Feed the BBB... Beast SMP server (Dedicated 24/7, Whitelist, UK)

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IP: - Feed the BBB... Beast !

Hi Guys/Gals !

Forgot to read the posting rules, so here goes again !

We are looking for another 3 mature players to join our FTB server !

The current server is in BETA, so at some point the world will have to be regenerated when the full FTB comes out !

Experience with Buildcraft and IC2 is essential !


  • No Griefing
  • No Stealing
  • No PvP
  • No Abuse of any kind
Disabled mods include:
gregs tech
portal gun
Admin: RicoTheDrummer
Moderator: Excalibermax
Please apply by posting the following:
Real name:
Minecraft name:
Reason for application:
Have you been banned before: Yes/No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes/No
Hope to hear from you soon !
Real name:Matt
Minecraft name:Fishingbob20
Reason for application:I really enjoy smaller communities so im looking for a small place to play.
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: yes, but i dont have a mike so it will be just chat
real name: Jason
Minecraft name: archmon1
Age: 28
Reason for application: I like to mine and build stuff. So far mostly built vanilla stuff from YouTube though. Like to play and build with other people. Xbox is really just too limited (and in my opinion crap when compared to PC). Really interested in the Feed the Beast mods, just don't understand them quite yet. Most of my understanding comes from the Modded Minecraft show from MonkeyFarm. Although I have been playing around with them for a few days single player and watching mod spotlights on YouTube to get a better grasp on them.

any bans on record: Nope, only played about 15m total on PC Multi-player and that was just walking around a vanilla build server, didn't interact with anyone really. Played a ton of multi-player on Xbox when minecraft first came out for it.

Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes, I also don't mind if its one of the other chat programs, used all three before in the past before. I'll just have to install them first.

Why you would like to play on the server: New to PC Minecraft (played Xbox minecraft). Recently upgraded to PC minecraft with mod's and now Feed The Beast. Looking for a good multi-player server that I can join and learn the feed the beast stuff on and have fun building. Don't really care for PvP in general and saw that this server rules seem to be a good match for that.

I do see that you do want experience with buildcraft and IC2, unfortunately I have not been on PC minecraft for very long so my knowledge is limited right now, but it is growing by the day so far. I will understand if you want more experienced players.

mods in FTB I like so far:
Advanced machines 4.4
advancedSolarPanels 3_2_0
EnderStorage 1.2.1
Reiminimap _v3.2_05

Mods I have decided are not needed/liked for singleplayer and have removed so far:
ModularForceFieldSystem (might be ok for multi-player not sure yet)

Mods at the time of this post I still need to review:
Real name: Leon Loeser
Minecraft name: M3gaFr3ak
Age: 15
Reason for application: I didn't play on a FTB Server before and the description sounds promising
Have you been banned before: Yes/No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes/No
Hey guys !

Real name: Tony
Minecraft name: Furrane
Age: 24
Reason for application: I've tried FTB alone and once you get most of it, it's not so fun to play alone.
Have you been banned before: Nop
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes

I add I'm french and I'm not very fluent in english but I understand english pretty well. Looking to hear from you.
Real name: Jasper
Minecraft name: kenkenchia
Age: 15
Reason for application: I prefer a small, close community where people are not afraid to build near spawn. Also, I have played FTB for a while in singleplayer and it gets very lonely.
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes
Real name: Jacob
Minecraft name: Guffers95
Age: 17
Reason for application: It's nice to see a fellow British server. Also most others seem to be swamped with idiots or small kids. I've had quite a bit of experience with Tekkit (I was an admin on a server before Tekkit was abandoned for FTB. The owner didn't change over, instead he closed the server down). Also i like the idea of having a small community server where everyone can all help each other.
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes, I'll be able to be signed into TS most of the time when I'm online, but I won't always be available to talk.

Look forward to seeing you on the server soon (hopefully).
Real name: Michael
Minecraft name: mikledapickle
Age: 15
Reason for application: it from the Uk and doesnt look as crowded as other servers out there
Have you been banned before: Yes/No Honestly, yes i have, once from a private friends server for jokes only though
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes/No Maybe, not 100% sure though[DOUBLEPOST=1354988648][/DOUBLEPOST]in addition:
i may be fairly young, but i have extensive knowledge of the mods. I have been using a modded minecraft since it was in beta.
Real name: Bogdan
Minecraft name: AntrixB
Age: 17
Reason for application: Seems like a server with no lag,advantage is that it doesn't have griefers,and also i am a very social and mature person,so i preffer to play on server with older community(no offense to young guys)because of past experience with 13-year old griefers.
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes

Hope to hear from you too! :)
Real name: Tyler
Minecraft name: wisdoms
Age: 20
Reason for application: Desire to join a community- I have been playing FTB for about a month and still looking for a server to settle down in. I have much knowledge of IC, being a member of XKillerBees original minecraft ICv0.8Beta SMP- the first IC Server made before it went mainstream. I also know buildcraft and love piping.
Have you been banned before: Yes/No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes/No
  1. IGN: Orcius
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes
  3. Have you been banned before?: Never
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: /
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I love Feed The Beast, I have seen all Direwolf20's video's; so I know how the game works
  6. I'm 17 and my name is Quentin and Timezone: GMT+1
Real name:Isaac
Minecraft name: PlainLazy217
Reason for application:Want to join a nice tight nit community :)
Have you been banned before:No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes i needed :)
Real name: Josiah
Minecraft name: 1LeRick1
Age: 17 (18 in two months)
Reason for application: I would love to play with people on an SMP server, mainly to make friends in the Minecraft world, and also for the experience.
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes
Minecraft name:Tyro533
Reason for application: I want to gain more experience in FTB and play with other people togheter
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes, but it i am german so my english is not that good
Real name: Nathan
Minecraft name: iNathan_95
Age: 17
Reason for application: i need help learning about ftb and whats better then playing with some pro's!
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: occasionally
Real Name: Gabriel
Minecraft name: xGenasis
Age: 17
Reason for application: I really enjoy feed the beast after and started playing after I noticed how overpowered everything in tekkit is nether the less i have alot of experience with buildcraft and industrial craft I would also like to get to know all the people on your server and make some new friends. i have played on alot of vanilla servers so have experience on servers. I'm british so i wont be lagging around and I agree on all the mods that have been disabled, I really want to be on this server if you will let me and i want to be part of a tight nit community.
Have ever been banned before: No never have been and i have been one 3 Vanilla servers each for about 3-14 months
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes i have TeamSpeak and i use it all the time
Real name: Tim
Minecraft name: TJPearl
Age: 17
Reason for application: I want to be part of a smaller community of mature players so i can take on projects and meet new players.
Have you been banned before: Nope, i genrally abide the rules
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes
Real name: Sam Warren
Minecraft name: SamWarren
Age: 17
Reason for application: I wanna play on a good FTB server and join a good community :)
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes
Real name: René Honsbeek
Minecraft name: speariver

Age: 17
Reason for application: I want to join a good community and share my knowledge with you guy's
Have you been banned before: No
Will you use TeamSpeak: Yes
Hi to all !
Just a quick note say thankyou for your replys.

We have chosen the members we thought were the best suited to our server and playstyle.

If at somepoint a slot becomes available again, I will let you know.

Once again, Thankyou for your interest !
