DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Ingame Name:alanon1000
Experience with Mods: I dont have much experience with any of these mods, but, i like to discover new things and learn more about this Mod Pack, i would really like to play on your server, Thanks.
favorite mod and why?: Portal 2, cause i really like the idea of this mod, and i also like IC2 cause theres lot of things to do.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?And, maybe both? I like both of them.
Ingame Name: Raydonman
Age: 23
Experience with Mods: I have been tinkering with a local server on my computer to get used to some of the mods I don't know from tekkit. I used to host my own tekkit server for a decent group of friends, but ftb was announced and tekkit was uncertain.
favorite mod and why?: I love redpower, but it's not in here yet. Forestry is pretty fun, as farming is always nice to have in an organized format.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke will get work done and make people happy, go Slowpoke!
hey my name is sootool (nickname) and i would like to join your server!

Ingame Name: sootool
Age: 15
Experience with Mods: a lot! i have played minecraft since alpha and lately begone to get bored so i ternd into mods and, well, i know who to do everything in build-craft and indastrialcraft, very good with red-power, and a great automated builder. i even sometimes resitle in my head the most eficiont ways of predosing ores.
favorite mod and why?: defiantly industrial craft and red-power. just because of what they add to the game and the chalenge.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? -> both, they will have to share the power since they are too awesome to have it for them selfes.
and i am sorry for speling, English is my second lenguege.
Ingame Name: xruiza
Age: 20
Experience with Mods: Mostly with IC2, BC, Forestry, and slightly TE and factorization. Also not a fan of gregtech ;P(though it does have some useful additions to ic2)
favorite mod and why?: IC2 since I'm used to it since forever and factorization because wrathlamps are cool.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direpoke for president!
IGN: Joerx
Age: 18
Experience with Mods: FTB a while back and tekkit
favorite mod and why?: Equivalent exchange because it is just so interesting with converting items and such
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Dire, he taught me all these mods.
IGN: Brandon808
Age: Turned 19 in August
Experience with Mods: I worked with a lot of the mods that are included in FTB, I don't have that much experience with Factorization.The mod looks so well done, I cant wait to try it. I have seen so many direwolf "Mod Spotlights" I am probably an expert with mods I haven't even tried. Lol
favorite mod and why?: Favorite mod? That is ridiculous, they're all great! Although, if I had to choose my favorites would be Computer Craft, Red Power ,Industrial Craft, and Forestry (Including Add-ons). Anything involving buildcraft is nothing short of amazing, it adds so much. I love industrial craft simply for all the machines that you can build. Computer Craft is great because I love programming. Red power is awesome due to the fact that it makes building things much more fun.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Dire, due to the fact that he is awesome, and I've known about him for a while now. I love all his videos, I feel like I can relate to him when I play minecraft. P.S: You just got to love those 9by9's, they are so innovative. Lol
Ingame Name:Omri100
Experience with Mods:indeed! (beta IC player btw)
favorite mod and why?:IndustrialCraft, it was the first mod ive ever used
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?i would go on slowpoke for giving us the ablillity to play in this pack
Ingame Name: Senkaru
Age: 19
Experience with Mods: I have a kind of basic understanding of most of the mods in the FTB pack, but there's a lot I'm not 100% on and am really enjoying learning. I played on a server prior to this one, however things aren't exactly satisfactory there. Hence, I am looking for a new place to play with my significant other.
favorite mod and why?: I really enjoy the time I've spent with Twilight Forest, and the same goes for Railcraft, but overall I think my favorite mod in the pack is ExtraBiomes. I just love the Autumn Forests.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? I suppose I'd have to pick Slowpoke? It's not something I've given much thought to in the past. Slowpoke has shown that he has a decent level of organizational skills.
Ingame Name: AnthonyL

Age: 22

Experience with Mods:
Finished the first and current ftb maps with one or two other versions inbetween.
Played a bit with the same mods as DW20 back when i first subscribed to him.
Also tried some tekkit untill i got bored of how out of date it was.

favorite mod and why?:
RP2 by a long shot, while other mods add lots of fun gameplay elements Eloraam has time and again implemented things that i wouldn't have thought possible in minecraft and have completely changed the game.
Micro blocks adds a level of detail to any builds as well as means to making any factory more compact and pretty.
The wires and logic have reduced the size and complexity of redstone circuits by a downright ridiculous amount.
Frames just add a new level to everything from hidden doors to flying fortresses.
When it comes to computers i actually prefer CC but even CC wouldn't exist without RP.
Arguably the best sorting/item transporting/whatever you wanna call it blocks, they feel more balanced cost wise and require more thought than logistic pipes.
And the sickles! Why did it take so long for a proper way to get rid of leaves, it's not exactly a complex change but damn did that itch need scratching!

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?
While FTB, the modpack, and the launcher wouldn't exist without him kickstarting the whole thing he's only a small part of it now whereas Direwolf continues to bring attention to the pack and other individual mods, he has the most all around knowledge about mods i've seen from any one player and has the charisma of a leader :p
hey my name is sootool (nickname) and i would like to join your server!

