Server IP - modded.eczwarp.tk
Alternate Server IP - ecz.no-ip.info:25560
Server Website - http://eczwarp.tk/
Dynmap - http://eczwarp.tk:8123/
Stats - http://eczwarp.tk/Stats/
About us:
We aim to provide a lag-free, stable, PvE server with minimal things banned and only banning whats needed. The server can support up to a max of 50 players, the server also has 32GB ram with 6GB dedicated and is based in UK. This server is new and we've done allot of testing before going live to make sure everything is working and stable before players start joining and building. If you're looking for a mature, friendly environment to play your favorite mod in, then you're welcome to try Warpcraftl!
P.S. This server is mcbans protected with a min rep requirement of 7. This is to prevent common griefers from entering the server while still giving the ones whos only griefed once a chance to join. We also hope this will give loyal players some reassurance that the server will be kept clean of griefers.
Server Rules:
- No PvP No Griefing No Hack/Exploits
- No Drop parties
- Speak only English in general chat
- No excessive swearing or caps
- Be polite, think smart.
- No Dark Rooms
- No quarries bigger than 40x40
- No more than 40 of each type of power generator per base (40 Geothermal, 40 generators, 40 windmills and 40 watermills etc).
Banned Items (If you have any suggestions regarding banned items to make them more controlled or disagree with an item ban, leave a post on our forums)
- Mining Laser
- Nuke
- Industrial TnT
- Rain Maker
- Turtles
- Tinkerers Excavator, Hammer, Lumber Axe, and Mattock
- Drum
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