Dumb Modular Powersuit Tricks

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And i did say "Choose one recipe and stick with it", but that's my opinion. I wasn't even talking to you, at that point in time. And my opinion is just that, my opinion, i never straight up said to you to change anything, i just gave you my opinion, in a respectful manner, and in compliance to the rules of the forum, which i reproduced above for your convenience. I wasn't disrespectful, and i wasn't impolite, and you did both.
If you're going to do one of the above, simply do not respond, it's simply better. I didn't offend you, and you took upon you, personally, to respond in a disrespectful and impolite manner. Just because you disagree with my opinion, doesn't mean you should diminish me publicly on a forum, or even insinuate that i have a "small mind". It's not just because this is in flagrant violation of the forum rules, but also because it's in flagrant violation of good taste. You're a mod developer. You put a lot of time and work in your mod, because it's something you like to do, and because you want recognition for it, and you did it free of charge. I get that. I can relate to that, i understand that. But just because you did something you liked because you wanted to, that doesn't give you the right to climb in your high horse and make little of the people who criticize your work.
Whenever you produce something, and make it publicly available, it's there for critique and evaluation. Now, if i had made my point while being disrespectful and making little of you or your work, you would most assuredly be entitled to take personal offense to that, and respond in a manner you should see fit. But did i do that? No. What i did was to make my opinion publicly available, and you and everyone else here has the right to agree or disagree, evaluate and critique my opinion in the same way i critiqued your work in the first place, but it most certainly DOES NOT justify the kind of language or manner of speech you used in your replies.
And for those in the thread who are agreeing to the way she's behaving herself in her replies and the way she talks, i just have one thing to say. Those who do something that's well-liked and admired for others most certainly deserve respect and admiration for their work, but those who self-aggrandize themselves out of the work they did, and put themselves above others, are those who deserve neither respect or admiration.

I think we're well beyond the point now where you can simply insert your version of what happened and draw conclusions based on that. Whether or not you offended me is not something you get to decide. I am not belittling you because I think I deserve some kind of special treatment, I'm belittling you because that is how I respond to people who know nothing about me or my intentions and try to tell me what to do or how to be, regardless of the context. There are a lot of people who don't like me because of this, and I'm fine with that. I've lived both ways, and I would much rather be disliked than spend all my time catering to other people's feelings and demands.

Was reading through the todo and saw your enchantments. For Fortune have you thought of maybe making the module cost a few diamonds and then the module makes the pick use a lot of energy such as adding a 50x multiplier to the energy cost of the pick module while turned on? This would cause people to have to remember to turn it on or off based on what they're mining and would make them manually recharge their suit more often. Other than energy and module cost I can't see any way to make it work outside of something like making it cost items to recharge (like every so often you have to throw in an enderpearl or bottled exp or something).
That's a common suggestion and probably what I'll end up going with. I'm thinking of also making it produce a lot of heat once that's implemented, for the same reason.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
brujon, Do you know what a config file is? Do you realize you can turn off all but one type of the recipies? Come on man grow up and pick what set you want use and stick to it. It sounds like you cant handle the temptation of the cheaper options and want HER to change it for you so we all suffer. Seriously grow up dude. And again its call a config file. Check it out. Might blow your mind.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think so; I'm pretty experienced with NBT data now so it shouldn't be too hard to extract information from enchanted books. I'm not sure how I feel about having the effect based on an enchantment though; as it stands, all the flavour text is focused around high-tech gadgetry to achieve the same or similar effects to the enchantments. Still, it would be a useful option for the recipe configs I suppose.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would prefer if the fortune was a module you could install. I enjoy the tech feel of the mod and it feels cheesy that I can enchant the multi tool. But I know these things take time to address. Keep up the great work Muse.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
brujon, Do you know what a config file is? Do you realize you can turn off all but one type of the recipies? Come on man grow up and pick what set you want use and stick to it. It sounds like you cant handle the temptation of the cheaper options and want HER to change it for you so we all suffer. Seriously grow up dude. And again its call a config file. Check it out. Might blow your mind.

If you reread my posts, you'll see that my issue wasn't with the recipes specifically, but with what the balancing standard was for MPS. Don't go around being snarky when you can't comprehend what other people write.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But when you can pick which recipe set to use isnt your question really irrelevant? As many others have stated? Seriously why do you care? She let others decide. That sounds like a great idea to me...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I write the following in hopes of spurring the discussion about recipe balance along. If nothing else, we could zero in on what sort of config options would make the biggest number of your users happy.

I think so; I'm pretty experienced with NBT data now so it shouldn't be too hard to extract information from enchanted books. I'm not sure how I feel about having the effect based on an enchantment though; as it stands, all the flavour text is focused around high-tech gadgetry to achieve the same or similar effects to the enchantments. Still, it would be a useful option for the recipe configs I suppose.

You could just let someone make plugins for that. I could see people doing tons of fun stuff. Like for example burning the book up as it was used based off the level of enchantment. Whatever.

I haven't played with your rebalanced power values yet, but I can say this: I really think that the progression of your mod could benefit from an in-between place between Ion Thrusters and unpowered fall control in the gregtech balance. For the rest, I dunno. And I understand that's a very small slice of your userbase, but I'll continue to expound on my use case.

