Hey guys, apologies if this has been talked about somewhere else. I don't get on here very often. My PC set up is: i7-9700k, 16 GB RAM (dedicating 6GB currently to the server), and the server is currently running from an SSD.
I am having issues running my own DW20 server. It's updated to the latest version (1.16.5). It seems the server crashes after running for about an hour or two. The crash logs I get are always "watching server" and "ticking entity." Is anyone else having these issues? If so, how did you fix them? Thanks in advance!
I am having issues running my own DW20 server. It's updated to the latest version (1.16.5). It seems the server crashes after running for about an hour or two. The crash logs I get are always "watching server" and "ticking entity." Is anyone else having these issues? If so, how did you fix them? Thanks in advance!