Efficient MJ AND EU Production?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I produce EU by burning Redwood slabs that I get from a turtle script

But in all seriousness, nowadays you can just use TE or a boiler for efficent MJ and a nuclear power plant fpr EU is even better than before


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My current setup (Direwolf20 1.6 pack):
  • A farm for general crops — MFR Planter, Harvester, Fertilizer
  • A farm for melons and pumpkins — MFR Harvester (planted by hand)
  • A farm for cacti — MFR Harvester (planted by hand)
  • An underground farm for mushrooms — MFR Planter, Harvester
That gets me 9 different items — wheat+seeds, barley+seeds, carrots, potatoes, melons/seeds, pumpkins/seeds, cactus (cactus green), red mushrooms, brown mushrooms. So I can put those into Bioreactors and achieve maximum efficiency, and pump all the biofuel into giant Iron Tanks from RailCraft. That's my basic fuel.

For MJ, I use MFR's BioFuel Generators. They're dirt simple to make — furnace, couple pistons, blaze rods. (I've got all the mob drops I could possibly want via MFR's safari nets and auto-spawners, so I'm sitting on thousands of blaze rods.) Since it's so easy to make generators, and since Redstone Energy Conduits are expensive and aren't as useful as they used to be, I don't actually bother with a central energy net; instead, I use a central Logistics Pipes net, and use Logistics Fluid Suppliers to supply my engines, which I put all over the place. (The pipes won't connect directly to BioFuel Generators, but you can connect Fluid Supplier → Fluiduct → BioFuel Generator.)

For EU, I started with BioFuel Generator + Igneous Extruder → Magma Crucible → Geothermal Generator, but later on, I centralised all my lava generation and have another giant Iron Tank full of the stuff. So I just need to plonk down a Geothermal Generator and hook a Logistics Fluid Supplier to it, and tada, easy local EU power. (Also, lava makes great ComputerCraft turtle fuel, or TC smeltery fuel, or fuel for another Igneous Extruder to make obsidian, so central production is nice.)

So yeah, the advent of Logistics Fluid pipes has really changed how I deal with power. I used to generate power centrally and liquid locally due to how easy and hard they were to move, respectively; now, it's so simple to just have a single central Logistics Pipes network and have it handle energy by virtue of lava+biofuel as well. (Of course, I'll still probably eventually want to have a parallel Applied Energistics network alongside that, but AE doesn't do liquids, so my pipe network isn't going away. But at least I only need two of them, with zero loss and no worries about loops.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You dont need a harvester for cacti, you only need a block next to the second block above the cactus :p

I realise this; in fact, we used to use this exact system to defend the entrance to our base, since keeping the cacti small meant the mobs would try to path over them. (I eventually replaced them with an MFR Grinder — safer and quicker.)

However, for actual efficient cacti harvesting, it's hard to beat an MFR Harvester (with a range upgrade):
  • It will cut down cacti so they're just one block tall, while leaving the lowest block for them to regrow.
  • It simplifies collecting all the blocks rather than having to deal with a mass water/conveyor/obsidian-pipe network.
  • It can be turned on and off at will; and when it's off, the cacti are allowed to grow to their full height, meaning you get a nice burst of them when you turn it on.
  • You never have to worry about broken cacti falling onto lower cacti and destroying themselves.
My cactus farm is a 15x15 checkerboard pattern (so ~113 cacti) and only needs a single harvester with a silver upgrade (cheap!). Very effective use of space and resources.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I realise this; in fact, we used to use this exact system to defend the entrance to our base, since keeping the cacti small meant the mobs would try to path over them. (I eventually replaced them with an MFR Grinder — safer and quicker.)

However, for actual efficient cacti harvesting, it's hard to beat an MFR Harvester (with a range upgrade):
  • It will cut down cacti so they're just one block tall, while leaving the lowest block for them to regrow.
  • It simplifies collecting all the blocks rather than having to deal with a mass water/conveyor/obsidian-pipe network.
  • It can be turned on and off at will; and when it's off, the cacti are allowed to grow to their full height, meaning you get a nice burst of them when you turn it on.
  • You never have to worry about broken cacti falling onto lower cacti and destroying themselves.
My cactus farm is a 15x15 checkerboard pattern (so ~113 cacti) and only needs a single harvester with a silver upgrade (cheap!). Very effective use of space and resources.
That...is actually pretty cool. Never thought of that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So i thought id just point out how me and my friends did it. We were playing ftb ultimate for a long time and had a similar problem/dilemma of how to produce our energy. What we came up with is a few methods. Lava (like you did) but like u we were running out of lava. we drained half the nether for over 900 block radius. What we did is used mystcraft to create a world. 1 biome, massive, ocean, lava describer. what it made was a full world 100% lava ocean ~20 blocks deep. we fueled ~800 magmatic engines that way. the other method we used was biomass/generators. we had biomass being made from 8 fermenters, 2 multiblock farms at max size. and we used redwoods. The redwoods produced so much wood we burned planks in generators and then the saplings produced so much biogass it was unreal. if you want any more ideas i assure u, me and my friends have done it :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I do for lava is attach a pump in the nether to a redstone power cell, then have a tesseract transport the lava into a tank. Then you have unlimited lava :)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know of a way to produce a TON of mj/tick? (By ton, I mean at least 1,000,000 mj/tick). The reason is, I'm trying to place a rather large force field around my place, and all it takes is mj (not EU). They take so much power for some reason, and I can't seem to produce enough.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know of a way to produce a TON of mj/tick? (By ton, I mean at least 1,000,000 mj/tick). The reason is, I'm trying to place a rather large force field around my place, and all it takes is mj (not EU). They take so much power for some reason, and I can't seem to produce enough.
1 million MJ/t is basically impossible, even with creative mode infinite energy producers. Sorry.

However, I think there's an infinite energy module in the creative menu for MFFS.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just use a tree farm with an Induction Furnace and two High Pressure steam boilers powering Steam Turbines to get a lot of EU power. It's pretty easy to set up and with two Steam Turbines, you get plenty of EU to waste on a continuously running Mass Fabricator and for other IC2 machines with Overclockers. If I start running out of lava, I always just create a Mystcraft age as well with just lava in order to power how many Magmatic Dynamo's I need. And the Dynamo's both give RF and MJ so that's not too much of a problem. Beyond that, I have no real power issues because my worlds always end up crashing from a weird pipe interaction or bug.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1 million MJ/t is basically impossible, even with creative mode infinite energy producers. Sorry.

However, I think there's an infinite energy module in the creative menu for MFFS.

Okay, thanks. It's actually remarkable how much mj/t those mffs projectors take...for about 40 distance upgrades and like 16/20 steam engines, and 8 electric engines along with a redstone energy cell giving out 450 mj/t, I'm still losing a TON of energy when running the force field, I'm out of power within 5 seconds. Really stuck now..

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, thanks. It's actually remarkable how much mj/t those mffs projectors take...for about 40 distance upgrades and like 16/20 steam engines, and 8 electric engines along with a redstone energy cell giving out 450 mj/t, I'm still losing a TON of energy when running the force field, I'm out of power within 5 seconds. Really stuck now..

It also depends on the Coercion Derivers.
They can only generate 100J max without any item modifiers (Lapis/Nether Quartz that gets burnt for 20x production)
So if you dont want to splurge lapis or nether quartz you will need more than 1 Coercion Deriver. more likely about 5-10.
And dont forget that if you have 10, (1000J/t) you will need to upgrade your capacitor


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, that's actually very helpful, I'll try doing that then, thanks

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