My solution in my world has been to forego the MPS chestpiece entirely and wear an advanced jetpack, with my suit's capacitor in the headpiece. And that's awesome for me as a player because I can get decent armor values with just the other pieces (2 maxed advanced plates), but seems kinda awkward that I'm sidestepping the mod. Because I get to keep my superfast speed and early fall negation and energy-based underwater breathing, but also can fly acceptably fast around the end 9km from endspawn hunting asteroids. I also get to divorce my rock cutter and mining laser battery from my movement and multi-tool battery.

I'd love to be wearing nothing but MPS. But it takes like 8 iridium and 6 (that's right, right? off the top of my head at work here) per HV capcitor and something like 2 iridium plates and 4 tungsten for ONE Ion drive. So even to get just the boots to have something a bit worse than an IC2 jetpack is 32 iridium, at least 12 chrome and a nearly maxed blast furnace. Seems pretty steep, and before that's feasible I'd need another 8 iridium and 16 chrome for a battery that can keep up. That's pretty far away, whereas using a jetpack is right now. Even if you factor gravisuite out, the electric jetpack looks pretty good here.

The competition is the quantum suit chest and the gravisuite chestpiece. If you count out how many forcefields and ion thrusters you need to get comparable flight to alternatives, you find that they're both noticeably cheaper on tough components.

If there was something that either used weight or used power at an absurdly higher rate for similar performance (or both) before the elegant-thrusters-for-a-more-civilized-age, maybe taking a fair sum of titanium, that'd definitely be in the cards. I built the jetpack but IC2 flight is obnoxious and I feel like I'm being robbed every time I don't use my beautiful, color coordinated power armor that I've slaved away to customize and optimize.

I'm actually gonna be spending some time in Voltz soon; I'm curious how the UE recipes feel. They don't look too bad...

Btw, when you get to it: I think GT's newest release broke your Ion Thruster recipe with his latest changes; we can't craft or NEI it in our pack. I'd have bugged it, but you're not accepting bugs. Not sure that this would persist to your 1.5 build, figured I'd mention it surreptitiously so you can make sure it doesn't show up there.

Not that I can build one yet. That's weeks off unless I get pretty dang lucky in The End.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I heard about the ion thruster issue. Nothing I can do about it anymore without a lot of fiddling around with different Git branches and so on really :( hope GT and IC2 finish migrating to 1.5 soon as well.

As to the Gregtech recipes, they were put in (I think) before the Advanced Jetpack became an option. The reasoning was 'flight is kind of an end-game ability and jump+parachute/glider gives you a lot of intermediate mobility in the meantime'. So that's one factor that changed right as school was starting to pick up for me, and I haven't really revisited it. If there's a specific way it can be made more manageable or more on par with the advanced jetpack I wouldn't mind changing it a bit, at least until recipes are configurable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I heard about the ion thruster issue. Nothing I can do about it anymore without a lot of fiddling around with different Git branches and so on really :( hope GT and IC2 finish migrating to 1.5 soon as well.

As to the Gregtech recipes, they were put in (I think) before the Advanced Jetpack became an option. The reasoning was 'flight is kind of an end-game ability and jump+parachute/glider gives you a lot of intermediate mobility in the meantime'. So that's one factor that changed right as school was starting to pick up for me, and I haven't really revisited it.
Well, Greg is able to update his mod pretty quick. But without IC2, his stuff is damn near impossible to use. Though he could(in theory) make it run off of other energy sources and require other resources, and had made the mod run without IC2 in the past(in a private dev build, mind you), but IC2 has a bit of a history of updating slowly. Not as bad as Redpower 2, but then again, IC2 is done by a team of modders. And a team is often more then the sum of their parts.
Personally I'd make Ion Thrusters not require HV Capacitors, but MV. Because the amount of Iridium you burn through using HV Capacitors is pretty high.
Not a whole lot of options other then that.

...Though I personally can't wait to try the Sonic weapon. I keep thinking of it as a weapon which fires in a cone, which would be very helpfully for killing Bats. Plus hitting anything when you have lag.

Anyone else tried shooting bats with the Railgun? Friggin' Nuts!

Also, as a side note, what is the max damage one can do with a railgun? As in, Tweak it to max power, and shoot something with no armor.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Btw, are there any plans to make some sort of Shears/ Sickle module?
You know, something to get rid of tall grass/ plants or a bunch of leaves really fast.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Btw, are there any plans to make some sort of Shears/ Sickle module?
You know, something to get rid of tall grass/ plants or a bunch of leaves really fast.
http://machinemuse.net/todo.php as was linked by her earlier.

In general I like what I'm seeing there~

Also for the place multiple blocks, would it be something like placing blocks in patterns? Such as placing a column of blocks instead of a single one?

