i was waiting for a "finished" release of the dynmap,
cause ive found it not working as intended the
v1.3-alpha-1 for 1.4.6
All the previous versions did not rquire unique id setup, so i dont see why this version should,
i have been running FTB pack A with 1.4.2 dynmap just fine.
He is adding a new version TONIGHT

EDIT / ADD 2 : Just rendered a map on a localhost server running the direpack V2 as is, just extracted the dynmap files, then went ingame typed /dynmap fullrender <enter>
went to localhost:8123 and voila.. it works..
So now im updated my live server, gonna take some time to do a new render,
but ill have it running within an hour, (deleting a old map via filezilla) takes atleast 20mins
but if you want you can check out the map "LATER" at
www.tebt.org and we are running Direwolf20 server V2.