Direwolf Feed The Beast Error Please Help!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For some reason the directory is seen as invalid. I'm not sure why, but the launcher/minecraft is requesting demanding that it be run in admin mode to be able to access the directory. I'm not sure if you will need to do this every time or just once. As for the extra MaxPermSize ensure that you do not have anything in the Additional Parameters of the launcher in the Advanced Options. Click on the Advanced Options button in the Options tab. Also you do not have any Global Variables that might be setting it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I got rid of the MaxPermSize in the advanced options, but I'm not sure how to run it as administrator. I've tried right clicking (there is no option for "run as administrator") and I've also tried going into properties (there is no "compatibility" tab for me to enable "admin").
I'm using Windows Vista if that helps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you using the exe(cutable) or the jar version? If you are using the exe then there should be a Run as... option when you right click on it. Then select an admin user and type in the password. If you are using the jar then I'm not aware of a way to run it as an admin unless you yourself are running as an admin which is not advised.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay now I can verify that you only have the 32bit version of Java installed. Please uninstall all versions of Java and restart your computer. Now install only the x64 version of Java from here then restart your computer again. This will hopefully fix the problem and allow you to allocate more than 1.5GB in the launcher. The new 1.6.4 packs, besides FTB Lite 2, cannot run on 32bit Java/OS. See here for info about that. Please do not forget the restarts.
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