If you get a large circuit to slide into your Electrical Engine, it might do the job. You'd need one bronze, two tin, and a copper electron tube to do it. It would also eat up a surprising 34 Eu/t, which means more than low voltage would be required. an MV array would keep it going, though. Barring nightfall and storms, of course.
Failing that, the most I've seen out of an engine would be the commercial steam engines at 8 Eu/t. The trick of getting all that steam to it when quarries are traditionally in remote locations, however, is a logistical challenge to solve.
Two biogas engines would also produce 8 MJ/t, and would be significantly easier to keep refuelled.
Two Magmatic Engines would also do the trick.
I know that Aqueous Accumulators have made combustion engines much safer, but I still have a knee-jerk reflex to avoid them, when there are so very many alternatives.