Equinox is the latest server brought to you by BxBServers, Equinox is an open server running the ftb ultimate pack, whilst some items are banned in the server while we still keep the main aspect of the modpack, so why not join Equinox and play with your friends, build towns become a master of bee’s whilst knowing that your chests and buildings are safe with our protection plugins, if you’re new to ftb why not play on our server and learn whilst you go in a safe environment (or ask more experienced players). We have a dedicated and mature staff team with several years of running servers under their belt. If you want any further information regarding this server please feel free to contact us with a pm.
IP: ftb.bxbservers.com
- None
- Myscraft
- Mystcraft pages can still be found within the map, but the ages can’t be crafted or created due to high server load when making dimensions.
- Myscraft
- PortalMod
- Portal guns can’t be created or found in dungeons, but are given as a donator perk, all other items in this mod can be crafted.
- PortalMod
- Chunkloaders
- spotloaders (but donators can place 1 spotloader)
- world anchors
- Canvas bags
- Gravity gun
- Wrath Igniter
- Magic energy absorber
NOTICE: A Ban on any BxB servers will result in an automatic Ban on all BxB servers
No Griefing
No Duplication
No Hacked Clients (included adding mods that give game play advantage like x-ray)
No Building or mining within towns of a 100 block radius without explicit permission from the town's mayor.
Do Not Intentionally abuse glitches or game mechanics, please report them to a member of staff
No Harassment in any form to players or staff.
No excessive Pixel Art
No Creation walls of water/lava.
No 1x1 Towers unless you remove them once you’ve finished with it.
Do not create huge automated mob farms (ie Ender farms)
No abuse of LWC and or looting chests while protected
Do not attempt to crash the server Any attempt = Perma Ban
Do not create mass amount of entities and not clean them up
Abuse of items will get them revoked and destroyed.
Griefing may be defined as:
Breaking into areas otherwise impossible to enter
Destroying blocks in another player's structure.
Taking other peoples belonging without permission.
Placing blocks in or around a structure which you do not own.
Leave abusive messages in any form.
Teleporting group members to your person and engaging in hostile actions against said group members.
Causing mass entities spills and not cleaning up.
Chat Rules
The following actions are prohibited while in in-game chat channels, TeamSpeak, and any Equinox related forums:
Harassing, threatening, embarrassing, giving unwanted attention or discomfort to another player.
Keep swearing to a minimum.
No Impersonation of any staff member.
No Marketing, promoting or advertising of anything, or making any other form of solicitation.
No use of any language besides English in main chat channels (excludes private chat)
No Spamming, begging, whining, and other similar forms of unwanted chat clutter.
No Discussing religious/political views (We don't want to know)
If at any time you make a mistake that breaks any of the rules let the staff know and we will fix it.
By Playing on the Equinox you agree to these rules, rules may change at any time.
These ranks are obtained by playing the game and can help unlocking item recipes that you couldn’t make in your previous rank, also every rank will give you in-game money to reward you for playing the server.
Guest -
·Basic rank
Member -
·Acquired after 4 hours of gameplay
Settler -
·Obtained after 25 hours
· Ability to set 2 Homes
Villager -
·Obtained after 50 hours
Resident -
·Obtained after 75 hours
·Ability to set 3 Homes
·Use of Mining Laser
Elite -
·Obtained after 100 hours
·No more item or building restrictions other than what is banned or donor only
Veteran -
· Obtained after 200 hours of gameplay
· No more building restrictions other than what is banned or donator only

Trial Moderator:
This is the initial Staff Rank and is obtained after successfully completing the application and interview process. The Trial Moderator Rank will only be considered for highly trustworthy and dedicated players. It is more of a job than a rank.
This Rank provides a promotion from the initial Trial Moderator Rank. This comes after you have helped the community with questions and problems and have proven you are ready for partaking in a more professional role.
Administrators are the most respected and trustworthy rank of all, meaning it is also the hardest in game rank to achieve. There are very high standards for this rank.