Extracting Mob Essence from Grinder issue

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heyya Guys,

So I just set up a mob grinder from MFR for killing my cows which im getting from a breeder, but I'm having an issue with the Mob Essence. I have the fluid conduits from EnderIO connected to the bottom of my grinder, and then going into the bottom of a 5x5x8 Iron Tank from Railcraft, into one of the valves. The essence is coming out of the grinder into the pipes no problem but aren't actually going into the tank, any idea why this might be happening?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The multiblock is not formed.

I don't think you can have valves at the bottom.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Last time i've played with Iron tank was in the mindcrack pack. If i recall correctly, i think you need lever to activate the valve, if it not work then try these:
Change the valve either to the side or top of the tank or try putting a bucket of liquid Exp into the tank to test if compatible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, turns out that I did need the valve on the side, which is strange, because the wiki says they can be on the top or bottom...oh well, thanks anyways guys


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Too be honest, wiki are probably not helpfull anymore and alway outdated. Each time i need to check, recipe are not the same, fonctionality are diffirent and dont have/lack of info. Some of them are good... if you still playing older minecraft version. Thus is just my opinion.

Then i was rigth. Is still similar when i used them. Top or side for storing and bottom to empty. It could work to the side too but dont empty all the liquid from the tank.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, turns out that I did need the valve on the side, which is strange, because the wiki says they can be on the top or bottom...oh well, thanks anyways guys

Yeah, it seems like Valve blocks on the bottom of the tank are intended only to be used for fluid removal, not fluid insertion.

Common sense would make you think that any valve on the Railcraft tanks can be used in any way, but apparently this isn't the case. You simply have to learn all the odd ways the valves perform by experimentation, which is usually the most frustrating way you can learn anything.

Here is MY understanding, developed over the years by experimentation and frustrating failures:
Valves on bottom of tank are output only. HOWEVER - they flow automatically, you don't need a pump to suck the fluids out.
Valves on the sides of the tank can both input and output, however, only valves on the bottom row (which is actually the second row up from the bottom of the tank) will eject their fluids without a pump pulling them out. If you have a valve halfway up the tank, it will only pull out fluids if the fluid level is higher than the level of the valve.
Valves on the top of the tank are for input only. You cannot output fluids thru a valve on the top.

And of course, some of these are probably wrong, so feel free to correct me if so.

As RitoruSuta said, welcome to the world of modded Minecraft and wikis that go out-of-date within a few days. LOL Where nothing is ever certain, and everything is subject to change!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@asb3pe Oh I'm not new to modded minecraft, been playing it for years lol, and I am used to things becoming outdated on the wiki's, but I don't remember iron tanks ever having any work done on them...to be honest, I can't think of the last time railcraft as a whole had any updates


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah Railcraft doesn't change but it seems like I have to figure out how the Tank Valves work in every new modpack that I play. The way they work is not always intuitive (like you cannot push fluids into the tank from the bottom).

My post above will now serve as my own reminder in the future... because I will do a search for Railcraft Tank Valve, and my post will show up right at the top of the list. LOL I can't tell you how many times I have a problem in the game, do a search, and find my own posts (complete with solution) from a year or two ago when I was playing some other modpack. LOL