Whitelist Server FanCraft [SMP][PvP][FTB]{WhiteListed}{1.7.10}{Mindcrack FanServer}{13+}

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im currently searching for Mindcrack fans (You can still join if you dont know any Mindcrackers) to join my Feed The Beast Infinity pack server. My idea for this server is to build a small trustful community (Just like the real Mindcrack) except not as big. The type of people i am looking for are people that are trustful and is a fan of the Mindcrack community. Please read the following and decide if you want to join. Depending wether people join or not i will upgrade the server to reduce the chance of lag spikes.

Server Properties

IP :

Slots : 8

Ram : 3GB

Host : NitrousNetworks UK

Plugins : None, but if you want some i may add


  • No Griefing [2 Warnings]

  • No Swearing

  • No Farming(As in farming items in a un - legit manner)[Will Result in ban]

  • No Hacked clients [Will result in ban]

  • No stealing [3 Warnings]

  • Be respectful to other players
Application Form


Age (mandatory) :

Skype (mandatory) :

FTB Experience :

Favourite Mindcracker :

Can you be respectful? :

Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you guys soon
My IGN is fullmetalvlad (just like that, no caps), but feel free to call me Vlad. I am 16 years of age, and my Skype is fullmetalvlad. Spelled just the same way as my IGN.

I have a decent amount of experience with FTB. I am not the greatest with all mods, but I know my way around most in the Infinity pack. To be honest that's one of the main reasons I am looking for a good server, to widen my knowledge of Minecraft mods and players.

Sethbling is my personal favourite Mindcracker, due to his public radio quality humour and crazy contraptions. I am also a big fan of Zisteau and Etho (even though he is not an official member, he still is my heart *Insert Fakest Tears Imaginable*)

Oh and yeah, don’t worry good sir, I can and shall be respectful, I bid thee a farewell.
IGN :ChilledZach

Age (mandatory) :21

Skype (mandatory) : live:madzach5

FTB Experience : ultimate, monster, mindcrack, unleashed, techworld 2

Favourite Mindcracker : sethbling i guess :P

Can you be respectful? : of course i can be

thanks very much
IGN :kanman16

Age (mandatory) :14

Skype (mandatory) :kanstorm16

FTB Experience :Tech is mainly what i use I'm not very good at magic :(

Favourite Mindcracker :Etho ftw

Can you be respectful? :Yes i like to talk to people and help
IGN :Mossabt

Age (mandatory) :15

Skype (mandatory) :Mossaab Abtouche but i not always on

FTB Experience : its all about that magic :p and a little bit of tech for getting things easyer :D

Favourite Mindcracker : bdubs

Can you be respectful? : Of course!
Hi I and two of my friends would like to join here are out applications

IGN : _Brady

Age (mandatory) : 18

Skype (mandatory) : Brady4eve259

FTB Experience : I have played modded for about 3 years

Favourite Mindcracker : GenerikB

Can you be respectful? : Most Defiantly

IGN : Toxiclollypopss

Age (mandatory) : 20

Skype (mandatory) : Toxiclollypopss

FTB Experience : 2 years or so (Kind of a noob but at the same time knows how to get around)

Favourite Mindcracker : Doesn't know any

Can you be respectful? : For the most part

IGN : SpiderSprinkles

Age (mandatory) : 18

Skype (mandatory) : Bradyshp

FTB Experience : Fairly nooby, but learning from friends (A.K.A The apprentice)

Favourite Mindcracker : Doesn't know any

Can you be respectful? : For sure
IGN : shadowquinn1974

Age (mandatory) : 40 (yea im an old guy)

Skype (mandatory) : shadowquinn

FTB Experience : 2+ years

Favourite Mindcracker : Gudde (love his UHC)

Can you be respectful? : Yea I think I can handle that one.
Application Form

IGN : ickyham

Age (mandatory) :13

Skype (mandatory) :zoop1111

FTB Experience : I am a very experienced ftb player and have been playing ftb for 2 years and minecraft since beta.

Favourite Mindcracker : Etho! He is very funny and is good at building, i love watching his videos and would love to join a private server just like the one he plays on!

Can you be respectful? :Yes... I can be respectful as i love the mindcrackers and what they do. Having the chance to play on a server just like them would be amazing!
IGN : HawkeyeNL

Age (mandatory) : 20

Skype (mandatory) : rene.honsbeekiejj

FTB Experience : from the start

Favourite Mindcracker : etho, his builds are amazing

Can you be respectful? : yes, i'm hoping to find a server where you work as a team helping eachother out!
IGN : startrunner
Age (mandatory) : 16
Skype (mandatory) : sashko0806
FTB Experience : I have been playing with mods for a while now and I'm quite familiar with most of the tech-based ones. My skills and knowledge of magic are lagging behind, though.
Favourite Mindcracker : Etho
Can you be respectful? : Yes, of course!
IGN : tvi016

Age (mandatory) : 15

Skype (mandatory) : vikoren123

FTB Experience : Well, i cant really say im good at any new mods, but used to be great at mods back in the days:P Wanted to get back into learning all of them

Favourite Mindcracker : Etho probably? Dont really watch alot of youtube videos

Can you be respectful? : Yep
IGN : ilops

Age (mandatory) : 19

Skype (mandatory) : mr.gun.m4a1

FTB Experience : well i have playing on the ftb like for 2 years now. I am master in ae2, i more a tech boy then magic, so i like all tech mod, and in magic mods i like blood magic, and thamcraft

Favourite Mindcracker : IDK i have never see mindcracker's videos

Can you be respectful? : i am very respectful, but if people piss on me. i dont like that