Whitelist Server Direwolf20 (v1.0.14) (mcv1.6.4)| 24/7 | Community | Small Server | Whitelist | No Banned Items |

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord

Keith Purcell

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This server is going to be just like the Mindcrack FTB server.
This server will be community based-everyone will know each other.
This server does not have any banned items and will stay like that-trust is key.
This server will be legitimate-everyone is equal, nothing is built in creative mode.
And so on...

No griefing.
Dont be annoying.
Not much more to say...

To apply for this server or to ask any questions you may have contact me; [email protected] (skype) or email me [email protected]

Fill out this application (copy and paste);

Why you want to join this server?
How active will you be?

P.S accepting 10+ apps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why you want to join this server:looking to get back into FTB after quite a long break and im looking for a small/new server to join in to
How active will you be:depends on how i feel but normally an hour or 2 a day sometimes long streaks of high activity and low activity


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why you want to join this server:looking to get back into FTB after quite a long break and im looking for a small/new server to join in to
How active will you be:depends on how i feel but normally an hour or 2 a day sometimes long streaks of high activity and low activity*****.

I'm going to whitelist you! Just before you join I need to go over a couple of things with you just send me and email or add me on skype!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign: TekkyGud
Age: 14
Why you want to join this server: Looking for a small community in which I can build as well as share with others. I have played minecraft for 4 years now and I have been playing with mods since before the FTB Launcher was released, back when tekkit was more popular. So I have a good understanding of the mods and their capabilities. I can provide any information to newer players as well as help them and also provide a community workshop where new players can come to use machines and share items.
How active will you be: Depends on what I am doing and how I am feeling, Usually: Weekdays 3-4hrs, Weekends 16+hrs (Total)

Thanks, Tekky


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign: TekkyGud
Age: 14
Why you want to join this server: Looking for a small community in which I can build as well as share with others. I have played minecraft for 4 years now and I have been playing with mods since before the FTB Launcher was released, back when tekkit was more popular. So I have a good understanding of the mods and their capabilities. I can provide any information to newer players as well as help them and also provide a community workshop where new players can come to use machines and share items.
How active will you be: Depends on what I am doing and how I am feeling, Usually: Weekdays 3-4hrs, Weekends 16+hrs (Total)

Thanks, Tekky

I'm going to whitelist you! Buy first I just quickly need to go over some stuff with you. Just add me on or send me an email!



Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2013
Ign? 016Nojr
Age? 13
Why you want to join this server? I want to join this because i want to be in a small community where people dont just grief everybody and take all the stuff
How active will you be? I will play a few hours every day except mondays


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign: mcdaniel89
Age: 15
Why you want to join this server: I`m search for good server to play and have fun with other players.
How active will you be: I play minecraft 4 to 5 hours and everyday.

Cory Morgan

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign?: lazycory12
Age?: 15

Why you want to join this server?: I enjoy playing on FTB, and I'm looking for a nice server where everyone can play alongside each other and not be afraid to visit now and again. I really enjoy group activities on servers also. I've played FTB for a long time now, I've completed maps countless times and automated a LOT! I'm also a good guide if you need assistance with something that I'm aware of (mod-wise), so if you need anything I'll always be there to help!

How active will you be?: I'll play whenever possible, which is usually about 3-6 hours a day.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hallo my Ign is jartim5.
i'm 15 years old.
the reason i want to join the server is that i'm starting to get bored with many other games like BF4, and wantede to start playing FTB again, and try not to let it take over my life one more time sice that was what happen last time i joined on a server. i have be looking for a server that is going to be a small community and very aktive. even tho i'm maybe a little rusty at FTB i have a good understanding of almost all the mods in the pack, but dont ask me about computercraft xD
the time i'm to put in to the server is going to be maybe 1-10 hours a day ist all up to if i have school or not.
i'm very sorry for my bad spelling but being danish and having a speling disorder is not easy ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age? 15
Why you want to join this server? Well because I love playing modded Minecraft, I played it for so long and the singleplayer is getting a bit booring. Servers oftenly have communities and I'd like to join one. Why? Well live can be too booring some times, and communities are the best way to get entertained, right?
How active will you be? As most as I can be, around 3 hours during the week but more on weekends.

