Experiencing problems with Thaumcraft

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm 90% sure I put this thread wrong. Admin, please move thread to correct sub-forum, i couldn't find the right one.

I just got started with Thaumcraft. I'm in Thaumcraft 3 by the way. But i'm experiencing some problems with it. I made a crucible and three tables (all set up correctly with scribbing tools and the other table with the wand on it, right next to the table with scribbing tools). I went ahead and made a research about how to make gold nuggets, i completed the research and right clicked the discovery you get when the research is done after i read it.

Then i opened up på Thaumonomicon and saw that i've completed the golden nugget research. I clicked on it and saw what you had. I don't know their names but you probably know. I got the things (things = the items that pop up when you hold shift over an item) required and throwed them in to the boiling water that was in the crucible.

I got the golden nuggets. Great, i thought for a moment. Lets try that one more time. It didn't work. And i was very confused. So now, such a nooby Minecrafter i am, i turn to you. What's the problem? I even made a video about it.

As you see, i don't get any gold nuggets.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have to use your wand on the crucible to cause the magic that will create the items. Don't shift right click however as it will just dump those aspects out into the world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea that happens to me to, it seems like it needs a refresh period. but I could be wrong


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, doing so uses up some vis to create the item that you put the aspects in the crucible for. In the thaumanomicon you should see that it says at the top 5 Vis, that is the amount of Vis it uses from your wand to create that 1 item. Because your wand holds 50 Vis you can create up to 10 of that recipe at once.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You might find Direwolf's mod spotlight on Thaumcraft useful. It can be fairly non-intuitive if you're diving into it blind.