Direwolf20 1.10 pack changing ore gen rules

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In previous DW20 packs, which all had Thermal Expansion, the ore gen configuration was modified to only spawn TE ore, unless TE does not have the ore, then other mods were allowed to spawn ore. This kept us from having three or four different copper ores etc. The current DW20 pack just added the new TE for 1.10, but I'm still finding IC2 copper, lead and tin in my brand new world.

Is there a reletively easy way to change the ore generation rules to only allow TE ores to spawn for the basics, but still allow Immersive Engineering to spawn bauxite? (examples only. I'd have to look at available ores to figure out which ones I want to limit.)

Edit: Upon closer inspection (I quarried a giant hole in a test world) TE ores don't seem to be spawning at all. Anyone know how to fix this?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*disclaimer* I have not played DW20 since the update

As you already mentioned TE was late to the party for this modpack, so I am guessing that since ore generation was already configured prior to it being added so that is why TE is not spawning any ores. All metals that it needs should be configured in the ore dictionary and the outputs from its machines should be setup. If you really want this you can go into the config file for each mod and disable their ore gen and then go into cofh and enable them. End result you will still have one of each ore just now they will be attributed to a single mod instead of a few. The big drawback to doing this is that you will also have to maintain all those config files on your own going forward.

If you really want TE ores you could switch to the Beyond modpack, you have already mentioned that you are starting a new world...

I imagine if Direwolf20 and SnowShock35 feel this will be a big benefit then we could see these changes in the future. Another guess of mine is that if they want to take advantage of the benefits of using the cofh ore generation configuration they will work all that into at 2.0 release when Thaumcraft also gets added to the pack.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
It takes some time to configure ore gen and not have it to do weird things. Maybe give the pack a version to test? Perhaps try out Beyond in the mean time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It takes some time to configure ore gen and not have it to do weird things. Maybe give the pack a version to test? Perhaps try out Beyond in the mean time.

No kidding. I played around with ore gen and eventually ended up with a world where no ores spawned except Black Quartz and Yellorium. I think configuring those JSON files is a little beyond my skill. I guess I'll give Beyond a shot.