Keith Purcell

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign?: lazycory12
Age?: 15

Why you want to join this server?: I enjoy playing on FTB, and I'm looking for a nice server where everyone can play alongside each other and not be afraid to visit now and again. I really enjoy group activities on servers also. I've played FTB for a long time now, I've completed maps countless times and automated a LOT! I'm also a good guide if you need assistance with something that I'm aware of (mod-wise), so if you need anything I'll always be there to help!

How active will you be?: I'll play whenever possible, which is usually about 3-6 hours a day.

Lazycory, im going to whitelist you! First, I just need to go over some stuff with you whenever you're available! Just email me or add me on skype and I will speak to you as soon as I can !


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Marxtai
Age 19
Why do you want to join I've been looking for a friendly, community-based servers where people work on project together. I've been playing FTB for a while but I struggle to find servers with active and mature people to hang out with. Your server looks great, I like the community aspect and also the fact that every member will be on an equal level, and that everything will be made in Survival mode.
How active will you be I typically play FTB a few hours a day, more on weekend days and nights. I'm playing a good variety of games, but always find some time for Minecraft!

Looking forward to playing with you!

Keith Purcell

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Marxtai
Age 19
Why do you want to join I've been looking for a friendly, community-based servers where people work on project together. I've been playing FTB for a while but I struggle to find servers with active and mature people to hang out with. Your server looks great, I like the community aspect and also the fact that every member will be on an equal level, and that everything will be made in Survival mode.
How active will you be I typically play FTB a few hours a day, more on weekend days and nights. I'm playing a good variety of games, but always find some time for Minecraft!

Looking forward to playing with you!

Marxtai im going to whitelist you! First, I just need to go over some stuff with you. just add me on skype or email me and Ill go over it with you.

Keith Purcell

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hallo my Ign is jartim5.
i'm 15 years old.
the reason i want to join the server is that i'm starting to get bored with many other games like BF4, and wantede to start playing FTB again, and try not to let it take over my life one more time sice that was what happen last time i joined on a server. i have be looking for a server that is going to be a small community and very aktive. even tho i'm maybe a little rusty at FTB i have a good understanding of almost all the mods in the pack, but dont ask me about computercraft xD
the time i'm to put in to the server is going to be maybe 1-10 hours a day ist all up to if i have school or not.
i'm very sorry for my bad spelling but being danish and having a speling disorder is not easy ;)

Im going to whitelist you! First, I just need to go over some stuff with you whenever you're available! Just email me or add me on skype and I will speak to you as soon as I can !

Lucas Lenke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign: PressToPlayLP
Age: 17
Why you want to join this server: Because i have a lot of fun playing minecraft for a long time and im just looking for people, i can play with.
How active will you be? I play everyday like 4 hours. Sometimes more :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign? Musars
Age? 18
Why you want to join this server? Looking for great nongrief-community
How active will you be? I can play about 40 hours a week.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign? AGift96
Why you want to join this server?Want to join a nice community i can play with
How active will you be? 3-4 times a week or whenever i dont work


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ign: CGasper
Age: 17
Why you want to join this server: Join a community with nice people, know'em, build some thing, aaaand maybe have some fun. :)
How active will you be: Well, I'm studing on the morming and working at night, but i can play, hm, 1 or 2 ~ hrs everyday, at least.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Skidd2
Why do you want to join this server: I want to play with a few other people on a small FTB community server, so I can do some kind of community build, and possibly start a LP or server play... Dw20 Kinda inspired me to :p his vids are awesome!
How active will you be: most often on in the evenings, CST: usually 4-8pm M-F weekends maybe a bit more, but that depends on life... give or take, its not set in stone.

And a little bit more info, just cause: I've been playing since.... um... I want to say 1.3 beta? I think a bit earlier, but I honestly don't remember. never much into servers, but I did try way back when on vanilla. Got into mods when the yogscast got into tekkit, then followed to FTB, then found Dw20, and immediately started playing on his stuff. (he plays modded MC so much better then the YC guys)