Whitelist Server Direwolf20 (1.0.1) looking for 3 to 6 players for small server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, i am have been looking for a small community to play with and can not seem to find any. If anyone is interested in playing co-op or even as a group of 3 or 4 together on a server please either reply to this thread or message me directly. I would enjoy playing with someone who is experienced with the new and old mods both in the Dire pack. Also some requirements, in the thread or message please state your ign age and time zone you live in.
I'm actually pretty interested!


and I live in the States. East Coast time zone.
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Might be fun to work with someone to speed through some of the more tedious bits and build a cool base. Age 30, ign qidydl, eastern time in the states (usually around in the evenings).
Eh, what the hell. I'm game.

IGN is Tohejam. I am 18, and my timezone is Pacific Standard Time.
Hello, me and my friend would love to play :D

ign me: Henning_B
friends ign: halli_h

Age: 18 for both :D
Timezone: +1 CEST
Hope to see you in game.

Best regards
~Henning B
If your still looking for more players...
I would be interested :)
Age: 17
IGN: kpdoney1
Live in EST timezone
IGN: tonymarcio
AGE: 18
COUNTRY: Ireland.
Fun fact!: My typing speed record on fastfingers is 124wpm! (Words per minute.)

I'd be very interested as well. I also have a roommate who I may be able to convince to join as well.

IGN: Snapplepeach
Age: 21
Timezone: US Pacific