Whitelist Server EclipseCraft Community Server|FTB Infinity 1.4.1|Not Currently Accepting Applications

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I am jcryer, the owner of EclipseCraft, a whitelisted FTB Infinity server. We've been running for about a month now, but would like to expand our playerbase. We currently have about 10 regular players, and are looking for 5-10 more.

Server IP:
Difficulty: Hard


The rules are quite lax, but here they are:
  • If you grief, hack, steal or cheat in any way, you WILL be banned, straight away. This is a community server.
  • There are some duplication bugs in Infinity right now, do not use them, we are looking out for them.
  • Mystcraft ages/RFTools dimensions - just try to keep it to a minimum, I will only impose rules if people go crazy with it.
  • Chunkloaders - try to keep it to a minimum - the more chunkloaders, the more strain is put on the server.
Server Specs:
Intel Xeon E3-1230 V2 @ 3.30GHz
16GB RAM (10GB dedicated to the server.)
Connection speed: 100Mb/s up and 100Mb/s down.

Server Location: England

Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish):
Why do you want to join this server?:
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:
What can you bring to the community?:
What is your favourite mod?:

We are currently not accepting applications, we will open this up again as and when we would like to expand our community.

We have just updated to 1.4.1 :)

Thanks for reading! See you around! :D
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Username: Mudrat12
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): Will PM if accepted :)
Why do you want to join this server?: I really want a nice community that's active and outgoing to enjoy FTB with
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have been banned I shall not lie, in the days of 1.7.3 years ago I thought I'd be fun to hack and stuff, sadly I was a young lad and didn't know how easy it is to catch those who hack.
What can you bring to the community?: I like to make things fun and outgoing, pranks I find are funny if done in moderation.
What is your favourite mod?: I love Tinkers Construct
Username: bigman52796
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): Will PM if accepted.
Why do you want to join this server?: Single player can get somewhat boring at times, and playing with an active, friendly community sounds like a really fun time. :D
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No, I've never been much of a rule-breaker.
What can you bring to the community?: I'm always happy to lend a helping hand, whether with builds/materials, or helping someone learn a mod they may not be familiar with.
What is your favourite mod?: I absolutely love magic in every game i play, and modded Minecraft is no exception. I love all of the bigger magical mods, but Thaumcraft is definitely my favourite.
Username: Mudrat12
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): Will PM if accepted :)
Why do you want to join this server?: I really want a nice community that's active and outgoing to enjoy FTB with
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have been banned I shall not lie, in the days of 1.7.3 years ago I thought I'd be fun to hack and stuff, sadly I was a young lad and didn't know how easy it is to catch those who hack.
What can you bring to the community?: I like to make things fun and outgoing, pranks I find are funny if done in moderation.
What is your favourite mod?: I love Tinkers Construct

Accepted and whitelisted, thanks for owning up to being banned :)
Send me a PM with your skype username.

Username: bigman52796
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): Will PM if accepted.
Why do you want to join this server?: Single player can get somewhat boring at times, and playing with an active, friendly community sounds like a really fun time. :D
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No, I've never been much of a rule-breaker.
What can you bring to the community?: I'm always happy to lend a helping hand, whether with builds/materials, or helping someone learn a mod they may not be familiar with.
What is your favourite mod?: I absolutely love magic in every game i play, and modded Minecraft is no exception. I love all of the bigger magical mods, but Thaumcraft is definitely my favourite.

