Summary of the problem Ex compressum auto hammer gui crashes game when modified tinkers' pickaxe is in inventory.
Pack Version 1.1.0
What is the bug? I wanted to try to put a tinkers' construct platinum pickaxe with the smashing modifier -- combining a TC pickaxe and a ex nihilo hammer -- but when i open the ex compressum auto hammer the game crashes when I pick anything up with the modified pickaxe in the inventory.
Mod & Version It's actually version 1.2.0 as far as I can tell and the mod is FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock as per where I am posting this.
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? I tried 3-4 times and the same effect was observed in all cases. I doubt that the specific ingame setup has an effect on the bug and I changed some graphics settings (for another reason) which had no effect on the bug. The steps are detailed in the "What is the bug?" section.
Known Fix No workaround besides not doing it. I could imagine that this wasn't intended on being used but I decided to try anyways . Icarus would be proud of me.
Pack Version 1.1.0
What is the bug? I wanted to try to put a tinkers' construct platinum pickaxe with the smashing modifier -- combining a TC pickaxe and a ex nihilo hammer -- but when i open the ex compressum auto hammer the game crashes when I pick anything up with the modified pickaxe in the inventory.
Mod & Version It's actually version 1.2.0 as far as I can tell and the mod is FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock as per where I am posting this.
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? I tried 3-4 times and the same effect was observed in all cases. I doubt that the specific ingame setup has an effect on the bug and I changed some graphics settings (for another reason) which had no effect on the bug. The steps are detailed in the "What is the bug?" section.
Known Fix No workaround besides not doing it. I could imagine that this wasn't intended on being used but I decided to try anyways . Icarus would be proud of me.