In theory, I strive for elegance in my designs, but that bogs me down and causes me to question everything I do. Should this block go here? Or maybe over there would look better? Maybe a different look would be nicer? etc.
In practical terms, I always end up just "gettin' er done", no matter how it looks. It's usually a jumble of wires and conduits and pipes and machines, but it works so I don't touch with it and play with it to try and make it look cooler or prettier. After it's complete, I step back and admire it. And loathe it too. On the one hand, I'm happy I did it and got everything working! On the other hand, I'm upset that I always strive for elegance and never end up with very much (in my own opinion). So I always seem to be both a bit happy and a bit upset after I build something significant. Then I go watch some youtube videos of the amazing stuff other people have built, and I feel even worse about my lack of elegance. I feel like that Neanderthal dude in the Geico commercials, resigned to a minecraft life of very practical and efficient, but inelegant builds.
In practical terms, I always end up just "gettin' er done", no matter how it looks. It's usually a jumble of wires and conduits and pipes and machines, but it works so I don't touch with it and play with it to try and make it look cooler or prettier. After it's complete, I step back and admire it. And loathe it too. On the one hand, I'm happy I did it and got everything working! On the other hand, I'm upset that I always strive for elegance and never end up with very much (in my own opinion). So I always seem to be both a bit happy and a bit upset after I build something significant. Then I go watch some youtube videos of the amazing stuff other people have built, and I feel even worse about my lack of elegance. I feel like that Neanderthal dude in the Geico commercials, resigned to a minecraft life of very practical and efficient, but inelegant builds.