Whitelist Server DireWolf20 24/7 server

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Should Biomes O'plenty be enabled?

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1. IGN = F4LK5
2. Favorite FTB mod = Considering the vast number of mods in Feed The Beast its hard to say, but lately XyCraft (sadly not up to date)
3. Time per average week you will be available = I spend most of my free time gaming, this will be split between Minecraft and EVE Online
4. Are you 15 or older? Yes
5. I love playing with a group, it adds more 'real feel' to it, that social aspect. It also adds a healthy competitiveness to the game, striving to out do others not just in power, but also innovation.
1. In game name: kazuyakevin
2. favorite FTB mod: I cant decide between Applied energestics and Minefactory reloaded. I actually like every mod ;)
3. time per average week you will be available: Everyday like 2 or 3 hours.
4. are you 15 or older? (a yes/no will suffice, but if you want to put your age you can): 19
5. a brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything): I am pretty known at almost every mod in de direwolf20 modpack. I really want to help people with they're projects and questions.

I am sorry for not having a screenshot of my awesome builds, i forgot it all the times ;)
1. In game name:Roam_
2. favorite FTB mod:Thuamcraft.
3. time per average week you will be available:Right now about 1-4 Hours a day, but when i head to college it will be different.
4. are you 15 or older? (a yes/no will suffice, but if you want to put your age you can)17
5. a brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything)I get along with everyone like to help in general. I get told im alot more mature for my age.
Bonus: link or post a picture of your favorite FTB build (doesn't have to be technical, I appreciate aesthetics) Im self concious about my buildings so i prefer not show them :) i will when they are finished though.
Just to clarify, the server isn't broken, the pack is, once the DW20 pack gets fixed, the server will be ready within minutes. Also a message will be sent to all those accepted with the IP and general rules once the server is ready. I want to start as badly as you do, but I don't see a point in starting a world that's going to be erased within a week or so
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Reactions: Naphets8
Favourite Mod: Im may seem wierd but Twilight Forest I love he questing feel
Time Probably on everyday unless vacation
I am 15 nearly 16
5 Im kind forgiving and love helping others and myself
1. In game name: Dalabad
2. favorite FTB mod: Applied Energistics
3. time per average week you will be available: 1-10 hours a day
4. are you 15 or older? 20+
5. a brief description of yourself: I love playing with people from around the world. Building in a team and hanging out on a teamspeak server with lots of nice people are the things i'm looking for.

btw: I was also searching for a server with a forgecraft-like atmosphere :)
1. In game name ¦ monkeybee11
2. favorite FTB mod ¦ 50/50 between portal gun and computercraft
3. time per average week you will be available ¦ random :P ftb is not the only game me play
4. are you 15 or older? (a yes/no will suffice, but if you want to put your age you can) ¦ want to keep is screct :( sry
5. a brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything) ¦ autistic dislexa a.d.d ...so ya dont exspect maturerty
Bonus: link or post a picture of your favorite FTB build (doesn't have to be technical, I appreciate aesthetics) gonna add a link when monkey has an idea what to build :P
1. In game name : NovaFruit
2. favorite FTB mod: Thaumcraft
3. time per average week you will be available:30 hours
4. are you 15 or older? Yeah
5. a brief description of yourself: I like putting a lot of aesthetics in builds, and am cooperative. I'm kinda' new to FTB, but I have made a load of progress in just a few weeks :p
1. In game name: radattack
2. Favorite FTB mod: Industrial Craft 2
3. Time per average week you will be available: 30 - 35 Hours
4. Are you 15 or older? (a yes/no will suffice, but if you want to put your age you can): Yes
5. A brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything): I'm into the area of architecture and really enjoy games like this that test peoples creativity, I also enjoy playing with other mature players (this sever looks like it has a mature outgoing community).
1. In game name: cyan3
2. favorite FTB mod: GregTech... but tired of it
3. time per average week you will be available: 70-80 h
4. are you 15 or older? (a yes/no will suffice, but if you want to put your age you can) 19 years old.
5. a brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything):i love to automate stuff. everything.(computercraft not so good still learning) And i like to build beautiful houses but, i am not so good at that.
Bonus: link or post a picture of your favorite FTB build (doesn't have to be technical, I appreciate aesthetics)
1. In game name-------- [ Mikara65 ]
2. favorite FTB mod --------- [ Thaumcraft 3 , been on thaumcraft since 2 , I love magic !! ]
3. time per average week you will be available--------- [ I will be on frequently throughtout the day, unemployed ]
4. are you 15 or older? (a yes/no will suffice, but if you want to put your age you can)------ [ YES ]
5. a brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything)-------- [ Cool down to earth mature person, video gamer and such ]
Bonus: link or post a picture of your favorite FTB build (doesn't have to be technical, I appreciate aesthetics)
1. Aeromatt2
2. AE
3. Open for 40+
4. Yes 20+
5. Very active. I don't build for looks at the start. I scrap around then tear down, rebuilding for looks, then scrap and repeat over and over... Once or twice a week I tare down the disorganization to clean up.
1. In game name: Monkey6775
2. favorite FTB mod: Liquids idk Railcraft is pretty cool, AE is impressive to.
3. time per average week you will be available: 1-10 hours in college so random
4. are you 15 or older? YES
5. a brief description of yourself: I like systems they are cool so AE is great.
1. In game name : Mad_Mine
2. favorite FTB mod : AE
3. time per average week you will be available : every day for 2h or more :)
4. are you 15 or older? (a yes/no will suffice, but if you want to put your age you can) i'm 17
5. a brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything) : I can help people when i have a chance :)
1. IGN: Veggetossj
2. favorite FTB mod: THaumcraft 3
3. time per average week you will be available: 2-8h during weekdays, more on weekends.
4. are you 15 or older?: 24
5. a brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything): Cool, mature guy, who hates griefers
1. In game name: Seananners07
2. favorite FTB mod: This one is tough for me... I don't think I've ever worked exclusively with one mod or another. I enjoy being able to bring many of them together and seeing what I can create.
3. time per average week you will be available: I work at Amazon full time so I'll only have a few hours a day to play at the most. Unless it's the weekend in which I do have work. so maybe 5-8 during the week and depending on plans maybe 10 or so on the weekend as well?
4. are you 15 or older? (a yes/no will suffice, but if you want to put your age you can) yes (23)
5. a brief description of yourself (not physical appearance necessarily, just anything) I enjoy playing FTB and I enjoy just creating. I find it rather boring to play by yourself and I like the idea of this being like a forgecraft server. If you're going to play multiplayer then just go 3k blocks out and never talk with people, why play multiplayer? Time to hang out and have some fun :D
1. IGN: JustShika
2. Favorite FTB Mod: Probably AE or recently Tinkers Construct (that thing is SO cool). But it's just because you make me choose one :P
3. Time per average week you will be available: 6-8 maybe more on weekends
4. Are you 15 or older? I'm 20
5. A brief description of yourself: Forgecraft 2 like? That's exactly what I'm looking for! I've been playing FTB since 1.4.7 came out, always on single player worlds or private servers (with friends) and I recently realized that playing alone isn't fun enough, at least for me. I really enjoy it a lot more teaming up with other people and giving/receiving advice from others, so hope my application will fit what you're looking for :D