to learn, especially with forestry and gregtech. but I am eager to do so. Im very knowledgeable with vanilla red stone also so I can bridge the gap untill RP2 comes out

-Why you would like to join, i want to find a nice stable server, with no griefers, to play on. i really love the mods and just want to find a place where i can play without worrying about my builds being destroyed the very next day.
-Your IGN oOITwitchIOo

Also lastly, i am a graphic designer in training and have worked with all kinds of 3d animation software so if you need any logo designs, intro designs for youtube or anything I will gladly help out as long as I can include the work in my portfolio.

you can contact me on here, or via skype Seb.sgc

(I am the friend seb :p)

Can make nicer animations, made this quickly so you can see it, Normally i render to 1080, but to save time i changed it to 720, so still HD. feel free to look at the other stuff on my channel but there is barely anything there


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello. I am fallout2077 (IGN fallout2077) I am 18 and I would love to join your server because I am looking for a small community server with people I can talk to so I can meet new people. I love the idea of someone recording on the server I think it would be fun. I have skype and can always get other programs like it so I can talk to people on the server and help them with the mods. Truthfully I am not an expert in just one of the mods I am good with most of the mods like BC, IC2, mystcraft, thermal expansion, factorization, railcraft, steves carts 2 and Thaumcraft 3 and Redpower 2 when there finally added to FTB. But there are a few I am working on learning like gregtech, and bees in forestry and I am also a decent builder. I love to build with others and like it better than by myself so if I did get on I would build with you all. I am also well versed in how servers operate cause I have had many in the past (vanilla, bukkit, and moded). Thank you for taking your time reading my post and considering me for your server. Have a nice day.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My area of expertise:

I consider myself best-equipped in Industrialcraft 2, It is by far my favorite mod in the mod pack. I haven't done too much with Equivalent exchange 3. My architectural skills building-wise are semi-good. I hav used mods before, mostly Industrial-type mods such as Buildcraft and Industrial Craft. Therefore, I consider myself more industrial in my skills.
Why I would like to join
Honestly I just love multiplayer and mods. I usually don't play singleplayer. When Feed the Beast came out, I instantly loved it, not only did it support all mod authors, but it has all the great mods we all know and love! I didn't play much singleplayer, and I have been looking for a server since. This server looks like a server that would only whitelist trustworthy individuals. Everything about this server looks great.
My IGN is xxdarkness2xx, thank you for reading my application.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello my IGN is qkochan, 24 years of age, my area of expertise would be with IC2 and a portion of all the other mods. I am simply a little bored of playing SSP and would love to play on a server with a good community. I prefer to build my base out alone, but will gladly help others. I am also planning to record my game play. I would love to join so that I can record while on a multiplayer server for video quality. I stick with simple build designs for myself for efficiency. I am happy to help others with builds of with mobs they might not know completely. Thanks for the consideration. I have Skype, for ease of communication if wanted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there! My name is Cameron, but you can call me Banana Pudding. I am a pretty experienced minecraft player, however I'm very new to FTB. I became interested in FTB after seeing the guys from the Mindcrack server play it (I am a long time watcher of mindcrack, and if anyone reading this isn't you should check them out!). But playing alone is so boring! Therefore, I figured I would go on the forums and find a nice friendly server to have some fun on (fun fact, this is my first post). So if you want an amiable guy who is experienced with minecraft, but a FTB noob, then I am the perfect guy for you! ;D

As for the "expert in your area" thing, like I said I don't know a whole lot except for what I have seen in videos, but I am most interested in the different types of machines and making things as automated as possible (probably a pretty common goal, but I have no problems being common)

Closing points:
-New to FTB but not minecraft
-Wants to learn FTB while having fun on a friendly server
-Would like a fairly small server in order to make some nice friendships along the way
-IGN is The_Reaver420

Whichever way you choose for me, just let me know! and good luck with the server <3!

EDIT: I just thought of something else for "why I want to join." I don't currently upload youtube lets plays, but I am an avid watcher of them, and I can't imagine the fun it would be to be part of a community like that.

EDIT #2: I decided to check out your channel (some good content, I'll be sticking around regardless lol) and I saw the part in the application video where you said that you are wanting people experienced with FTB, which is cool and all, but it might be a good idea to mention that in the OP of this thread to give people who aren't subbed to you a heads up, just trying to help :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
White List

ING: MDetonados.
Why I Wanna Join The Server: Because The Server Fantastic.
I Work Better Alone, So I Gonna Build Without You Guys.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my expert area would most likely be in redston and with twilight forst mod as i have played with teckkit for abit i developed a liking for red stone and have created a quad layer sand gen i am also decent with rail craft. The reason that i would like to join is because i love to do stuff with alot of mods i do have a YouTube channel www.youtube.com/VentureGameing and yet the E in gaming is perpously put there i think it would be a lot of fun to work with a small community of people my in game name is caf77 :) .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello my IGN is J_man9000. I would like to play on your server because i would like to play in a community with people who like the mods as much as i do. My "expert in this area" would be IC2 but i have some experience in buildcraft and forestry. I hope i can get on. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello my IGN is Diabetic_cow and i am 16 years old. I've been playing FTB for a while now and have a basic knowledge on most of the mods involved but mostly computer craft. I would like to find a nice community to play with while learning more about FTB. I dont have anything to record yet but i am in the process of building a major gaming computer that once i have completed i will start to record with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My friend and I are new to FTB but very experienced at vanilla.

I am 28 years old,

My IGN is MClaudeW

I've never been banned and have actually donated a few times here and there.

You should let me join because:
I'm mature and have a love of the game, I'm very friendly and helpful, and I pursue my interests with passion.

I introduced my friend FireLord830 to the game and we've been playing together for a while now.
We're looking for a feed the beast server where we can delve into the depth of modded Minecraft.

Your server looks perfect

IGN FireLord830

21 yrs old

Never banned.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and building some dreams ^_^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hello i would like to join your server. i have played tekkit for a while and joined a server their but it has mob's turned off so it's not very exciting to go mining. i have been messing around with FTB and have enjoyed it quite a bit. I also make youtube videos and have just started doing some videos their. I would enjoy playing with other youtuber's. I would also join for a cookie just for all the flack going on between FTB and technic. well that's my app so now onto the information

IGN: fergdawg69 (but you can just call me ferg)

AGE: 31 (old coot apparently)

MODS I'm familiar with: buildcraft, ic2, and redpower (once its added)

YOUTUBE CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/fergcraft?feature=mhee