Do you build interesting automated things too?

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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
True enough, but this one was intended as a Rube Goldberg machine.

Me, I automated Bauxite Processing back in ultimate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I invented this contraption to solve my early to mid-game energy problems. I am NOT going to tell you how it works or what it automates; instead, try to figure it out from the pictures!

Hint: The mods used are RotaryCraft, Thaumcraft, and Buildcraft (with Additional Pipes).







Nova Sol

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It would help if I had any idea what the various RC machines and the Additional Pipes... pipes do in the first place. I've never used AP, so that's a problem, and the only time I used RC was when I tried to learn to enjoy it almost a year ago, so I don't recognize any of the textures. I didn't succeed at liking it, by the way. But I DO recognise a golem harvesting sugarcane.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hmmmm is it to waste time on? or is it for using up your hard earned materials?
Nope, though considering the time it took to make, that's probably not far off from the truth. :p

It would help if I had any idea what the various RC machines and the Additional Pipes... pipes do in the first place. I've never used AP, so that's a problem, and the only time I used RC was when I tried to learn to enjoy it almost a year ago, so I don't recognize any of the textures. I didn't succeed at liking it, by the way. But I DO recognise a golem harvesting sugarcane.

The only Additional Pipes pipe used is the Distribution pipe, which can distribute items according to a specified ratio (in my system, for example, 1 sugar cane goes to the Alchemical Furnace for every 7 that don't). The most important RotaryCraft machine in this is the Fermenter, though the auto crafter and composter are also used.

Nova Sol

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Based on your information and a bit of reading on a wiki I will guess... Ethanol crystals?

EDIT: I'd say ninja'd, but that's a bit late. Meh, at least everybody came to the same conclusion.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll stick my guess in spoilers. No point in ruining it for others.

Its a sugar and dirt factory- needed for ethonol production.
But the clever thing is you've routed some sugar back around to make herba(??) which powers some thaumic magic to bump up sugar growth.

Based on your information and a bit of reading on a wiki I will guess... Ethanol crystals?

EDIT: I'd say ninja'd, but that's a bit late. Meh, at least everybody came to the same conclusion.

You guys got it - it's an Ethanol factory. The sugar cane does get routed around, but not to the furnace - for that I have a Distribution pipe set up to feed it 1/8 of the initial harvest. Any sugar cane that reaches the second fermenter when it's full gets rerouted to the composter to be turned into dirt; the only reason that the fermenter would ever be full is if there's no yeast, and if there's no yeast it means there's no dirt. (If it's because of a lack of sugar, I have the Sugar:Sludge ratio wrong.) The end result:

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Nova Sol

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You guys got it - it's an Ethanol factory. The sugar cane does get routed around, but not to the furnace - for that I have a Distribution pipe set up to feed it 1/8 of the initial harvest. Any sugar cane that reaches the second fermenter when it's full gets rerouted to the composter to be turned into dirt; the only reason that the fermenter would ever be full is if there's no yeast, and if there's no yeast it means there's no dirt. (If it's because of a lack of sugar, I have the Sugar:Sludge ratio wrong.) The end result:

Where's all the blaze powder coming from?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where's all the blaze powder coming from?

Forgot about that; it's coming from a plain old, boring Blaze Farm. I have them both outputting to the same chest so that I can easily fuel my Performance Engines (which require both Ethanol and Blaze Powder).

Nova Sol

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Forgot about that; it's coming from a plain old, boring Blaze Farm. I have them both outputting to the same chest so that I can easily fuel my Performance Engines (which require both Ethanol and Blaze Powder).
I don't even know what kind of chest that is, but consider making two resonant caches instead. Stores way, and I mean WAY more. DSUs are also an option.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't even know what kind of chest that is, but consider making two resonant caches instead. Stores way, and I mean WAY more. DSUs are also an option.

It's a Diamond Chest from Iron Chests - I'm using a custom modpack that doesn't have Resonant Caches or DSUs, so this is my best option.

Nova Sol

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's a Diamond Chest from Iron Chests - I'm using a custom modpack that doesn't have Resonant Caches or DSUs, so this is my best option.
Really? I don't remember them being that large. Then again, I don't really use Iron Chests much beyond getting a better cooler with it. Multi-page chests are the way I roll, though they're a mess to move without pistons.

