DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Ingame Name: Yurlos

Age: 21

Experience with Mods: I've been playing with mods ever since 1.6 because I got bored of Vanilla in about 3 days so I got Buildcraft then IC then RP.

Favorite mod and why?: Buildcraft, Because it works with almost every other mod out there and because of the addons that add more and improve the mod greatly.

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Emperor of Mankind Direwolf
Ingame Name: Cafall
Age: 24
Experience with Mods: Pretty extensive, I've been playing around with most of them for over a year now
favorite mod and why?: Redpower; it adds such a vast amount of useful, interesting, and varied content just on its own
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Well, DW's how I learned most of the mods to begin with
Ingame Name: zlim3z
Age: 16
Experience with Mods: Allot, PLayed Tekkit early on, Technic Pack later, then left them for DNS techpacks. In all; Started mods back in about 1.4 (BETA) with IC and BC, Stopped for a while, Started when tekkit and technic came out (Started before Spout Launcher) then left for DNS Techpack and stoped playing mods when 1.3 came out due to mods updating.
favorite mod and why?: Forestry Bees (Mendelian Inheritance HEYO)
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf, Always Direwolf

Also, I wish to show my freind the mods, He's an old timer at minecraft like me and owns a small Vanilla server, But I want to introduce him to mods. If you could whitelist him maby. Here's what his app would look like.

Ingame Name: Drewofand134 and Digitalshockz (2 accounts)
Age: 18
Experience with Mods: Never played mods before, Have installed them a few times but never really played them.
favorite mod and why?:Umm...
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Say who now?
Ingame Name: SecretChaos
Age: 22
Experience with Mods: Yeah i lot i come from tekkit so i know my mods and i always follow DW season 3 server play so i know most mods very well
favorite mod and why?: I cant really choose i love redpower for the advanced piping you can do with it. And the Frames stuff to make awesome things (too bad its not ready yet) but i totally love Buildcraft and forestry for all the things added to the game.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: Also hard to choose Slowpoke made FTB possible so he is the obvious choise but Direwolf is the reason i started playing mods.
Ingame Name: SlaskoCZ
Experience with Mods: i played sience 1.8.1 with IC2 BC RP
favorite mod and why?: pff I love all technic mod if i must choose one it will be IC2. Why i choose this ... it have machines for doubling ores and tons of things like armor, mining drill
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? For first two term Direwolf20 and next Slowpoke101
Ingame Name: minepro2001
Age: 11
Experience with Mods: i have a lot of experience with mods, mainly computercraft and buildcraft.
favorite mod and why?: my favorite mod has to be computercraft just because of the amount of possibilities it adds and how easy it is to use.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? defiantly direwolf for so much but it is to much to be listed her​
Ingame Name:Falloutcarater
Experience with Mods:Yes all kinds of mods everything to ic2 to Rp2
favorite mod and why?:IC2 is the first mod that i installed and liked to this day
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf Showed me the world of mods HE GOT MY VOTE
i think he missed mine or something[DOUBLEPOST=1353549166][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ingame Name:doidleman53
Experience with Mods:I have had really good experience with tekkit and technic but I have made my way down to getting into making my own collaborations of mods for myself to use in ssp.
favorite mod and why?:My favorite mod would be buildcraft because I really like the automated building and the fact that I can complete more done with other mods without having to go mining every 5 minutes.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?slowpoke is a boss and deserves to be president and prime minister and congress.
Same. otherwise I just lost all the stuff I just made.
dont worry, the ages will be reseted only when redpower / thumcraft / XYcraft is been added so for now your good.
but no one knows when it will happend so be quick about transfuring your stuff! XP[DOUBLEPOST=1353550372][/DOUBLEPOST]oh and i forgot, anyone knows why the server is down? and if so when will it be back up???????????????????
Yeah, I am sure of it also, I was wondering if it on my end :)
SP is fun and all but it is more fun with other people
Thanks for the heads up
its been down since noon today so... several good hours and it was quit spontanius..... I NEED MY FTB!!!!!![DOUBLEPOST=1353557585][/DOUBLEPOST]oh! and btw guys, if you are direwolf20 fans, then i am preaty sure they play on 1.4 WITH redpower. so i don't see why its not being relisd to the puplic yet.... :/
its been down since noon today so... several good hours and it was quit spontanius..... I NEED MY FTB!!!!!![DOUBLEPOST=1353557585][/DOUBLEPOST]oh! and btw guys, if you are direwolf20 fans, then i am preaty sure they play on 1.4 WITH redpower. so i don't see why its not being relisd to the puplic yet.... :/

because eloraam is still adding/fixing stuff.