Ender chest lag

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys, not sure if this should go in technical support or not but I need some advice. My world is getting rather large now and my entire processing facility makes use of ender chests to get ores/items to their respective machines via an AE network. What I have noticed though is that ender chests are causing me major FPS lag, not so much tick lag though, any idea why and what I should use instead (or modifications that can be done to ender chests) to reduce this?

As a test I made a new world and put roughly 30-40 chests in one area, dropped from 50-60FPS to 20 FPS, pretty much like my server is now.

My specs:
Intel i5 3570k
ATI 7950
8GB 1600Hz ram


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As I recall, enderchests are tileentities, and thus have the "do something" on tick. The more you have, the slower stuff is.

As far as I know, there isn't really a vast amount to be done about it. Tesseracts are an option. The COFH lot usually pride themselves on efficient coding, and keeping lag to a minimum, but, other than that, I can't think of much.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the "doing something" FPS related or tick related? Because quarries add loads of tick lag to my server but my FPS with 20+ of them running all at once is well over 60.

I may need to restructure my entire factory since atm I have +-1 ender chest per machine all connected to a single "out" chest.... Not really sure how to reduce the number without adding loads to itemducts white lists and have the source only from 1 chest? Hmmm sounds like major admin and I double I will have enough slots in that white list ui >.<