Edit: Oh, and wall climbing will be so useful :X


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MPS is so far my favorite mod within the pack item wise. This is the first time I have seen a mod so well implemented that you basically choose your own class. I have mine maxed out with mobility features and it is the best in my opinion. I have always wanted to have quick movement and quantum leggings were not cutting it. The balance I see is that sure you are fast and can fly, but when it comes to just hovering, there isn't much to do unless you have a GraviSuit. I saw the todo list and I can't wait to see how these features are implemented. Muse, you have definitely done a great job and can't wait to see more from you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ced Jetpack became an option. The reasoning was 'flight is kind of an end-game ability and jump+parachute/glider gives you a lot of intermediate mobility in the meantime'.

Did you also discount the standard electric jetpack, which gives you pretty decent flight extremely early in the game (early game GregTech even, as it's pretty cheap)?

Also, entirely off topic, but ThaumCraft should have some research into a flight-system as well, something like a small tree of different wings that use vis power, and whatnot. Mostly so we could then have blocky wings for our characters, but as I said, off topic but something that just popped into my head.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you also discount the standard electric jetpack, which gives you pretty decent flight extremely early in the game (early game GregTech even, as it's pretty cheap)?

Also, entirely off topic, but ThaumCraft should have some research into a flight-system as well, something like a small tree of different wings that use vis power, and whatnot. Mostly so we could then have blocky wings for our characters, but as I said, off topic but something that just popped into my head.
The previous version of TC had the zephyr sword, so maybe something like that will be added eventually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just made my first suit today, having enough iron and diamonds to make some basic things with it.

I have to say that moving around with it is really nice, but there is one thing I don't get.

I can get upgrades nearly for free to enhance speed and jump, but as soon as I hit any form of water, I get slowed down so much that I had to check if I didn't bug out somehow.
Even Ice gets you slowed down quite a lot, which is amusing, considering it is the only surface that permits great speed in Vanilla.

I do get that it might be related to the swimming upgrade, but that one costs way, way more than a jump assist.
Heck, it even costs more than putting the best battery and the diamond armor on each module, and that involves ender pearls.

I might not have gotten the reason why this is, but for now, I just jump on top of a tree and glide over the rivers.

While I am at it, why can't I switch to other slots than the multi tool when I sneek? I almost fell into lava, twice.

Ah, well, anyway, I greatly enjoy the mod, because it gives the ability to get a good armor, with good powers, but without being forced to wait for end game, as well as being able to choose what to put on it, all with advantages and disadvantages.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can get upgrades nearly for free to enhance speed and jump, but as soon as I hit any form of water, I get slowed down so much that I had to check if I didn't bug out somehow.

That's normal for water. You just get used the speed.

Even Ice gets you slowed down quite a lot, which is amusing, considering it is the only surface that permits great speed in Vanilla.

Sprinting on ice should not slow you odwn.

Heck, it even costs more than putting the best battery and the diamond armor on each module, and that involves ender pearls.

Which recipe set is this?

While I am at it, why can't I switch to other slots than the multi tool when I sneek? I almost fell into lava, twice.

Sneak-mousewheel is bound to mode select for the multi-tool. Right now the only mode is Blink Drive.[DOUBLEPOST=1363840526][/DOUBLEPOST]
I have always wanted to have quick movement and quantum leggings were not cutting it. The balance I see is that sure you are fast and can fly, but when it comes to just hovering, there isn't much to do unless you have a GraviSuit.

Except, um, the Flight Control module.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sprinting on ice should not slow you odwn.
Well, walking and sprinting on ice seems to be slowed down as much as swimming does (meaning faster than swimming, but still slower than walking on land without armor and assist).
That might not be intended, but I do interpret it as seeing Ice as a form of water and treating it as such.

I might come back once I can afford the swimming assist, to confirm or affirm that.

Which recipe set is this?
As with every module, Ion thrusters have two recipes, the "vanilla" and the greg Tech (Ultimate pack).
The Force field emitter also has two, the vanilla one costing 4 ender pearl (and 5 solenoids, but those are only iron, redstone and bits of gold).
As you need two of those, that means you need 8 ender pearls.

Not that costly, when you compare to what is needed for the Greg tech recipe, but that's still a lot of pearls, hard to come by without going to the end.

Sneak-mousewheel is bound to mode select for the multi-tool. Right now the only mode is Blink Drive.
That's all well and good, but Sneek + numbers also seems to be bound to mode selection (1 being the only working mode).
While I understand the need of a "mode change", the choice of using a combination that is already used in vanilla play might not be the best idea.
That might be only me wanting to build sneek bridges over lava though, but I find it to be in the way, more than anything else.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, first things first. Muse? Your mod is ridiculously awesome. Tons-a fun and gives a waaaay better feel than any other suit you can get your hands on.

Secondly, I think I need to try out the Ultimate Pack, if it's got a newer version of Powersuits in it... I am wary of Gregtech though...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not that costly, when you compare to what is needed for the Greg tech recipe, but that's still a lot of pearls, hard to come by without going to the end.

No need to go to the end to get lots of pearls (in DW20 at least, not sure about GT) - just use the philosopher stone and 5 iron bars and voila!

I absolutely love this mod, I had a gravistuite for a long time, made a full power suite and I am never going back - the first time I took it for a spin I was giggling like a child! It. Is. Awesome!