This error actually ends up to be level.dat corruption. I could go into extreme detail, but essentially the Redstone mod was failing b/c it was a bad level.dat not because the mod itself was crashing the server. When I deleted the mod, I got new errors pointing towards level.dat. For anyone that doesn't know how to fix level.dat corruption, its pretty simple: make a new server with your old world seed specifically specified. This will generate your level.dat which you can copy paste on to your old level.dat (with the old dimension files). If you don't have your seed, you can try opening level.dat in NBT editor, but only some tags will be shown (the others are corrupt). So its possible you'll never be able to get your seed. You can still fix the server by using a random seed, but it will have weird effects when new chunks load in.
EDIT: I also needed B:removeErroringTileEntities=true b/c with the new level.dat it still needed to remove a few corrupted blocks.
Essentially, this error sucks. But I think I fixed it.