Funky Ghost

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love to automate. A simple exp farm I made in my last play through.

1 Harvester from MFR
1 Chest
1 Autonomous activator
3 exp drains ( You could use one but I liked to see the exp arc into the drain instead of bounce off glass or a wall. )
Transport pipes of choice ( I used ender io for this )

(optional is 9 Lilipads of Fertility from Xenos reliquary to infinitely speed up the process ( I used 25 :p )

It's fed into a tank set up with an exp drain and shower.

It's powered by the main base power fed in.



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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another one.

In my world, I've been getting into Eldritch and Ichor stuff in Thaumcraft, so of course Warp has started becoming a problem. The solution? Build a giant, probably overly complex contraption to make Sanitizing Soap, of course!


This is where it starts. Empty bottles get loaded into the iron chest to be put into a Dynamism Tablet set to right-click them on an Everfull Urn, thus filling them with water. An Empty Golem then takes them to the first set of Brewing Stands, to be pictured shortly. (In my modpack, this is the ONLY way I could find to fill bottles with water. And I tried a lot of different things before finding this.)


A small melon and netherwart farm; the netherwart is harvested with RoC fans and the melons with pistons; they are blown (via fans) down to the end and into a Hungry Chest. The piston is to push the melons in.


The water bottles get sent to the first pair of brewing stands to be made into awkward potions; those are sent to the second pair. Meanwhile, Netherrack is sent from a Boring Machine in the Nether to a Rock Melter (The machine in the bottom left) to be turned into lava, which gets sent to a Drying Bed to be turned into gold nuggets. Those get sent to an autocrafer to get combined with the melons. The resulting Glistering Melons get sent to the second pair of brewing stands to be turned into Healing Potions. They then get sent to the third pair of brewing stands to be enhanced with Glowstone.


The aforementioned autocrafter; I use the RoC one because it can hold multiple recipes at once.


Netherrack from the Nether bore also gets sent to the Infernal Furnace to be smelted into Nether Bricks, which get sent to the autocrafter to be turned into Nether Brick blocks. These get sent back to the furnace to be smelted again into Nether Stone from Railcraft.


Now, I know the essentia tubes look wildly complex, but bear with me. Remember the Healing Potions? They get melted down in the furnace on the left into Sano and Praecantatio, as well as Aqua as a byproduct which gets sent to a Void Jar. The Sano is one of the ingredients for the soap; the Praecantatio is needed to make the magic tallow required. The left furnace also processes Ender Pearls (from an Enderman farm) into Alienis (another soap ingredient), Iter (gets centrifuged to make a bit of extra Ordo), and Praecantatio (to supplement the potions). The furnace on the right smelts down the Nether Blocks into Ignis (for the Furnace), Terra (voided), and, most importantly, Ordo, which is needed for the soap. The setup with the nether stone was actually added retroactively, and the factory will technically work without it, but just be aware that Ordo will be the bottleneck as the centrifuges simply do not make enough Ordo from the Iter. The right furnace also smelts down paper (made with some Sugar Cane diverted from the Ethanol factory); normally it would only make Cognitio, but because RoC adds a recipe for paper that requires a Water Bucket, it also makes Metallum and Aqua. Yes, I know I could use the Metallum to make free iron, but I consider that an exploit, so they're both just voided.


The "giant Alchemical Construct" (because admit it, it does look like a giant one of those) from the back. The void jar at the Sano output is to provide a buffer and take care of any excess. I'm okay with wasting essentia because I have copious amounts of all of the ingredients.


The giant Alchemical Construct from another angle; you can sort of see the centrifuges. Basically, Iter gets turned into Terra (byproduct) and Motus, and then the Motus is turned into Aer (byproduct) and Ordo. The Transvector Interface in the back is linked to the Thaumatorium and is the input for Rotten Flesh to be turned into tallow. I try not to think too hard about how I'm essentially cleaning my body and mind with the flesh of undead humans.

The only thing that is NOT automated in this is fuel for the Alchemical Furnaces; for that I'll probably cheap out and copy Dire's method of automating Alumentum.

This thing. Took me. So long. To get working. But at the same time, I had a blast building it; making these Rube Goldberg-like devices is the what I ultimately play modded Minecraft for.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it would drive me crazy having anything like that in my base. Thats the fun of it. Besides, i feel like thats where EnderIO really shines