I have been playing on a friends FTB server for about a month now and all was good up until about 3 days ago it started out with alot of rubberbanding then I would be able to log in and I would disconnect instantly but it would allow me to roam freely and I could see all animations happening around me but could not interact with anything then it would kick me eventually and say end stream or timed out I tried tons of different things to fix this I deleted java and re-downloaded it also deleted feed the beast several times and re-downloaded it also using both the exe. and Jar files I had windows 7 when it was doing this I figured maybe it was a virus or something but i could not detect it so i format'd and did a fresh install of ubuntu - linux and the problem still persists I am not quiet sure what is happening the only thing that helped it some what was my friend copying his FTB file and sending it to me which some what helped but then after awhile it went back to dcing me over and over again I have the console log here any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated thanks for reading my post.