Direwolf20 Mob Grinder Help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, i am making a mob grinder but i want to use the computercraft touchscreene like what was in season 4 episode 12 of direwolf20's server play series. I want to know how to do the coding. I am wondering if anyone has a english tutorial on how to do it. I have asked direwolf20 to make one but he hasnt made one yet.

It would be really great if someone could make one.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude, that's for programming turtles!! In talking about the touch screen! Watch dire's server play series season 4 episode 12. What I want to know Is the programming for the touch screen!!! There are no tutorials at all for it! That is why I am asking!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude, that's for programming turtles!! In talking about the touch screen! Watch dire's server play series season 4 episode 12. What I want to know Is the programming for the touch screen!!! There are no tutorials at all for it! That is why I am asking!

Give these videos a look and tell me if they help (listed in order of usefulness in my opinion):

Good luck!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They didn't really help PLUS the last one was in a diff language. FYI, I'm not looking for a video to teach me computer craft, I'm looking for a video which is a tutorial on how to make the mob grinder which direwolf20 did in server play series season 4 episode 12.

Why does everyone just send me vids that teach u CC when I'm looking for a tutorial on how to make a grinder (using CC touchescreens of course)?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is the same as teaching any language. Without the basics, you can't do much of the advanced stuff, and manipulating both the touchscreen portions, and gui's aren't simple.

From your posts, what you are wanting is a template, with the processing already done, into which you can plug button labels and positions. To the best of my (admittedly limited) knowledge, the closest to this is the code DW20 wrote (which he said he would pastebin. Don't know whether he did or not).

Asking how to do something advanced with one of the programming languages, and raging when they point you to the background isn't going to help anyone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude, I am just asking for a video which goes through the whole process of making the grinder so I can follow along with the vid. I don't want to learn everything about cc I just want to learn how to make the grinder. So I ask again, does anyone know where I can watch a video which shows you how to make the grinder that dire made?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What you have to do is simple.

When you touch the screen it activates a redstone signal to turn the spawner on/off. The hard bit is the code, that's where learning some basic computer craft comes in. Just copying what someone else has done isn't the way to learn at all, especially if you make a mistake, you won't know how to solve it.

If you really just want the code, I believe DW did pastebin the code in that episode on camera and left the code on screen for you to copy, but unless you have some sort of basic understanding of the code, you might not be able to modify it to your needs. So again, learning some basic programming is going to help you, it is only going to benefit you in the long run and really, it isn't that hard to grasp it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For those who said i need to know the basics, i do, kinda, but i dont really need to know much if i want to add another mob to the list.....