Factory Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys,

In minecraft when I create new worlds my ultimate motivation is a goal. And then when i've accomplished that goal, another goal.

So I want some ideas for factories. Something similar to Etho's most recent idea where he is creating tin.

I want the factory to be completely self sustaining, so when its completed I wont have to touch it (or very rarely) and it will produce infinite amount of the item I am after and then when thats done, I plan on building another factory, then another.

I want the factory also to be reasonably complicated so it won't achieved with only a weeks work so alot of steps. An example of a fairly simple one is a Quarry, with junk sorted into a recycler then UU-matter being turned into different items such as glowstone etc.

So, what are your guys ideas? I might see if I can improve Ethos ideas of crucibles etc to create an infinite source of tin and other resources


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's something that chicken bones (The author of NEI) did, make a mass fab system, that creates UU, and with that UU, make all the neccessary things needed for a HV solar array (Or in this case, and ultimate solar panel thingy thats name I do not know) and then hook the solars to the mass fab, making it faster, and sooner or later, once it has enough power, will be infinitely expandable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You might want to look at forestry too. Each of the different farm types generate items that work together to automate the entire system. I am still trying to work out the bugs in my own as there can be a lot of overflow without a proper setup.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's something that chicken bones (The author of NEI) did, make a mass fab system, that creates UU, and with that UU, make all the neccessary things needed for a HV solar array (Or in this case, and ultimate solar panel thingy thats name I do not know) and then hook the solars to the mass fab, making it faster, and sooner or later, once it has enough power, will be infinitely expandable.

This is an awesome idea, mass create solar panels and eventually end up with more power than is possible to spend. Havn't really played with computer craft but maybe I could even automate it to place the panels with turtles. Might do this as the first factory

An issue would be though that once you have say maybe 200 advanced solar panels there is no use anymore and you shut down the factory and it will never be used again. But i suppose that would apply to any kind of factory

Another major, more important issue is that fact that in FTB gregtech uses Matterfabricators which is a very end-game item due to the need of Iridium which I believe there is supposedly like 1 block in every 5 chunks. Unless theres another way to get it that I am not aware of, I am fairly new to the modding scene


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have already planned to have sandstone as my primary building block. So my first "factory" will be a simple set up to generate infinite amounts of sandstone through sand>compressor which gives one sandstone, then sandstone in a pulveriser I think it is which gives two sand then that goes back to the compressor making a loop.

So it will go 1 Sand>1 Sandstone>2 Sand>2 Sandstone>4 Sand>4 Sandstone etc


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Be a genius..

1 Sand... to start the process, have no other inputs (other then energy).

Is it crafting table 2 sandstone slabs turn into the patterned sandstone, or is it when put down? If so, make different sandstone blocks.

Either way.. Generate sandstone, and program turtles to build and entire structure only out of the sandstone factory output which was only input power and 1 sand. Autonomously :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My goal - which you may like or not

cobblegen + pulverizer = sand for peat bog
Peat bog gives dirt for peat bog and outputs extra dirt and peat
peat powers several wheat and tree farms
wheat farms output seeds and wheat. Seeds turn to seed oil for biomas. Wheat turns to compost and biomas
tree farms output sand (goes back into the system or out to create sandstone), wood (output), saplings for biomass, and apples for apple juice for biomas.

now we have biomas - this goes through a still, powered by the rest of the peat and maybe a biogas engine. This still outputs into a tank for biofuel.

biofuel runs a 36H boiler, possibly 2 or 3 if you have leftovers. 18 industrial steam engines per boiler give 144MJ/t energy.

This energy goes into extruder cobblestone -> magma crucible -> extruder obsidian array - 7 of these per boiler.

This obsidian goes into a filler which creates a solid obsidian pyramid 64x64 in size. OR into a builder to create a solid obsidian mage tower of modular design along path markers :)

PS: Another way to keep a 36H boiler running without producing nearly as many by products (though the goal for me was tons of useful by-products as well) is just 2.5 peat bogs per solid fueled boiler. Peat bogs can run off infinite dirt generators. Build as many boilers as you want to power the obsidian gen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need design ideas for my factory. I'm thinking something similar to the Jaffa Factory by the Yogscast, but instead of one building being the factory, and there being a plaza outside, there would be a campus of buildings and certain buildings would be networked with other buildings (like the power plants and the storage system). Anyone like my design idea?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need design ideas for my factory. I'm thinking something similar to the Jaffa Factory by the Yogscast, but instead of one building being the factory, and there being a plaza outside, there would be a campus of buildings and certain buildings would be networked with other buildings (like the power plants and the storage system). Anyone like my design idea?

That's basically how we did it on our server. We have a 'village' with different zones. We have a residential area with homes, a farm area with steve's carts and forestry farms (and a beehive) and an industrial area that contains the power plant (about 20 36HP boilers), storage and factories. Looks really cool and pretty because the zones match in theme. So I'd say go for it :)