Disabled most tecnical mods except redpower. Can't find copper or tin.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing DW20, and there's so much tecnical stuff that I'll never use, so I made a new world after disabling almost half of the tecnical mods in the package. However, I wanted to keep Redpower2 due to the various world gen stuff, as well as the project tables and sickles.
I now find myself wanting to try my hands at the beginner-tech stuff of Redpower, but I can't find any copper or tin in the world.

I've heard that some overlapping ores from certain mods were disabled. So I wonder, is it possible to re-enable the generation of Redpower copper and tin in the world? And if it is, how do I do it?

Thanks in advance :)
Yes, Thermal expansion is normally in charge of ore spawning.

if you disable thermal expansion you need to indicate redpower to spawn its ores, by editing the redpower config file.

They will only spawn in newly generated chunks or new worlds tho.
Does RP even use copper or tin though? I know some of it's recipes you can use different ores, but I don't think it requires those.
Redpower uses copper and tin to make brass, and generates them for this purpose. As mentioned, you'll need to edit the redpower config file if you want copper and tin to spawn when not using Thermal Expansion.
Thanks guys :)

Generating new chunks won't be a problem with Mystcraft. Although, the arcane bore has caused some strange lag when used in Mystcraft ages, so I'll probably have to dig manually. Although, I already have some tin and copper due to Thaumcraft's alchemy.
Why are you playing with RP2 and not the rest of the technical mods?

Are you adding RP to a magical world install or something like that? or you just dont like them?

If its the latter and you havent tried thermal expansion i suggest you do so. IC2, etc are very different, but TE is very in-game-like, almost as much as RP.
The main reason I'm getting into the RP2 tech stuff is due to the sorting machine. I've currently got a Thaumcraft3 golem-based sorting system, which is inefficient due to the low amount of inventory slots they have, and also the little buggers keep bumping into eachother, slowing the process down.
I've tried some of the Thermal expansion stuff from DW20's let's play series, but I don't feel that I need it. Perhaps I'll get to that once I grow tired of the stuff I already have.
Well, just so you know, as long as you don't use them, they wouldn't bother you, but if you ever wanted to use those mods, you could easily start with them.

You could even tell NEI to show only the mods you have interest in.

Most of the mods add very little to the world generation, so I have trouble understanding why disable them, when it's so much harder to add them back in later, needing to generate new chunks to find the 1 or 2 ores types you need and such.

I guess it's based on preference, so I can't quite tell you what to do, but just know that NEI can be configured ingame to hide blocks and items from most mods in the packs from its list.
(plus, barrels^^)
Well, just so you know, as long as you don't use them, they wouldn't bother you, but if you ever wanted to use those mods, you could easily start with them.

You could even tell NEI to show only the mods you have interest in.

Most of the mods add very little to the world generation, so I have trouble understanding why disable them, when it's so much harder to add them back in later, needing to generate new chunks to find the 1 or 2 ores types you need and such.

I guess it's based on preference, so I can't quite tell you what to do, but just know that NEI can be configured ingame to hide blocks and items from most mods in the packs from its list.
(plus, barrels^^)

I can't speek for the OP but I personally got completely sick of getting railcraft crap in loot chests.
I will never use that mod and I got tired of loot from it taking up space in loot chests. The same with the other mods I know I won't use.
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You can individually control the frequency of every single item that Railcraft can add to dungeon loot, down to outright disabling it.

Or, you could, you know, disable Railcraft in the launcher. It takes all of four mouse clicks...
You can individually control the frequency of every single item that Railcraft can add to dungeon loot, down to outright disabling it.

Or, you could, you know, disable Railcraft in the launcher. It takes all of four mouse clicks...

Apparently you skipped the part of the discussion where the OP said they disabled all the tech mods but 1 and slay_mithos said to leave them in and turn off nei for those mods. I returned with I disabled those mods I won't use simple because I'm sick of the loot getting stuck in chests.


Both the op and myself already disabled the mods we don't want, hence the reason the op made the post.
I dunno how you guys live without increased ore output. Life is too short to spend 3/4 of your freetime in a game branch mining at multiple levels.

Although I guess the latest rev of Thaumcraft helps address this somewhat. Branch mining with the new pickaxe means you don't have to dig nearly as much.
I dunno how you guys live without increased ore output. Life is too short to spend 3/4 of your freetime in a game branch mining at multiple levels.

Although I guess the latest rev of Thaumcraft helps address this somewhat. Branch mining with the new pickaxe means you don't have to dig nearly as much.

I do use TE and BC and forestry. I just won't use ic or any mods dependant on it or related to it. Also any minecart related mods or stupid stuff like portal gun mods.
I was just explaining why I disable mods instead of just turning off mods in nei.
You can individually control the frequency of every single item that Railcraft can add to dungeon loot, down to outright disabling it.

Or, you could, you know, disable Railcraft in the launcher. It takes all of four mouse clicks...
What? And lose all the free steel? :-)