Extra Bees - List of possible serums?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been banging my head against the wall trying to get a specific trait isolated from my bees, but now I am wondering if the serum is actually in game. I am looking to get the Fast Pollination trait. Does anyone know if this is available OR have a list of the serums in game? They're hidden from NEI, which is kind of annoying. Thanks!
all traits the bees can have includeing species have a serum for fast pollination you want the industrious bees
I've put probably 100 Industrious through my isolator and still haven't gotten any pollination serums. I guess I will keep churning through drones.
I'm looking for a master list as well. The wiki doesn't seem to have anything about it yet. I just recently started with extra bees(regular bees as well) so i don't know to much about it. Are these serums new? Or have they been around for a while? Because if so, i'm sure there is a list somewhere floating around. Btw bees are awesome, I never really had interest until about a few days ago and now i'm hooked!
With extra bees, farmed bees, have a faster pollination if you want a little extra umphh haven't discovered a beed with fastest yet.

Side note: If anyone tells me how to add spoilers ill add the combination to get farmed bees for those who want it.
I've put probably 100 Industrious through my isolator and still haven't gotten any pollination serums. I guess I will keep churning through drones.

I tried the same, must've gone through like 4 full stacks of industrious bees alone (and 100's of other bees that I ran through the isolator for other traits) and so far I've gotten exactly *one* pollination serum - too bad it was from an ender bee with slow speed. I'm pretty sure it's bugged somehow because otherwise I would've gotten more pollination serums by now.
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With extra bees, farmed bees, have a faster pollination if you want a little extra umphh haven't discovered a beed with fastest yet.

Side note: If anyone tells me how to add spoilers ill add the combination to get farmed bees for those who want it.

Thanks, I'll look into those. I've got industrious bees going at the moment and they're pretty speedy!
Yea, this needs to be bumped. I'm getting rainfall serum, and default territory serum and I have no idea what they do. I mean I could test them out and I'll do it if I need to but I feel like there should be a master list somewhere
Yea, this needs to be bumped. I'm getting rainfall serum, and default territory serum and I have no idea what they do. I mean I could test them out and I'll do it if I need to but I feel like there should be a master list somewhere

rainfall = flyer trait, can work during the rain
territory either has something to do with the area where they grow flowers/ "pollinate" rocks or where you feel the bees' effect (good or bad) - or both
How did you figure that out? Just by trial and error? I'd hate to have to come back here whenever I need a question answered about it. Shouldn't there be a master list?
You can look some things up (Extra Bees has a rudimentary wiki and there exist some threads here and there), other times you can make an educated guess...

Nevertheless, feel free to come back for important information. ;)