Awesome - now we are getting somewhere
Note - steam boilers will just waste steam if its not used
I may be going over the top in detail but sorry if I am teaching you to suck eggs - This will work - I am using it for 10 x 36 HP boilers as we speak. The detail is in italics so ignore if you know, anything you don't quite get use youtube. It will run forever and ever with 0 input so you can play with other stuff
1 x steves carts farm for trees in a 16 x 16 E shaped track, this will give you more than enough income of mats
- E shaped means you are outlining an E with 2 blocks gap between the tracks
- you want a cart with woodcutter/solar/coal engine and some storage, making sure solar is high priority and coal is medium
- 2 managers, one unloading the STORAGE and the other loading the ENGINE part... check the arrows on the managers
1 x wheat farm,
steves are ideal, just a small one you dont need much, again the tree farm will power the cart and use the same cart setup as above but farmer instead of woodcutter (pic is supplying enough for 4 liquid boilers)
The reason for saying Steves carts is the charcoal you will produce will power both farms with plenty left over
So now you are sorted mats wise you just need the final fuel for the boilers
Solid fuel - take the wood, turn to charcoal and put in solid boilers, you will have enough for a 36 HP boiler both farms and some left over
Liquid Fuel - more complicated - you need a fermenter and 3 stills to make Biofuel, again you will have enough to a 36 HP boiler
The fermenters need fertiliser from apitite (mining = yawn) so use the fabricator table to autocraft wheat to compost instead so saplings + compost = biomass. Biomass to stills = biofuel to tank and then liquid boilers.
1 - the solid fuel are easy! ME network can sort the farms and charcoal and input to boilers
2 - Liquid is harder as you need MJ to run all the machines and a load of bronze
3 - Build up a storage of charcoal and biofuel before starting the boilers, they EAT fuel to get up to temp
4 - temp on those badboys will take 6 hours to get to 1000
So now we have 2 boilers chucking out a bucket load of steam
Attach 9 liquiducts to a boiler to pull all the steam out and 1 liqu output will carry all 720 to a bridge BUT you need to hook up the bridge on all sides
Your bridge will need 2 steam inputs (1 for each boiler) and you can use 2 x HV outputs and glass cable to draw the 700 eu/t. I would suggest a MJ out on the spare side and a tesseract to power your quarry and mats = win
Just as a final hurrah I will show you the EU that I am putting through my UU fab at night when panels are not working
![2013-07-24_00.36.15.png 2013-07-24_00.36.15.png](
and during the day when they are (UU matter to panels FTW)
I am Ben - I play GT and have been playing for 8 weeks and on this server for 4
GL CHAP and viva le MC community
PS if you want to ditch bridges and have spare mats and want your boilers to look authentic and imo PIMP - use industrial steam engines
![2013-07-24_01.00.28.png 2013-07-24_01.00.28.png](