Accepted and whitelisted, send me a PM with your skype username. :D
Username: Citronas
Skype username blablabla7262
Why do you want to join this server?: Emm i was looking for small friendly infinity server, and it seems the one
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:Nope, and i hope i will never will.
What can you bring to the community?: Emm , i know 2 funny jokes, thats all ;S And also i can offer some help to peoples that are new to mods.
What is your favourite mod?:Ae ofcourse ;d
Username: AliLesha
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): lesha5521
Why do you want to join this server?: I want to play FTB, but not alone. :c
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Yes. Because I mostly took stuff instead of producing. Well, it's natural for me, as I am somewhat an architector or something like that.
What can you bring to the community?: Depends on mood, motivation and ideas.
What is your favourite mod?: Tinkers Construct.
Username: Teah
Skype username: godofteah
Why I want to join the server?: Well the main reason is that I mainly don't like to play alone, I like servers where you can trust people that's on the server aswell, which means you can build and not have to hide your things, where everyone works togheter and helps eachother out. But also because the last whitelist server I played on shut down cause the owner lost intrest in keeping the server up and when it crashed no one could restart it.
Have you been banned?: Yes I have banned on vanilla MC servers for greifing but that was a few years ago, since then I haven't been banned. It was when I were younger and did not understand everything. I promise I would not grief any more.
What can you bring to the community?: I will mainly bring buildings as soon as I get setup with good stuff, I will produce farms such as XP, woodfarm and sand and dirt farm if I use the sludge from the tree farm. I will bring joy and I like to do collabs and thinking of starting a youtube channel where I can hang out with others and do stuff and things. I also help people out if they die and there stuff gets lost I will help out.
What is your favourite mod?: I have many mods that I love but the mods that I like most is Applied Energistics 2 but it's tied with Thermal Expansion, they have so many possibilities
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Username: spock49314 <-- Maybe changing in the near future, will inform upon change.
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): spock493134
Why do you want to join this server?: Recently got back into FTB after being made to apply to a previous server to get back into the game, and now looking for somewhere more serious to play rather than a place to mess around and get back to grips with particular mods.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope ^^
What can you bring to the community?: Great bit of banter .-. But really, Building is something i prefer to do over focusing on singular mods, Building using materials from multiple mods as well as creating random small/large contraptions .-.
What is your favourite mod?: So far after coming back after several updates a lot has changed, so will be doing a lot of several different mods, focusing more on tinkers construct + Industrial Craft + Applied Enegisitics but hey, i'll play pretty much anything ^-^
Username: Caesura_
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): toam5toam5toam5
Why do you want to join this server?: I want to play on a stable, fun server that has a couple of regulars to chat to. This server looks perfect. Right amount of people, good specs, and hosted in England.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Never.
What can you bring to the community?: Chatter (in moderation of course), advice for those who ask, cool, fun creations and just general fun. :)
What is your favourite mod?: Railcraft. Easily. I rarely exploit OP parts of mods just because I love to make contraptions and factories to do things in a cool fashion. For example: when I played mindcrack I had a nuclear reactor in a volcano 1000m away linked to my house via a HS railway. An MFE cart would run power back and forth, and in case of meltdown basalt is good for explosive resistance. I could've easily used an energy tesseract or the like, but Railcraft allows me to create more exciting cool things. End-game for me is a sky-coaster, and I heard there are solid clouds high up in this pack...
Username: spock49314 <-- Maybe changing in the near future, will inform upon change.
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): spock493134
Why do you want to join this server?: Recently got back into FTB after being made to apply to a previous server to get back into the game, and now looking for somewhere more serious to play rather than a place to mess around and get back to grips with particular mods.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope ^^
What can you bring to the community?: Great bit of banter .-. But really, Building is something i prefer to do over focusing on singular mods, Building using materials from multiple mods as well as creating random small/large contraptions .-.
What is your favourite mod?: So far after coming back after several updates a lot has changed, so will be doing a lot of several different mods, focusing more on tinkers construct + Industrial Craft + Applied Enegisitics but hey, i'll play pretty much anything ^-^

Username: Caesura_
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): toam5toam5toam5
Why do you want to join this server?: I want to play on a stable, fun server that has a couple of regulars to chat to. This server looks perfect. Right amount of people, good specs, and hosted in England.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Never.
What can you bring to the community?: Chatter (in moderation of course), advice for those who ask, cool, fun creations and just general fun. :)
What is your favourite mod?: Railcraft. Easily. I rarely exploit OP parts of mods just because I love to make contraptions and factories to do things in a cool fashion. For example: when I played mindcrack I had a nuclear reactor in a volcano 1000m away linked to my house via a HS railway. An MFE cart would run power back and forth, and in case of meltdown basalt is good for explosive resistance. I could've easily used an energy tesseract or the like, but Railcraft allows me to create more exciting cool things. End-game for me is a sky-coaster, and I heard there are solid clouds high up in this pack...

Both accepted and whitelisted, accept my skype requests and we're golden! :D
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish):thepwnge
Why do you want to join this server?:Looking for a nice comunity based 24/7 server will people chill and don't grief
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:Nope
What can you bring to the community?:I can help others if they need it and try to make the server a bit more enjoyable
What is your favourite mod?:Thaumcraft or Blood Magic
Username: Rnen10
Skype username: N0vagam3r (tho, i prefer other voice clients)
Why do you want to join this server?: Your server seem like a good, stabile and secure server, which seems nice. Also, i love working in a community where i can give & get help to/from other players.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have 1 ban on record on the global MCBANS record, due to a stolen account back in 2012.
What can you bring to the community?: Hopefully awesome contraptions and help to other players. (I've played alot of modded mc c= )
What is your favourite mod?: Hard to choose, but i'm quite fond of Applied Energistics & MineFactory Reloaded.

