DW20 1.5.2: MFR Rednet cable and Computercraft interaction

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there,

i want to use a computer's analog output to transmit into a rednet cable from MFR. If I put a rednet cable right next to the computer, it automatically connects as a bundled cable, which will only support digital signals. If I put a piece of redstone between the computer and the cable, it loses one level on the transmission (i.e., i put out strength level 15, and the rednet cable receives level 14).

Is there any way to change this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you only need to control one colour using the computer, you might be able to get it to work if you use a turtle instead because, iirc, rednet cable doesn't connect directly into the side of it like it does for the computer or the PRC. Failing that, you might have to come up with a digital solution.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Hi there,

i want to use a computer's analog output to transmit into a rednet cable from MFR. If I put a rednet cable right next to the computer, it automatically connects as a bundled cable, which will only support digital signals. If I put a piece of redstone between the computer and the cable, it loses one level on the transmission (i.e., i put out strength level 15, and the rednet cable receives level 14).

Is there any way to change this?
Maybe you should try the Programmable Rednet Controller from MFR as an intermediate link between the computer and the output cable. You could program the controller(I think thats possible) to output different strengths of redstonesignal depending on which channel(colour) you send it from the computer. So you could output one of the 16 digital outputs to the Controller which then translates it into a corresponding redstone strength.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
unfortunately, turtle isn't it - the cable looks like it's working (as in, it looks like it's connected to a lever, or redstone, and not like it's connected to a computer), but it actually is connecting in bundled-cable mode.
I'll look into the PRC, I think.
Thanks for your help guys! :)