Does Ender Quarry work with Buildcraft pipes?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Portland, Oregon
The setup would be identical for ender quarry, just switch the quarry block.
It doesn't work. The Ender Quarry does not accept pipes. I'd need a wooden transport pipe, a redstone engine and a lever to make it work with buildcraft pipes, as posted earlier.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could ditch one of those pieces itemduct to make it more compact.

Hang the trashcan and the tesseract on the same piece of duct off of the buffer chest and filter on their inputs instead of on the chest output.

Of course if your enderquarry is going faster than one itemduct can pull from the chest this wouldn't work very well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It doesn't work. The Ender Quarry does not accept pipes.
Oops, it seems you're right on that. I couldn't find much different solution to it so i tried Extra Utilities aswell, be it the quarry is from that mod too. I have transfer node receiving items and filter pipe sending cobblestone yellow pipe, and dirt on white. I was observing ME system made on creative world and only ores were coming in there.
void quarry.png


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah nice. Got it to work, check it out. I am still going to advocate that we get these to be able to have direct hookups from other mods' pipes. The old Diamond/Void pipe worked a treat in the past, making super compact setups for me. Having to carry many things now over just a couple things sucks.

Let's count the items!

Quarry setup:
1 Quarry
1 Redstone Torch
3 Land Marks
3 Angel Blocks
A few cobble
1 Diamond Pipe
1 Void Pipe
1 Tesseract
1 Ender Chest

Now we need:
1 Ender Quarry
2 Itemducts
2 Servos
1 Crescent Hammer
1 Trash Can
1 Chest
Tons of fence (5+ stacks depending on size)
1 Tesseract

I dunno, it just doesn't feel "compact" any longer. On a server I used to play on I made Quarry kits! They were super simple, and I included a note card with how to set it up simply. Anyway, yeah now it just seems like a lot more work. I like the way the Ender Quarry mines in a much superior way (I don't have to dump water in the center any longer) but I dislike all the hassle of setting it up.
You're not wrong, but to me it illustrates why the lagmonster 3000 Buildcraft Quarry was badly unbalanced. Something so powerful should take a bit to set up. As you progress a bit further, you can easily void the cobble on the receiving end (or throw it in a DSU), making the set up just the quarry and tesseract. And fences...stupid fences. I'll give you that part is a bit ridiculous. I'm hopeful he comes up with a better way to set the quarry boundary. My thought would be the ability to upgrade the quarry (probably expensively) to set the boundary via a gui. But whatever, I've got wood for days, and placing them is a fairly simple matter with turtles.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why not just setup the quarry, and rather than voiding all the stuff, just put it in deep storage units? It makes it much easier :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Best ender quarry setup is just the quarry touching an item/energy tesseract. Filter out the cobble on the receiving side, or just throw it into a DSU. You're going to need a lot of cobble anyway if you want to make a Deep Dark portal, or for a bunch of other things. (I made a turtle to set up the fence ring for it, to remove the most annoying part of setup.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally, I'd recommend just setting the tesseract on top of the quarry and do your sorting at the receiving end similar to the image I've attached. You could set the garbage can right next to the itemduct, install a servo and set it to whitelist, accepting only cobble (or any other blocks you want to discard). As it would be the closest location that would accept cobble, that's where it would all go and no more itemducts are needed. Don't think you can get much more compact than that.

IMO, the advantage to sorting at the receiving side rather than right at the quarry is you don't have to re-set it up every time you move the quarry - in the case of the ender quarry, you set up your fence, place the quarry and tesseract and off you go.