Accepted and whitelisted, I've sent you a skype request :)
IGN: roadkill919
Skype username: roadkill919
Why do you want to join this server: Looking to play with others in a community based server, last server i called home was very unstable and
crashed multiple times causing loss of data. that server has since bit the dust. i'm also looking for a server that will let me play with my friend 'Teah' (he has applied above), if you need confirmation i can vouch for his maturity.​
Have you ever been banned: I have been banned twice before, not for doing anything wrong but rather due to abusive admins not liking it when i one
up them. if we are to go by proper justified bans than none, as a matter of fact i have played many staffing roles throughout different servers [admin x2, owner x1, mod 20+ times]​
What can you bring to the community: A vast knowledge base as i have been playing modded MC since before mod packs existed and have been
playing mod pack's since tekkit classic (before it was even known as "classic"). i also am a generous person and always willing to help others if it is within my power to do so.​
What is your favourite mod?: I don't really have a favourite mod i like to dive into all the mods the modpack has to offer but if i must make a choice
then i would have to say- Applied energistics 2, Extra utilities, Draconic evolution & Ender io (for its cable system)​
Username: Gexman123
Skype username: Will pm
Why do you want to join this server?: To get back into playing multiplayer minecraft. I've finally gotten some time between school and work, and to play and a small community driven server sounds wonderful. I should be able to play 10-20 hrs a week, but most of it will be after 10pm PST.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No
What can you bring to the community?: I am a fairly friendly person and happy to work on my own to get what I want. However I am more than willing to share and pool resources to collaborate on large projects that I'm interested in. I'll admit I'm new to a lot of the mods in Infinity, but I'm eager to learn. I can almost always listen in on voice, and can talk sometimes.
What is your favourite mod?: Big Reactors
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IGN: roadkill919
Skype username: roadkill919
Why do you want to join this server: Looking to play with others in a community based server, last server i called home was very unstable and
crashed multiple times causing loss of data. that server has since bit the dust. i'm also looking for a server that will let me play with my friend 'Teah' (he has applied above), if you need confirmation i can vouch for his maturity.​
Have you ever been banned: I have been banned twice before, not for doing anything wrong but rather due to abusive admins not liking it when i one
up them. if we are to go by proper justified bans than none, as a matter of fact i have played many staffing roles throughout different servers [admin x2, owner x1, mod 20+ times]​
What can you bring to the community: A vast knowledge base as i have been playing modded MC since before mod packs existed and have been
playing mod pack's since tekkit classic (before it was even known as "classic"). i also am a generous person and always willing to help others if it is within my power to do so.​
What is your favourite mod?: I don't really have a favourite mod i like to dive into all the mods the modpack has to offer but if i must make a choice
then i would have to say- Applied energistics 2, Extra utilities, Draconic evolution & Ender io (for its cable system)​

Username: Teah
Skype username: godofteah
Why I want to join the server?: Well the main reason is that I mainly don't like to play alone, I like servers where you can trust people that's on the server aswell, which means you can build and not have to hide your things, where everyone works togheter and helps eachother out. But also because the last whitelist server I played on shut down cause the owner lost intrest in keeping the server up and when it crashed no one could restart it.
Have you been banned?: Yes I have banned on vanilla MC servers for greifing but that was a few years ago, since then I haven't been banned. It was when I were younger and did not understand everything. I promise I would not grief any more.
What can you bring to the community?: I will mainly bring buildings as soon as I get setup with good stuff, I will produce farms such as XP, woodfarm and sand and dirt farm if I use the sludge from the tree farm. I will bring joy and I like to do collabs and thinking of starting a youtube channel where I can hang out with others and do stuff and things. I also help people out if they die and there stuff gets lost I will help out.
What is your favourite mod?: I have many mods that I love but the mods that I like most is Applied Energistics 2 but it's tied with Thermal Expansion, they have so many possibilities

Username: Gexman123
Skype username: Will pm
Why do you want to join this server?: To get back into playing multiplayer minecraft. I've finally gotten some time between school and work, and to play and a small community driven server sounds wonderful. I should be able to play 10-20 hrs a week, but most of it will be after 10pm PST.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No
What can you bring to the community?: I am a fairly friendly person and happy to work on my own to get what I want. However I am more than willing to share and pool resources to collaborate on large projects that I'm interested in. I'll admit I'm new to a lot of the mods in Infinity, but I'm eager to learn. I can almost always listen in on voice, and can talk sometimes.
What is your favourite mod?: Big Reactors

All accepted! Accept my skype requests and I'll see you guys on the server :)
Username: Ricoro
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): Fr33s4w ( I made it when I was 12 don't judge me :p)
Why do you want to join this server?: Because I am looking for a small server where I can just do my thing without the worries of lag or other people griefing my buildings.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have never been banned on minecraft.
What can you bring to the community?: I am a friendly player who enjoys playing with a community and I also like making things that do things themselves like automatic tree farms that harvest and collect on their own wich I can contribute to the community if there is any need for it. Altough I am not very good at building I enjoy making the advanced machinery in the mods.
What is your favourite mod?: Probably Applied energistics and Mystcraft.
Message me on skype if you have accepted me please:) skype name; nowak.wioletta

Username: DerpyNinja_
Skype username (Essential, you can PM me it if you wish): nowak.wioletta
Why do you want to join this server?: Looking for a nice community of non griefers or 10 yearolds who steal your stuff,
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Not as far as i remember
What can you bring to the community?: i could be a person who is a decent builder, hard worker and who is active
What is your favourite mod?: I can't decide, i love this modpack overall