[DW20] Any elegant solutions for automatically picking up what an RFTools builder leaves behind?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello. I'm running into a bit of a problem with my RFTools Builder quarries. The machine performs admirably on blocks and the like, collecting everything, but it falls short in one aspect, treasure collection from random chests. I play in a world with the Lost Cities generation, and finding random chests full of loot is the norm there. Although, when I quarry scores of chunks at a time, I often find that none of the loot from those chests finds its way into my stores (unless they're Actually Additions crates with the keeping upgrade inside or some such). I often find myself wanting to cruise through those dirt-caked areas with an Advanced Item Dislocator turned on just to collect everything left behind. It's not an efficient solution to say the least.

I want some way to collect all these items from all across the areas which I mine, and I want to do this by only using a few new block placements per quarry or just one item held in my inventory. I've currently tried using another Builder with a Space Card and several space chamber blocks aranged just so, but this method doesn't seem to produce the desired results for me, refusing to collect any items from the area when on the supposedly correct mode. Also, the working area for such cards and chambers is extremely limitted in comparison to my shape card quarries. I'm looking for something either bigger or less complex and that actually works, but I don't know every mod in the Direwolf20 1.12 pack.

Thanks in advance for any advice provided.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not exactly simple, but you might be able to build a small system with a vacuum Hopper and and Ender Chest, then place it occasionally (using the second Builder, and picking it up again after a delay with likely a third). I've not mocked anything up, so I'm not sure how it would actually help you, but it's a theory.

Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
Not exactly simple, but you might be able to build a small system with a vacuum Hopper and and Ender Chest, then place it occasionally (using the second Builder, and picking it up again after a delay with likely a third). I've not mocked anything up, so I'm not sure how it would actually help you, but it's a theory.

That would help him in his situation. Think he's looking for something to pickup the loot for chests and the like that his builder happens to quarry up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
By placing the described vacuum hopper system at the bottom of the quarry site, any loose items that would fall from broken chests and whatnot should be sucked up. After some time, you would have to move the system forward as the Builder began quarrying outside of the range of the vacuum hopper. As I said, not exactly elegant, but it might work.

You could set it up on a Funky Locomotion frame ship just above bedrock, I suppose, which would save on breaking and replacing it. Slightly more elegant, maybe?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's an idea... I haven't played with Funky Locomotion very much, either. I'll give it a try once I move my quarry over to the next site.


How about magnet turtles?

i read somewhere (cant remember)that they can be programmed to pick up items not only blocks.

paste bin has thousands of turtle scripts for almost anything.