Feed The Beast [FTB Beta Pack A][1.4.2][Recorded][White-listed]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Fellow Feed The Beast Players!

I'm very excited to announce that upon hitting 500 subs, my private server (hosted by a friend of mine) will be open to applications!

Video Applications and Written Applications will both be accepted BUT video applications will have a better chance of getting picked!

Server Details:
-Currently only IRL friends, but that will change ;)
-Server Owned By a friend IRL and is hosted alone on a PC specifically built to host it
-I (Drragehard on youtube) record the server and you are allowed to too!
-We do use skype so if you do like to talk then feel free ( we can use mumble or TS if preferred )
-We love having fun and playing together!

Building Details:
-You can choose to build with us / without us
-If you pick to build with us you must submit the "expert in this area" part of the applications
-No greifing ( we do have rollback / can see if things are greifed / who does it )

Video Application (embed them in the comments) :
-Can be about anything
-Talk about why you want to join
-Your IGN
-Good Quality!

Written Application:
-Your "expert in this area" which is where you would build (if you build with us)
-Why you would like to join
-Your IGN

Note: Video Applications will be easier to get on the server with

I hope you send in applications and hope we can get a fun FTB and Youtube community together!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, my IGN is notyepenyar and I hope to play on the server with you guys. I'd love to build with you guys and I would plan to focus on the mystcraft mod at first. I like a lot of things about FTB, especially automatic things like the turtles, and I plan to learn the lua language after java, which I'm learning now. I do record although my channel has been slow recently, I will be posting vanilla videos and hopefully Feed the Beast. I do have skype and I love to do collaborative projects. I spend a TON of time on minecraft, both vanilla and more recently, mods like FTB. I would be on most week days and almost all weekends, doing a lot of recording. I really want to get my channel popular, and I think that playing a popular mod with a bunch of cool guys would help it out :D! I've been looking for a good FTB server for a while and I hope you pick me!. 14 years old. Would post video application, but I'm at school right now and it might be frowned upon if I started recording :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
HI, my ign is Nbenito. im 15 and love to play FTB. my "expert in this area" is mostly building and all the origin of minecraft. i am good at redstone and know a lot about quarry's and how to build nukes and build craft. i would love to join and play with cool people that are mature and know how to play and not goof of as much. i do not have skype but i do have TS3 and i can record even though my channel is a slow. i am in school often so i cant play all the time( mostly on the weekends). i love to hear from you and cant wait to join the server if you accept me. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi my name is Jordan, and i really want to play on the server with you guys. I love building and doing work on machines. I cant record though. I do have skype and would like to talk and build with you guys. I have been waiting for you to be accepting applications forever. I am 13 years old so i am currently in school but still I hope you pick me! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My ign is Huntanor, and I'd like to apply for a slot on your server.
I record frequently while playing FTB on my own private server have just started posting stuff pretty randomly on Youtube.
I'm pretty good with BC and IC and I've spent a decent amount of time learning to code for turtles, though I'm just a beginer with Lua.
From watching your Videos I can say I'm quite a bit older then you guys but I don't think that matters.

Things I'm looking to get started with: Steve's Carts and Railcraft.
Favorite stuff in FTB: Turtles. Writing a bit of code and having them do what you wanted is very fun.

Short Video Application
Thanks for considering me. I don't currently use Skype but I could. I don't Currenty use Teamspeak but I could. I still use vent for most of my gaming so getting on and talking is not a problem regardless of the program needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Im 19yo female so you will not have to worry about me being immature, and I am a decent builder. I wouldn't say i have an 'expert area' but i do play and mess around with most of the modpack. I currently play on a private server for a few real life friends. I do not use Skype, but i can. I do not use Vent, but i can. I do use TeamSpeak. I have a decent understanding of the FTB mods and how they all work. I hope you consider me for a spot on your server.
-I would like to play with mature people when playing FTB.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi im a 14 year old boy my ign is TwoFace_12 but i prefer Hype o want to join this server because ive been looking for a good FTB Server i could play on and not be griefed. I'm a decent builder. I always been looking for a server like this. i might record on the server eventually. I have good experience with most of the mods except forestry. My Skype is TrueTitanz35 and i hope to play with you and your friends. ~Hype


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, my ign is deathbringer1128 and I am an adequate builder and hope to get better at building. I would like to join because I've been searching for a good server to record my server let's play series, so I will definitley record, but it depends on how much time I have to do stuff. IRL, I am 13, and I will probably be on the server once or twice a day, anywhere between 3:30 and 9:00 EST. I am familiar with most of the mods except railcraft, GregTech, and I am starting to learn forestry. I don't really have an "expert area", but I am great with machines and pretty much anything IC2. I have Skype, Teamspeak, and vent. My skype is [email protected]
I have also never been banned from any server.:

Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/deathbringer1128


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, my In-game Name is seb677. I like long walks on the beach and star-lit nights. But really, I'm 17 years old, and I'm looking for a good server to settle on with some friends. I'm a pretty decent builder in terms of fashionable-ness as well as organization. I'm slowly learing IC2 and I'm pretty decent with the Twilight Forest mod. Most of my friends are decent with other mods. My skype is RenegadeMessiah, in the event it was needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My IGN is Dicktrickle90, I am at expert at mining and I am looking for a server that is stable, full of people who rather play the game then grief. I feel this server could provide me with this!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi my name is Jordan, and i really want to play on the server with you guys. I love building and doing work on machines. I love to play FTB. I cant record though. I do have skype and would like to talk and build with you guys. I have been waiting for you to be accepting applications forever. I am 13 years old so i am currently in school but still I hope you pick me! :) My IGN is HOBOCOP99. Just reposted with more info.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why I Would like to join: To learn more of mods for FTB im not so good at wiring or machines i have some basics down but not most but i am a really good designer/builder i guess. I am a youtuber too but i decided to write out something because i am with a network and i need to worry about that a little if ou would like to look us up we are BGNHub its really cool. And hopefully i can join. And i am 15 years old i have a skype: jurrasiccraft
Expert in my area: Building


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi my ign is rojorum : I would like to join the ftb server i am on a tekkit server and i have all ready a hole bunch of mahines hooked up. I am pretty good at build houses and useing machine, I was new to it when my friends had should me i will post videos most of the time. My skype is mr-minecraft2 if u have steam add me mrminecraftfan12341. I know how to make a iteam shorter,farms and other things. So let me know if i can join, Cya later


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Saturday Invitations are :

Ty for the applications, we have a few more in mind but wanna introduce people to the server slowly!
You should be whitelisted tonight and please message me for the IP of the server!

Once again TY!
My ign is Huntanor, and I'd like to apply for a slot on your server.
I record frequently while playing FTB on my own private server have just started posting stuff pretty randomly on Youtube.
I'm pretty good with BC and IC and I've spent a decent amount of time learning to code for turtles, though I'm just a beginer with Lua.
From watching your Videos I can say I'm quite a bit older then you guys but I don't think that matters.

Things I'm looking to get started with: Steve's Carts and Railcraft.
Favorite stuff in FTB: Turtles. Writing a bit of code and having them do what you wanted is very fun.

Short Video Application
Thanks for considering me. I don't currently use Skype but I could. I don't Currenty use Teamspeak but I could. I still use vent for most of my gaming so getting on and talking is not a problem regardless of the program needed.
message me for the IP[DOUBLEPOST=1354409259][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hi, my IGN is notyepenyar and I hope to play on the server with you guys. I'd love to build with you guys and I would plan to focus on the mystcraft mod at first. I like a lot of things about FTB, especially automatic things like the turtles, and I plan to learn the lua language after java, which I'm learning now. I do record although my channel has been slow recently, I will be posting vanilla videos and hopefully Feed the Beast. I do have skype and I love to do collaborative projects. I spend a TON of time on minecraft, both vanilla and more recently, mods like FTB. I would be on most week days and almost all weekends, doing a lot of recording. I really want to get my channel popular, and I think that playing a popular mod with a bunch of cool guys would help it out :D! I've been looking for a good FTB server for a while and I hope you pick me!. 14 years old. Would post video application, but I'm at school right now and it might be frowned upon if I started recording :p
Message me for the IP


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, my IGN is Balkaranx and I hope I will be able to play on the server with you guys. I love to build and try new things. My expert area would be basically everything except forestry. Yeah.. not too good with that mod haha. I used to record on yotube. Now I am taking a break, might start up again if I do get in this server! I have been playing with these mods since Tekkit came out, and on a scale of 1 - 10, I say I am a 8 or a 9 with FTB. I have been looking for a FTB server to play on, and thought this one might be fun! I am 14, and hopefully that isn't frowned upon. So yeah! Hope I get chosen to play with you guys! Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, my ign is Anti__Venom and i hope to come build with you guys, and experience these mods with others. I have had experience playing Technic, Tekkit, Hack/Mine, Vanilla, Classic, Sdk's, and Yogsbox. I am able to do a couple of things with lua. I know how to make locks for computers/turtles. And i know how to password lock doors. I know how to run a nuclear reactor, and how to build it. I'm pretty good with building things and i have played this game for over 2 years. I Recently have discovered how to use transport pipes, and redstone engines as well. I have a youtube channel and i get some views, although i'm not well known. I have played multiple kinds of minecraft such as classic, vanilla, and a variety of mods. I have heard a lot about this server from my friend and want to try it out. So i hope you will consider me, and hope to see you guys soon!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sup, I'm Garmeer but I'd prefer to be called Charles on teamspeak or skype, I don't really have an area of expertise, but I'm a legit player and am fairly capable of manipulating the mods. I'm mature, fun, can spel, and a good addition to your server; if I may say so myself. I've played on plenty of other small whitelist servers, so if you regret adding me you get a money back guarantee or something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, my IGN is jamesw40k. I am hoping to join a small friendly server. I am 16 years of age and specialize in forestry. Or more specifically beekeeping. Anything you need to know about bees i can probably tell you. I am able to record my time on the server but with a slow upload speed i may choose not too. I would like to join this community as I am a friendly person and am hoping to meet with other friendly people to play and have a great time with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello. I am Jonathan, or KnockoutKOD. I post videos to youtube, and I have exactly 32 subscribers to the moment I post this thread. My channel is youtube.com/knockoutthekod and I would love to play on a private FTB server, previously playing on a private Tekkit server, I'd rather play here since it is less endgame and more you never end. I specialize in IC2 and Buildcraft, as well as I am great with redstone and I am an amazing builder, if you want evidence just watch some of my videos. My buildings today are going to be recorded soon, but I am in the process of building a hotel on a regular MC bukkit server, and when it is done I shall record. I am 15 but I act 23, and I would love to join. Thank you for your time.