Ingame Name: sootool
Age: 15
Experience with Mods: a lot! i have played minecraft since alpha and lately begone to get bored so i ternd into mods and, well, i know who to do everything in build-craft and indastrialcraft, very good with red-power, and a great automated builder. i even sometimes resitle in my head the most eficiont ways of predosing ores.
favorite mod and why?: defiantly industrial craft and red-power. just because of what they add to the game and the chalenge.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? -> both, they will have to share the power since they are too awesome to have it for them selfes.
and i am sorry for speling, English is my second lenguege.
IGN: Brandon808
Age: Turned 19 in August
Experience with Mods: I worked with a lot of the mods that are included in FTB, I don't have that much experience with Factorization.The mod looks so well done, I cant wait to try it. I have seen so many direwolf "Mod Spotlights" I am probably an expert with mods I haven't even tried. Lol
favorite mod and why?: Favorite mod? That is ridiculous, they're all great! Although, if I had to choose my favorites would be Computer Craft, Red Power ,Industrial Craft, and Forestry (Including Add-ons). Anything involving buildcraft is nothing short of amazing, it adds so much. I love industrial craft simply for all the machines that you can build. Computer Craft is great because I love programming. Red power is awesome due to the fact that it makes building things much more fun.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Dire, due to the fact that he is awesome, and I've known about him for a while now. I love all his videos, I feel like I can relate to him when I play minecraft. P.S: You just got to love those 9by9's, they are so innovative. Lol
Ingame Name: Senkaru
Age: 19
Experience with Mods: I have a kind of basic understanding of most of the mods in the FTB pack, but there's a lot I'm not 100% on and am really enjoying learning. I played on a server prior to this one, however things aren't exactly satisfactory there. Hence, I am looking for a new place to play with my significant other.
favorite mod and why?: I really enjoy the time I've spent with Twilight Forest, and the same goes for Railcraft, but overall I think my favorite mod in the pack is ExtraBiomes. I just love the Autumn Forests.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? I suppose I'd have to pick Slowpoke? It's not something I've given much thought to in the past. Slowpoke has shown that he has a decent level of organizational skills.

Whitelisted :)
Docxx, it seems I am having problems logging to any server( single player I can log in and play) , wonder if it is from the new update for FTB. Is anyone else getting the same problem?
IGN - Jehred
Age - 21
Experience - I played minecraft for like 6 months now, my favorite mod is railcraft because its not very common to people do supercrazy rails and i like that, other mods i now, IC2, EE and forestry
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf20 because i like his boina hat and he is way cooler than slowpoke
I thought so to but I can still play on single player though

Its related to servers, you can check it by attempting to log on to another Server and you will get the same message, its been in MC since SMP has been around. Its not related to the mod pack as I use MultiMc and not changed anything and the server mod pack hasn't changed, just sit back and go look at some rl trees or sky :P

(or in my case go play som BO2) :P
IGN: woodspeople
Age: 48 (truly)
Experience with Mods: several months of Tekkit, plus various homebrew collections including Forestry Mystcraft etc
Favorite mod and why? Forestry! Love me my bees and farms. On one local server made a four-story fully-automated "tower of bog" and four-story "castle of sugar" (cane). Also love EE because I'm nothing if not lazy.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? That is a difficult choice. In many ways their manifestations of magnificence might mutually multiply. Thus I would attempt to either (a) create a genetically engineered merger, see as precedent StarTrek Voyager Episode 40 (Tuvix), or (b) get them to share the position. Probably (b) would be more successful. But if you had just the right kind of bee ... maybe Florastar could pull it off ...
Ingame Name: stealthbaz
Age: 35
Experience with Mods: Experimented with lots. Even hosted a server some. But have never managed to stick with one a long time. I end up seeing new features in vanilla.. and get drawn back there ;p. I'm eager to do put down some roots in a good mod though.
favorite mod and why?: For me.. its the simple things: Timber was crazy helpful. I get mighty bored spending forever cutting down trees. I've never played a tekkit or FTB mod far enough to get a chainsaw.. but I'm looking forward to it :)
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf... he has a better internet presence. I mean.. his impressions alone probably give him better name recognition.

A little more about me: I've been playing minecraft forever. Lots of different ways. The best times were on a big server with a bunch of my friends. But as with many things, they moved on.. and every so often I yearn to go back to a minecrafty home and noodle around. I'd love to have a server to call home. (that i can use at home and at work!) and just get on and enjoy myself. No interest in PVP.. so this server sounds just right!
Hey Docxx,

I am having problems logging in on the server my console says:

[INFO] 2012-11-17 19:03:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.2] Failed to read settings: oriModPartsDisabled
[INFO] 2012-11-17 19:03:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.2] Failed to read settings: OriPortalgunFuel

And also my friend wants to join the server aswell:

Ingame name: NijaAHA
Age: 17
Experience with mods: not much but I will show him a bit
Favorite mod and why: I am not sure, but i think he had fun building some solar panels from IC2
Slowpoke or DW20 for president: I think he doesn't know who they are :O I will make him watch some DW20 XD