Whitelist Server ][Direwolf20 Server ][White-Listed][

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I think for a good community build we should create a metropolis with many sections for each mod instead of one metropolis for power and machines. Each mod will be implemented into this build but I believe that the most implemented mod will be Redpower 2 because the entire metropolis will be made out of a lot of microblocks. I think we should make a nice separate area for UU-Matter production that only some players can enter because there'll be a password to get in to the area using Computer Craft. Also most of the areas which you only get very late in the game should only be allowed for players which have been playing for a certain amount of time. I think that the first people that got whitelisted and are very ahead in the game should be allowed to enter these areas. Also I think that mods/admins should also be allowed in these particular areas. Another thing are plots in the metropolis for shops that players themselves can create and sell what they want to sell. Also a fun room should be implemented where there are indestructible blocks and mining lasers, so it is like laser tag, and games with teams and free for all games as well. I have many more ideas that I think I can't write all of them. Thank you for reading!
InGame Name: _Wolve_
First/Preferred Name: Brock
Age: 14
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned From I have been banned Twice for odd reasons - one was pranking the owner on a whitelisted server and was banned doing so, the other was on a server when I was building a pogata and every one was banned under the term *fag* the other times were when I was playing on my friend server and we were having fun
Experience With FTB Packs: I have played Yogcraft - Mindcrack pack - and the ultimate pack I know all the little tricks but I noticed that the biggest difference was there is no greg tech in this mod pack!
Describe a Past Build I have built a few maps - Pigu Karto 2 and the cluster on Planetminecraft - I also have a youtube channel www.youtube.com/stopdog10 I also know Arabman132 Crazy and techstonegaming
InGame Name:Jonnyd93
First/Preferred Name: Jonny
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned From I have been banned from a few servers, A lot of them were yelling at an admin for abusing his powers(Teleported to me and killed me), others were about the same.
Experience With FTB Packs: I do play Direwolf20 pack, the ultimate pack and the Mine-crack pack but i never found it much fun playing alone.
Describe a Past Build - I created a fully functional factory on Direwolf20 pack. The factory had a tree farm, that I used to create build craft and Industial craft power. Completely Renewable, Natural Resource. The factory had a huge tower in the center and also had branches breaking off from it. Never got to finish it tho ): got too lonely
InGame Name: DiamondMan528
First/Preferred Name: Diamond
Age: 13
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned: No
Experience With FTB Packs: Yes
Describe a Past Build: Build Many Factories
InGame Name:Giratina548
First/Preferred Name:James
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Y
Have You Ever Been Banned From:No
Experience With FTB Packs:have bean playing ftb since it came out but still have allot to learn.
Describe a Past Build: Love making very advanced systems with redstone,redpower bc3 and most of the mods in ftb.
InGame Name:galant22
First/Preferred Name:justin
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide by them [Y/m]
Have You Ever Been Banned:no
Experience With FTB Packs: Played most of them and understand a lot of the mods
Describe a past build:I like to make mage towers and sometimes build factorys
InGame Name: GreatWilson
First/Preferred Name: Mike
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Y
Have You Ever Been Banned From : NO
Experience With FTB Packs:1 year or so, but still im learing some mods( thats why i want to play :) )
Describe a Past Build - i m not rly designer i m just tech guy, like playing with mods and building some machines.
InGameName: Bayman27
First/Preferred Name:Bailey
Do you understand the rules and abide by them[Y/N] Y
Have you ever been banned from: No
Experience with FTB packs: yes I do but I'm just now starting to play the DW20 pack
Describe a past build: It was a big castle with a nether rack roof and a gleaming tower over seeing the land around it. On the side of the walls was a mosaic of lapis and gold blocks entertwning. A beautiful red and black carpet in the hallways with the note block walls. A Throne room with a chandelier hanging over flags of different nations. And in the back a bountiful garden with with water fountains and a beautiful mountain backdrop build by hand.
InGameName: 2122000nrm
First/Preferred Name: Nick/212/nrm
Do you understand the rules and abide by them[Y/N] Y
Have you ever been banned from: No
Experience with FTB packs: I have a lot of experience especially Applied Energistics, IC2, TE, and forestry.
Describe a past build: Deep Underground base with a "Modern Feel" Using microblocks, Marble, Stone slabs, stone bricks, Red stone/bricks, and Basalt Stone/bricks. Had many different sections and had an abundance of power using my creativity by combining nearly 4 mods together.
InGame Name:TrojanHD
First/Preferred Name:Trojan
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Y
Have You Ever Been Banned From No
Experience With FTB Packs:Yes. I've played with the original pack, the mindcrack pack, the ultimate pack and the 1.5.2 beta pack
Describe a Past Build - Love looking at people's artwork so pics are bonus
Pictures say more than wordshttp://imgur.com/FgbUyVV
WhiteList Application
InGame Name: Chopstixninja
First/Preferred Name: Rusty
Age: 17
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: y
Have You Ever Been Banned From A Server: Nope, and i don't plan to either.
Experience With FTB Packs: I also play FTB ultimate and i am on my friends server with that but i want to move onto another server and play on my own and meet new people and help people out as i have a huge knowledge of FTB
InGame Name: Creepers4563
First/Preferred Name: Creeps
Age: 15
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: y
Have You Ever Been Banned From A Server: None so far.Hoping to keep it like that.
Experience With FTB Packs: I played FTB Mindcrack way too much on the last server and I got bored because I got full quantum,gravichest. I'm not that into forestry or CC (learning) but I'm good at thaumcraft and the other basics.
WhiteList Application
InGame Name: mattmatt_3
First/Preferred Name: matt
Age: 14
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned From: No
Experience With FTB Packs: Yogscraft and ultimate
Describe a Past Build - Love looking at people's artwork so pics are bonus ;): i built a nice wooden underground hovel with above grounds multifarms and Animal farms
InGame Name: PanosTG
First/Preferred Name: Panos
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned From: No I have not
Experience With FTB Packs: I have played a good amount of both the mindcrak pack and the ultimate pack but i don't like the whole hard-mode thing. That's why i have sticked with the DireWolf20 pack which I've played the most of!
Describe a Past Build - Love looking at people's artwork so pics are bonus ;): My favourite build I've made is a turtle system that would replace an empty redstone energy cell with a full one. Can't remember the code for it though :P :D

PS. I hope i get accepted to meet a whole new, hopefully nice, community
IGN: Nivil
Preferred Name: Nivil
Age: 20
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned From: I haven't
Experience With FTB Packs: DW20 modpack
Describe a Past Build: Building huge factory using all sorts of mods and automation of farms and crafting.
WhiteList Application
InGame Name:
First/Preferred Name:
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:
Yes, I do. This server has reasonable rules :)
Have You Ever Been Banned From?
No, I haven't
Experience With FTB Packs:
I am familiar with most of the mods, but still have much to learn, and learing is fun!
Describe a Past Build -
Huge wooden hut in a swamp biome.Machines, Nuclear reactor, custom turtle programs, MFFS...