ElitePowered Gaming Community is proud to present:

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Website - ElitePowered.org
TeamSpeak 3 -

A more comprehensive list can be found Here
- No Cheating
- No Griefing
- No Advertising Or Recruiting
- No Flaming
- No Racist/Sexist Comments
- Keep Swearing To A Minimum
- Do Not Use Offensive/Obscene Nicknames
- Have Fun!
Portal Gun Mod- Now Available!- Nukes
- Mining Laser
- Canvas Bag - Dupes Items

- Survival
- 50 Slots
- 6GB Ram
- SecureChests
- Essentials
- World Border
- World Guard

Applications can be submitted in this thread or Here
In Game Name:
Do you agree to our rules and regulations?:
Do you take 100% responsibility to your Minecraft Account?: